Forth Source Links
Forth: simple games for text terminals
Forth: OpenGL games
Forth: benchmarks
Forth: neural net programs
Forth: fractal programs
- Verhulst' growth model #2 [picture]
- Verhulst' growth model #1 [picture]
- A tree or bush programmed as a Lindenmayer system [picture]
- Star cluster [picture]
- Fractal tennis (random Sierpinski triangle) [picture]
- Koch's snowflake programmed as a Lindenmayer system [picture]
- The letter "H" built from small letter H's [picture]
- The Levy line, conventional [picture]
- The Levy line, with backtracking [picture]
- The Levy line, extremities only [picture]
- A maple leaf, according to Barnsley [picture]
- A Peano-line programmed as a Lindenmayer system [picture]
- A Sierpinski-line programmed as a Lindenmayer system [picture]
- Sierpinski's triangle [picture]
- Julia fractal, integers [picture]
- Julia fractal [picture]
- Filled Julia fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal, integers [picture]
- Mandelbrot fractal, zoomable [picture]
- Mandelbrot fractal, sine function [picture]
- Mandelbrot fractal, sine function, zoomed [picture]
- Mandelbrot fractal, exponential [picture]
- Mandelbrot fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal, sine function [picture]
- Pickover fractal, live 1 [picture]
- Pickover fractal, live 2 [picture]
- Pickover fractal, live 3 [picture]
- Julia fractal, exponential function [picture]
- Julia fractal, cubic function [picture]
- Julia fractal, cells [picture]
- Julia fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal, distance formula [picture]
- Barnley's fern [picture]
- Julia fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal [picture]
- Julia fractal, projection [picture]
- Fractal mountain [picture]
- Vanderwaerden curve [picture]
- Fractal profile [picture]
- 3D Pythagoras tree [picture]
Forth: tools
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