!                   "store"                                           CORE
( x a-addr -- )
Store x at a-addr.
!!                  "do-it"                                           IFORTH
( -- )
This command tells the server to execute the command that has just been send. The server will then execute the command and prepare for sending the results. You need this word when extending the server protocol.
!+                  "store-plus"                                      IFORTH
( x a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Store x at a-addr1 and leave the incremented pointer a-addr2.
!LATEST             "store-latest"                                    IFORTH
( dea -- )
Make the routine identified by the dictionary entry address dea the last routine defined in the wordlist in which new definitions are stored. This wordlist is selected with <wid> SET-CURRENT or with DEFINITIONS .
See also: @LATEST
!TERMINAL           "store-terminal"                                  IFORTH
Historic, not implemented any more in current kernel. ( i1 .. ini no ni fnr -- o1 .. ono ) Not available any more. Used to be the basis of console/terminal related stuff. Now everything is in the kernel and is implemented in an in/output device-dependent way.
"CHAR               "quote-character"                                 IFORTH
( -- addr )
A user variable that holds the delimiter character used by S" , ." etcetera.
'~' "CHAR ! S" "Hello, World!"~ TYPE &" "CHAR !

     "Hello, World!" ok

#                   "number-sign"                                     CORE
( ud1 -- ud2 )
Divide ud1 by the number in BASE giving the quotient ud2 and the remainder n. (n is the least significant digit of ud1). Convert n to external form and add the resulting character to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string. Typically used between <# and #> .
#!                  "sharpbang"                                       IFORTH
( -- )
#! is an alias for \ and -- .
See also: \ --
#>                  "number-sign-greater"                             CORE
( xd -- c-addr u )
Drop xd. Make the pictured numeric output string available as a character string. c-addr and u specify the resulting character string.
#CELLS              "number-sign-cells"                               IFORTH
( chars -- cells )
cells is the minimum amount of cells needed to store chars characters.
#CLINES             "number-sign-c-lines"                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of #CLINES . #CLINES contains the total number of lines compiled since last reset.
See also: #LINES
#CPU                "number-sign-c-p-u"                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of #CPU . #CPU contains the model number of the processor iForth is currently running on. This variable is initialized when iForth boots. #CPU is used to determine which instructions from the assembler are not valid on this processor.
#DCB-SIZE                                                             IFORTH
( -- u )
The size of a device control block. If you want to create a new device driver to be used by the iForth standard in/output words like EMIT, KEY and friends you need the size of such structure. See: SET-IODEVICE MIX-IODEVICES
#LINES              "number-sign-lines"                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of #LINES . #LINES contains the line number of the line from the file that is currently interpreted. The first line of a file is line number 1. If an error occurs in an included file, #LINES points to the offending line.
See also: #CLINES
#LOCALS                                                               IFORTH
#LOCALS is an environment query. It returns the maximum number of local variables in a definition. In iForth no exact answer can be given as local variables are allocated on a special purpose stack. #LOCALS will thus depend on the nesting depth of the definition. The fact that iForth supports both single and double precision FLOCALS further complicates matters.
#PARAMS             "number-of-parameters"                            IFORTH
( -- +n )
The number of command line parameters passed to iForth by the host operating system. The parameter delimiters follow the rules of the host system. Example:
     C:\IFORTH> ith  11 22 33<cr>
( startup messages deleted ...)
FORTH> . . .<cr> 33 22 11 ok ( parameters on the OS command line behave
like you typed them at the prompt)
FORTH> #PARAMS .<cr> 3 ok

See also: 'PARAM
#S                  "number-sign-s"                                   CORE
( ud1 -- ud2 )
Convert one digit of ud1 according to the rule for # . Continue conversion until the quotient is zero. ud2 is zero. Typically used between <# and #> .
#TASK               "number-sign-task"                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of #TASK . #TASK contains an identification number that is unique for each threaded process of the Forth system. The first process that is running on the processor is called the root-process and has the exclusive value 0 stored in this variable.
See also: #THREADS
#THREADS            "threads"                                         IFORTH
( -- n )
n is the number of available threads and callbacks. Each thread has a USER area, stacks and dictionary space. Forth threads are implemented in the kernel, if you want to make use of them use threads.frt
#TIB                "number-t-i-b"                                    CORE
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of #TIB . #TIB contains the number of characters in the text input buffer. A Standard Program may not directly alter the contents of #TIB .
$.dd                "string-dot-d-d"                                  IFORTH
( c-addr u -- )
Shows the tokens contained in the string at c-addr u. This word is a factor of .dd .
        FORTH> : foo  2 3 + 7 AND ;  ok
FORTH> HEAD' foo HEAD> @ idis
$00533780 : foo
$00533786 push $0052C590 d#
$0053378B push #72 b#
$0053378D push $00533740 d#
$00533792 push $0075DAD0 d#
FORTH> $0052C590 72 CR $.dd
2 3 + 7 AND ; ok

See also: .dd =TOKENIZE
$CR                 "string-c-r"                                      IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of $CR . $CR contains the counted string that is displayed by CR . It is operating system dependent.
$PROCESS            "string-process"                                  IFORTH
( c-addr u xt -- )
The counted string described by c-addr and u becomes the temporary input buffer during the execution of xt. The following code is equivalent:
     CREATE foo 4 ,
S" foo " ' CREATE $PROCESS 4 ,

See also: EVALUATE
$THROW              "string-throw"                                    IFORTH
( c-addr -- )
c-addr is the address of a counted string. $THROW performs the same function as THROW with the numeric argument -2, which is also the code used with ABORT" . c-addr is saved in an internal variable. The string at c-addr is printed when the CATCH / THROW mechanism reaches the bottommost level.
%VAR                "percent-var"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of %VAR . %VAR contains a code number representing the action that is to be performed by a word that is created with VALUE or any other word that creates variables based on the to-concept. %VAR is initialized by FROM , TO and all other words that modify the behavior of a variable. The standard to-concept operators are FROM TO +TO 0TO 'OF SIZEOF and /OF . The table below shows the contents of %VAR after one of these words has been executed:
                Keyword         Value
-TO -2
+TO -1
TO 1
0TO 2
'OF 3
/OF 5

When building new words based on the to-concept you can add your own constants. Note that %VAR must be manipulated with IMMEDIATE words. For example, FROM is defined as:
          : FROM   0 %VAR ! ; IMMEDIATE

See also: FROM TO 0TO 'OF /OF +TO
%a                  "parameter-a"                                     IFORTH
The first member of a set of fixed names used for parameters. A parameter holds one of the stack parameters of the word it is in. A parameter has no address. %a is the first parameter the caller pushed when calling the word.
See also: PARAMS| %f %b %c %d %e
%b                  "parameter-b"                                     IFORTH
The second member of a set of fixed names used for parameters. A parameter holds one of the stack parameters of the word it is in. A parameter has no address. %b is the second parameter the caller pushed when calling the word.
See also: PARAMS| %a %f %c %d %e
%c                  "parameter-c"                                     IFORTH
The third member of a set of fixed names used for parameters. A parameter holds one of the stack parameters of the word it is in. A parameter has no address. %c is the third parameter the caller pushed when calling the word.
See also: PARAMS| %a %b %f %d %e
%d                  "parameter-d"                                     IFORTH
The fourth member of a set of fixed names used for parameters. A parameter holds one of the stack parameters of the word it is in. A parameter has no address. %d is the fourth parameter the caller pushed when calling the word.
See also: PARAMS| %a %b %c %f %e
%e                  "parameter-e"                                     IFORTH
The fifth member of a set of fixed names used for parameters. A parameter holds one of the stack parameters of the word it is in. A parameter has no address. %e is the fifth parameter the caller pushed when calling the word.
See also: PARAMS| %a %b %c %d %f
%f                  "parameter-f"                                     IFORTH
The sixth member of a set of fixed names used for parameters. A parameter holds one of the stack parameters of the word it is in. A parameter has no address. %f is the sixth parameter the caller pushed when calling the word.
See also: PARAMS| %a %b %c %d %e
&!                  "and-store"                                       IFORTH
( n|u a-addr -- )
And n|u to the single-cell number at a-addr.
'                   "tick"                                            CORE
( "name" -- xt )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Find name and return xt, the execution token for name. An ambiguous condition exists if name is not found or if name is a standard word with the C attribute. When interpreting, ' name EXECUTE is equivalent to name.
See also: HEAD'
'ACCEPT             "tick-accept"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of 'ACCEPT . 'ACCEPT contains the execution token that is actually executed when ACCEPT or EXPECT is executed. Change the contents of this variable when a line editor with a different functionality is needed. For an example see the file include/accept.frt .
'BOOT               "tick-boot"                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of 'BOOT . 'BOOT contains the execution token of the definition that is executed by COLD after all initialization is done. Applications should store the execution token of their main routine in this variable so that saved binary images will start the application if the image is reloaded.
'DATE$              "tick-date-string"                                IFORTH
( -- c-addr u )
c-addr is the address of a buffer which contains the current date as ASCII text. The text is u characters long. The buffer used is also in use as the numeric conversion buffer so the string should be used immediately.
'ENV$               "tick-environment-string"                         IFORTH
( +n -- c-addr u )
Returns the address and count of the n-th environment string. The 'environment' is the OS environment space and has nothing to do with Forth's ENVIRONMENT? Example ("4" probably doesn't work on your system):
      C:/IFORTH> set FOO=Forth is great.<cr>
C:/IFORTH> ith<cr>
( startup messages deleted ...)
FORTH> 4 'ENV$ TYPE<cr> FOO=Forth is great. ok

'ERRM$              "tick-error-message"                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of 'ERRM$ . 'ERRM$ contains the address of a character string that would be printed by ABORT" . This is useful if the string is not actually printed because of a CATCH , especially if the abort is generated by iForth itself.
'EVAL               "tick-eval"                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of 'EVAL . 'EVAL contains the execution token of the routine that interprets user input when STATE contains 0, or compiles this input when STATE is anything else. This means the QUIT routine can be changed from the inside out.
'FORGET'            "tick-forget-tick"                                IFORTH
( dea -- )
Forget the definition that corresponds to dea and all definitions that were defined later.
See also: FORGET
'NUMBER             "tick-number"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of 'NUMBER . 'NUMBER contains the execution token of a text interpreter that interprets all notations of the various types of numbers available on the system. The execution semantics of this execution token should be the same as the execution semantics of the definition NUMBER? . By replacing the contents of this variable you can add new notations for single, double and floating-point numbers. Note that it is not possible to add a new type of numbers to the system.
'OF                 "tick-of"                                         IFORTH
Usage: 'OF name Execution: ( -- addr ) Get the address of the storage for the data associated with name. An ambiguous condition exists if name was not defined by VALUE or other words that implement the to-concept.
See also: VALUE
'PANIC              "tick-panic"                                      IFORTH
( -- addr )
A variable that allows to revector PANIC . PANIC is the code that handles hardware exceptions.
    Example:  ' CALM 'PANIC !

Note that 'PANIC is _not_ reset to (e.g.) ABORT when a SAVE-SYSTEM is done. Also note that 'PANIC is (purposely) not a USER variable.
See also: PANIC CALM
'PARAM              "tick-parameter"                                  IFORTH
( +n -- c-addr u )
Returns the n-th command line parameter as a string. The zero-th parameter is normally the full path name of the currently executing iForth. The parameters stay available throughout program execution.
C:/IFORTH> ith BL 2 3<cr>
( startup messages deleted ...)
FORTH> . . .<cr> 3 2 32 ok ( parameters on the OS command line behave
like you typed them at the prompt)

See also: #PARAMS
'PROMPT             "tick-prompt"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of 'PROMPT . 'PROMPT contains the execution token of the definition that is to be executed when the command line interpreter wants to have input.
'TAIL               "tick-tail"                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of 'TAIL . 'TAIL contains the execution token of the definition that is to be executed when the command line interpreter has finished executing the current line.
'TIME$              "tick-time-string"                                IFORTH
( -- c-addr u )
c-addr is the address of a buffer of u characters long containing the current time as ASCII text. The text in this buffer will not be updated as time changes. The buffer used is also in use as the numeric conversion buffer so the contents of this buffer are likely to be overwritten with words that use the numeric conversion buffer, including 'TIME$ .
'UP                 "tick-u-p"                                        IFORTH
( n -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address that has an offset of n cells relative to the start of the user-variable space.
'buffers            "tick-buffer"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of the file buffer area associated with the current task. Each FORTH-PROCESS has its own file buffers, and multi-process file I/O is explicitly permitted. Note that multi-process keyboard and screen I/O work, but is probably not to your satisfaction unless careful use of semaphores is made.
See also: 'fbuffer
'fbuffer            "tick-f-buffer"                                   IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of the file buffer associated with the current nesting level. At present, 8 file buffers of 128 bytes are possible. This is the minimum ANS requirement for 'conforming implementations'.
See also: 'buffers
'pattern            "tick-pattern"                                    IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics.frt. Can be hidden.
See also: /shift /xpat-1 /ypat-1
(                   "paren"                                           CORE, FILE
( "ccc<)>" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by a closing parenthesis ")". Ignore the resulting text. ( is an immediate word. When parsing, the number of characters in ccc may be zero to the number of characters remaining in the input stream. When parsing from a text file, the number of characters in ccc may be 0 to the number of characters remaining in the file.
(!PALETTE)                                                            IFORTH
( a-address u -- )
The aligned address must point to u consecutive palette entries, beginning with the color with index 0. Palette entry i consists of three bytes describing the intensity of the red, green and blue component of the color with index i. The u palette entries are transferred to the video hardware.
See also: (@PALETTE)
((                  "paren-paren"                                     IFORTH
( -- ) ( S: -- x )
Save the contents of the variable %VAR to the system stack. Initialize the variable %VAR with FROM . The value of %VAR is restored again by )) . You need to save the value of %VAR in this way if you want to use arrays or other data structure that need a VALUE-type index to identify an object:
          123 TO (( index )) array

to store the value 123 in one of the elements of an array. Note that by writing the control words immediately before the objects you don't need to use (( at all, but the above example may be slightly more readable than the same example below:
          123 index TO array

See also: %VAR FROM ))
(*                  "paren-star"                                      IFORTH
( "ccc<*)>" -- )
(* is functionally equivalent to ( . "*)" closes a comment introduced by (* .
(.)                 "paren-dot-paren"                                 IFORTH
( n -- c-addr u )
Convert the single number on the data stack to its character string representation. An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: (D.R)
(.DUMPA)                                                              IFORTH
( addr -- )
A user variable that allows to use DUMP in disassembly for the meta compiler. This variable is reserved for internal use.
(.T0)                                                                 IFORTH
( -- c-addr u )
Stops the timer, picks up the time difference in milliseconds and formats it as a string. E.g. 1778 ms becomes "1.778".
(0DEC.R)            "paren-zero-dec-dot-R-paren"                      IFORTH
( n -- c-addr u )
Convert the single number on the data stack to its decimal character string representation. Equivalent to: BASE @ >R DECIMAL U>D 0 (D.R) R> BASE ! An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: (D.R) 0DEC.R
(1)PARAMS                                                   C         IFORTH
( -- )
An immediate word used to specify the number of parameters to reserve.
       : SUMMA (2)PARAMS ( a b -- u )  %a %b + ;

Here SUMMA is told to reserve space for two integer parameters. Parameters have fixed names from the set { %a %b %c %d %e %f }. The construct can be nested. Note that the stack diagram is reversed from that of LOCALS| . Parameters are much faster than locals. However, they have no defined address. Do not mix parameters and locals in the same word.
(2)PARAMS                                                   C         IFORTH
( -- )
(3)PARAMS                                                   C         IFORTH
( -- )
(4)PARAMS                                                   C         IFORTH
( -- )
(5)PARAMS                                                   C         IFORTH
( -- )
(6)PARAMS                                                   C         IFORTH
( -- )
(@PALETTE)                                                            IFORTH
( a-address u -- )
The aligned address must point to a buffer for u consecutive palette entries, which will start with the color with index 0. Palette entry i consists of three bytes describing the intensity of the red, green and blue component of the color with index i. The u palette entries are transferred from the video hardware. See also (!PALETTE)
(B.)                "paren-b-dot-paren"                               IFORTH
( x -- addr len )
Convert x to a 2 digit hexadecimal number in the number conversion area. addr is the start of the conversion area and len is the length of the string.
(BUFLOCAL)          "paren-buflocal-paren"                  C         LOCAL
( size c-addr u -- )
When executed during compilation, (BUFLOCAL) passes a message to the Forth system that has one of two meanings. If u is non-zero, the message identifies a new local buffer whose word name is given by the string of characters identified by c-addr u. If u is zero, the message is 'last local' and c-addr has no significance. The result of executing (BUFLOCAL) during compilation of a definition is to create a set of named local identifiers, each of which is a word name, that have execution semantics within the scope of that definition's source only. An ambiguous condition exists when (LOCAL) is executed while in interpret state. (BUFLOCAL) also requires a fixed size of the desired buffer.

buflocal ( -- addr )

Pushes the address of a local buffer onto the stack. These local buffers are in the local-stack area for each thread, when you ask for a buffersize of >4k the buffers will be allocated and later freed. An ambiguous condition exists when (BUFLOCAL) is executed while in interpret state. Note: This word is not intended for direct use in a definition to declare that definition's locals. It is instead used by system or user compiling words. These compiling words in turn define their own syntax, and may be used directly in definitions to declare locals.
See also: BUFLOCAL[
(C/L)               "paren-c-slash-l-paren"                           IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of (C/L) . (C/L) contains the number of characters per line of the current io-device. It is initialized by the device driver and updated whenever you do C/L.
(D.)                "paren-d-dot-paren"                               IFORTH
( d -- c-addr u )
Convert the double number on the data stack to its character string representation. An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: D.
(D.R)               "paren-d-dot-r-paren"                             IFORTH
( d n -- c-addr u )
Display d right aligned in a field |n| characters wide. If the number of characters required to display d is greater than |n|, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary. (In D.R , R stands for RIGHT). Returns the address of the transient area that holds the output string. When n is negative the fill character will be '0', not BL .
     FORTH> -25 8 .r      -25 ok
FORTH> 25 -8 .r 00000025 ok

See also: D.R (UD.R)
(DFLOCAL)                                                   C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (FLOCAL) but creates a temporary variable that can hold a IEEE double floating-point number.
(DLOCAL)                                                    C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (LOCAL) but creates a temporary variable that can hold a double number.
(E.)                "paren-e-dot-paren"                               FLOAT
( -- c-addr u ) ( F: r -- )
Convert the top number on the floating-point stack to its character string representation using scientific notation;
<significand> := [-]<digit>.<digits0>
<exponent> := E[-]<digits>

The exact number of digits used for precision to the right of the decimal point in the significand is determined by PRECISION . An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer. Signed zero is recognized.
See also: REPRESENT (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
(E.R)               "paren-e-dot-r-paren"                             IFORTH
( n -- c-addr u ) ( F: r -- )
Creates a temporary string from the floating point number r, using the conversion rules as for E. , right aligned in a field n characters wide. If the number of characters required to display r is greater than n, n asterisk characters are used instead.
See also: REPRESENT (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
(F#LOCAL)                                                   C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (LOCAL) but creates a variable that can hold a arbitrary precision floating-point number.
See also: (LOCAL) (Z#LOCAL)
(F.)                "paren-f-dot-paren"                               FLOAT
( -- c-addr u ) ( F: r -- )
Convert the top number on the floating-point stack to its character string representation using fixed point notation:
          [-] <digit>.<digits0>

The number of digits after the decimal point is determined by PRECISION . An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer. When the fieldwidth is too small, F.R and its variants try to squeeze the number in by switching to exponential notation. When that doesn't help, they print a field of asterisks. The switch to exponential notation happens when |r| > 10^PRECISION . When |r| < 10^-PRECISION , "0.00.." or "-0.00.." is printed.
See also: (E.) REPRESENT (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
(F.R)               "paren-f-dot-r-paren"                             IFORTH
( n -- c-addr u ) ( F: r -- )
Creates a temporary string from the floating point number r, using the conversion rules as for F. , right aligned in a field n characters wide. If the number of characters required to display r is greater than n, n asterisk characters are used instead.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) REPRESENT (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
(FE.)               "paren-f-e-dot-paren"                             IFORTH
( -- c-addr u ) ( F: r -- )
Convert the top number on the floating-point stack to a character string using the standard engineering notation for floating point numbers. An ambiguous condition exists if the character representation exceeds the size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: (E.) (F.) REPRESENT E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
(FE.R)              "paren-f-e-dot-r-paren"                           IFORTH
( n -- c-addr u ) ( F: r -- )
Creates a temporary string from the floating point number r, using the conversion rules as for FE. , right aligned in a field n characters wide. If the number of characters required to display r is greater than n, n asterisk characters are used instead.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) REPRESENT E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
(FLOCAL)                                                    C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (LOCAL) but creates a variable that can hold a floating-point number.
See also: (LOCAL)
(GETWD)             "get-working-directory"                           IFORTH
( c-addr u1 -- c-addr u2 ior )
Get the current working directory of the host operating system. Put the path-name of the directory in the buffer starting at c-addr and length u1. u2 is length of the directory name as returned by the host operating system or the size of the buffer, whichever is less. ior is 0 when the operation succeeded. Note that the directory name is in a format determined by the host operating system. Almost any operation on the returned string will result in a non portable program.
(H.)                "paren-h-dot-paren"                               IFORTH
( u -- c-addr u )
Convert the unsigned number on the data stack to its character string representation using the hexadecimal base. An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
(ISNAN)             "paren-is-nan-paren"                              IFORTH
( -- flag ) ( F: r -- )
Test the floating-point number r for being a bit pattern not representing a valid number. If r is not a valid number, true is returned, otherwise false is returned. Note that -INF and +INF are considered to be valid numbers and thus cause a false flag to be returned.
See also: (NOTFIN)
(LOCAL)             "paren-local-paren"                     C         LOCAL
( c-addr u -- )
When executed during compilation, (LOCAL) passes a message to the Forth system that has one of two meanings. If u is non-zero, the message identifies a new local whose word name is given by the string of characters identified by c-addr u. If u is zero, the message is 'last local' and c-addr has no significance. The result of executing (LOCAL) during compilation of a definition is to create a set of named local identifiers, each of which is a word name, that have execution semantics within the scope of that definition's source only. An ambiguous condition exists when (LOCAL) is executed while in interpret state.

local ( -- x )

Push the local's value, x, onto the stack. An ambiguous condition exists when (LOCAL) is executed while in interpret state. Note: This word is not intended for direct use in a definition to declare that definition's locals. It is instead used by system or user compiling words. These compiling words in turn define their own syntax, and may be used directly in definitions to declare locals.
(NOTFIN)            "paren-not-fin-paren"                             IFORTH
( -- flag ) ( F: r -- )
Test the floating-point number r for being a bit pattern not representing a finite number. If r is not a finite number true is returned, otherwise false is returned. Note that -NAN, +NAN, -INF and +INF are not considered to be finite numbers and thus cause a true flag to be returned.
See also: (ISNAN)
(SETWD)             "set-working-directory"                           IFORTH
( c-addr u -- ior )
Set the current working directory of the host operating system. c-addr is the address of the new directory name in a format that matches the directory name format of the host operating system. u is the length of the directory name. ior is 0 when the operation succeeded. For MS-DOS systems a directory consisting of just the drive letter and a ':' (colon) results in a drive change on the host operating system.
(UD.)               "paren-u-d-dot-paren"                             IFORTH
( ud -- c-addr u )
Convert the unsigned double number on the data stack to its character string representation. An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: UD.
(UD.R)              "paren-u-d-dot-r-paren"                           IFORTH
( ud n -- c-addr u )
Convert the unsigned double number on the data stack to its character string representation. The number ud is right aligned in a field |n| characters wide. If the number of characters required to format ud is greater than |n|, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary. Returns the address of the transient area that holds the output string. An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer. When n is negative the fill character will be '0', not BL .
See also: UD.R (UD.)
(UDFLOCAL)                                                  C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (UFLOCAL) but creates a temporary variable that can hold a IEEE double floating-point number. The value is *not* initialized.
(UDLOCAL)                                                   C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (LOCAL) but creates a temporary variable that can hold a double number. The value is *not* initialized.
(ULOCAL)            "paren-local-paren"                     C         IFORTH
( c-addr u -- )
When executed during compilation, (LOCAL) passes a message to the Forth system that has one of two meanings. If u is non-zero, the message identifies a new local whose word name is given by the string of characters identified by c-addr u. If u is zero, the message is 'last local' and c-addr has no significance. The result of executing (ULOCAL) during compilation of a definition is to create a set of named local identifiers, each of which is a word name, that have execution semantics within the scope of that definition's source only. An ambiguous condition exists when (ULOCAL) is executed while in interpret state. In contrast to (local) the local value is not initialized and does not take the value from the parameter stack.

ulocal ( -- x )

Push the local's value, x, onto the stack. An ambiguous condition exists when (LOCAL) is executed while in interpret state. Note: This word is not intended for direct use in a definition to declare that definition's locals. It is instead used by system or user compiling words. These compiling words in turn define their own syntax, and may be used directly in definitions to declare locals.
(Z#LOCAL)                                                   C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (ZLOCAL) but creates a variable that can hold an arbitrary complex floating-point complex number.
(ZLOCAL)                                                    C         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Like (FLOCAL) but creates a variable that can hold a floating-point complex number.
See also: (FLOCAL)
(lex)                                                                 IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 del -- c-addr3 u3 c-addr1 u4 del true ) or
( c-addr1 u1 del -- false ) Break a string in three pieces: before the delimiter del, the delimiter itself, and after the delimiter. c-addr3 points to the remaining string, c-addr1 points to the string in front of the delimiter. If false is returned, the input string does not contain the delimiter character.
))                                                                    IFORTH
( -- ) ( S: x -- )
Restore the value of the variable %VAR as saved on the system stack by (( .
See also: ((
*                   "star"                                            CORE
( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- n3|u3 )
Multiply n1|u1 by n2|u2 giving the product n3|u3.
*/                  "star-slash"                                      CORE
( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 )
Multiply n1 by n2 producing the double-cell intermediate result d. Divide d by n3 giving the single-cell quotient n4. An ambiguous condition exists if n3 is zero or if the quotient n4 lies outside the range of a signed number. If d and n3 differ in sign the result returned will be the same as the phrase >R M* R> SM/REM SWAP DROP . Note that other implementations of the ANS standard may return the phrase >R M* R> FM/MOD SWAP DROP .
*/MOD               "star-slash-mod"                                  CORE
( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 )
Multiply n1 by n2 producing the intermediate double-cell result d. Divide d by n3 producing the single-cell remainder n4 and the single-cell quotient n5 . An ambiguous condition exists if n3 is zero, or if the quotient n5 lies outside the range of a single-cell signed integer. If d and n3 differ in sign the result returned will be the same as the phrase >R M* R> SM/REM . Note that other implementations of the ANS standard may return the phrase >R M* R> FM/MOD .
*UPPOOL                                                               FORTH
( -- addr )
This returns the address of the address of a memory pool. The user areas of all tasks are located in this pool. The addr is useful for building a debugger. See include/threads.frt .
+                   "plus"                                            CORE
( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- n3|u3 )
Add n2|u2 to n1|u1, giving the sum n3|u3.
+!                  "plus-store"                                      CORE
( n|u a-addr -- )
Add n|u to the single-cell number at a-addr.
+!+                 "plus-store-plus"                                 IFORTH
( n|u a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add n|u to the single-cell number at a-addr1 and leave the incremented address a-addr2.
+INF                "plus-inf"                                        IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- +inf )
Place a bit pattern representing positive infinity on the floating-point stack.
+LOOP               "plus-loop"                             C         CORE
Compilation: ( dodest -- )
Resolve the destination of all unresolved occurrences of LEAVE between the location given by dodest and the next location for a transfer of control, to execute the words following +LOOP . Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( n -- ) ( R: sys -- | sys2 )

Add n to the loop index. If the loop index was not incremented across the boundary between the loop limit minus one and the loop limit then continue execution at the location given by the top element of the control flow stack. However, if the loop was incremented across the boundary between the loop limit minus one and the loop limit then discard the current loop control parameters and continue execution immediately following +LOOP . The loop control parameters must have been available.
See also: DO I LEAVE +LOOPu +LOOPd
+LOOPd              "plus-loop-down"                        C         CORE
Compilation: ( dodest -- )

Execution: ( n -- ) ( R: sys -- | sys2 )

Like +LOOP , but specialized for down counting loops: does not "wrap around." Use with dDO .
See also: dDO uDO +LOOPu +LOOP LOOPe
+LOOPu              "plus-loop-up"                          C         CORE
Compilation: ( dodest -- )

Execution: ( n -- ) ( R: sys -- | sys2 )

Like +LOOP , but specialized for up counting loops: does not "wrap around." Use with uDO .
See also: dDO uDO +LOOPd +LOOP LOOPe
+NAN                "plus-nan"                                        IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- +NaN )
Place a bit pattern representing positive Not a Number on the floating-point stack.
+SIGN               "plus-sign"                                       IFORTH
( x -- )
If x is negative add a minus sign to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string. Otherwise add a plus sign. Typically used between <# and #> .
+TO                 "plus-to"                                         IFORTH
( n -- )
Usage: n +TO name Add n to name. An ambiguous situation exists if name was not defined by VALUE .
,                   "comma"                                           CORE
( x -- )
Reserve one cell of data space and store x in the cell. An ambiguous condition exists if the address of the next available data space location is not aligned.
,"                  "comma-quote"                                     IFORTH
Compilation: ( "text" -- )
Parse text delimited with " (double-quote). Add the resulting string including the length byte to the code space, using alignment. Note: The alignment may cause problems when building string tables.

Execution: ( -- )

The bytes added by the above sequence can NOT be executed.
-                   "minus"                                           CORE
( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- n3|u3 )
Subtract n2|u2 from n1|u1, giving the difference n3|u3.
-!                  "minus-store"                                     IFORTH
( n|u a-addr -- )
Subtract n|u from the single-cell number at a-addr.
--                  "minus-minus"                                     IFORTH
-- is an alias for \ .
See also: \
-FROT               "minus-f-rot"                                     IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 r3 -- r3 r1 r2 )
Rotate the top three floating-point stack entries. This word uses a different rotation direction compared with FROT . It is equivalent to FROT FROT .
See also: FROT
-INF                "minus-inf"                                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- -inf )
Place a bit pattern representing negative infinity on the floating-point stack.
-LEADING            "dash-leading"                                    IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 )
If u1 is greater than zero, u2 and c-addr2 are adjusted to drop the number of spaces at the beginning of the character string specified by c-addr and u1. If u1 is zero or the entire string consists of spaces, u2 is zero and c-addr2 points at the first non-blank character, or after the string.
-NAN                "minus-nan"                                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- -NaN )
Place a bit pattern representing negative Not a Number on the floating-point stack.
-OPT                "minus-opt"                                       IFORTH
( -- )
Reset the internal optimizer. Flush the on-chip stacks to memory. This word is only needed with very low-level operations. Normally, iForth removes explicit stack operations at the boundary of macro-words like @ ! COUNT and many more. When using flow control words of the type IF WHILE LOOP , this optimization must be switched off:
          @ BEGIN 2+ WHILE ...

As BEGIN assembles no code, the optimizer might try combining @ and 2+ , with possibly disastrous results. Therefore, BEGIN has -OPT built-in. You will need -OPT when building new flow control words completely of your own design. Note that a standard program can only use POSTPONE IF and other predefined words, which take care of the problem automatically.
-R                  "minus-r"                               C         IFORTH
( -- ) ( R: x -- )
Remove x from the return stack.
-ROT                "minus-rot"                                       IFORTH
( r1 r2 r3 -- r3 r1 r2 )
Rotate the top three stack entries. This word uses a different rotation direction compared with ROT . It is equivalent to ROT ROT .
See also: ROT
-S                  "minus-s"                                         IFORTH
( -- ) ( S: x -- )
Remove x from the system stack.
-TO                 "minus-to"                                        IFORTH
( n -- )
Usage: n -TO name Subtract n from name. An ambiguous situation exists if name was not defined by VALUE . This word works for any type of VALUE .
-TRAILING           "dash-trailing"                                   STRING
( c-addr u1 -- c-addr u2 )
If u1 is greater than zero, u2 is equal to u1 less the number of spaces at the end of the character string specified by c-addr and u1. If u1 is zero or the entire string consists of spaces, u2 is zero.
.                   "dot"                                             CORE
( n -- )
Display n in free field format.
."                  "dot-quote"                             C         CORE
Compilation: ( "ccc<">" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by " (double-quote). Append the execution semantics specified below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- )

Display ccc.
See also: .( .~
.$                  "dot-string"                                      IFORTH
( c-addr -- )
Print the string at c-addr. c-addr is the start address of a counted string.
.(                  "dot-paren"                                       CORE EXT
( "ccc<)>" -- )
Parse and display characters ccc delimited by ) (closing parenthesis). .( is an immediate word.
See also: ." .~
.ABOUT              "dot-about"                                       IFORTH
( "ccc" -- )
Parse ccc delimited by a space ignoring leading delimiters. Find ccc in the current search order. If ccc can not be found or ccc is not a module name as defined by REVISION , display an error message. Otherwise display information about the module ccc. If the module does not have any extra information, a default message is displayed. Extra information can be added to a module name using :ABOUT .
.DATA               "dot-data"                                        IFORTH
( -- )
Copy and display the values currently on the data stack.
See also: .S
.DATE               "dot-date"                                        IFORTH
( -- )
Prints the current date in the form "Month dd, year", with Month the full month name, dd the 2 digit day of the month and year the 4 digit year.
.ELAPSED                                                              IFORTH
( -- )
Performs (.T0) and prints the resulting string followed by " seconds elapsed.". Note the final colon.
See also: (.T0) .MS n.ELAPSED
.FLAGS              "dot-flags"                                       IFORTH
( flags -- )
Display a summary of what flags means. Example:

See also: HEAD>FLAGS
.FLOAT              "dot-float"                                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- )
Copy and display the values currently on the floating point stack.
See also: .S
.HELP               "dot-help"                                        IFORTH
( -- )
Display information about the last module loaded. Modules are defined using REVISION . If no information is present for this module or no modules are defined, a default message is displayed.
.ID                 "dot-i-d"                                         IFORTH
( nfa -- )
Print the name of a dictionary entry with name field address nfa. If nfa is 0, print the text '{NoName}' instead. If the dictionary entry is invisible, nothing is printed.
See also: =VISIBLE ID$
.MODULES            "dot-modules"                                     IFORTH
( -- )
Display the names of the words created with REVISION . The descriptive string compiled by REVISION is also displayed. The modules are listed in historical order.
See also: REVISION
.MS                                                                   IFORTH
( -- )
Essentially the same as .ELAPSED, but less verbose: "1.3434 seconds."
See also: (.T0) .ELAPSED
.R                  "dot-r"                                           CORE EXT
( n1 n2 -- )
Display n1 right aligned in a field |n2| characters wide. If the number of characters required to display n1 is greater than |n2|, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary. When n is negative the fill character will be '0', not BL .
.S                  "dot-s"                                           TOOLKIT EXT
( -- )
Copy and display the values currently on the data stack, system stack and floating-point stack. The contents of each stack is printed on a separate line with the top of the stack printed at the right. The format of this display may not be the same on other implementations of the ANS standard. When one of the stacks has underflowed the text "Underflow" is shown along with the number of elements that are 'missing' from the stack.
.SIGNON             "dot-sign-on"                                     IFORTH
( -- )
Display the sign-on banner. This banner contains the version number, generation date, copyright statement and information about the configuration. On some systems also the servers startup messages are shown.
.SYSTEM             "dot-system"                                      IFORTH
( -- ) ( S: -- )
Copy and display the values currently on the system stack.
See also: .S
.TIME               "dot-time"                                        IFORTH
( -- )
Prints the current time in the form "hh:mm:ss", with hh the 2 digit hour, mm the 2 digit minutes and ss the 2 digit seconds. This time is in the 24-hour format.
.TIME$              "dot-time-string"                                 IFORTH
( -- )
Print the current time and date.
.WORDLISTS          "dot-wordlists"                                   IFORTH
( -- )
List the names of all word lists in the system. A name in this list does not need to be in the current search order.
.dd                 "dot-d-d"                                         IFORTH
( xt -- )
Shows the tokens of a TOKENIZEd word.
        FORTH> : foo  2 3 + 7 AND ;  ok
FORTH> HEAD' foo HEAD> @ CR .dd
2 3 + 7 AND ; ok

See also: $.dd =TOKENIZE
.fstack             "dot-f-stack"                           C         IFORTH
( -- )
Shows the values currently on the optimizer fp stack structure. Because of the intended usage this word is IMMEDIATE . The format will stay undocumented.
See also: .pstack .qstack .sstack
.lstack             "dot-l-stack"                           C         IFORTH
( -- )
Shows the values currently on the optimizer locals stack structure. Because of the intended usage this word is IMMEDIATE . The format will stay undocumented.
See also: .pstack .fstack .qstack .sstack
.pstack             "dot-p-stack"                           C         IFORTH
( -- )
Shows the values currently on the optimizer data stack structure. Because of the intended usage this word is IMMEDIATE . The format will stay undocumented.
See also: .fstack .qstack .sstack
.qstack             "dot-q-stack"                           C         IFORTH
( -- )
Shows the values currently on the optimizer return stack structure. Because of the intended usage this word is IMMEDIATE . The format will stay undocumented.
See also: .fstack .pstack .sstack
.sstack             "dot-s-stack"                           C         IFORTH
( -- )
Shows the values currently on the optimizer system stack structure. Because of the intended usage this word is IMMEDIATE . The format will stay undocumented.
See also: .fstack .pstack .qstack
.~                  "dot-tilde"                                       IFORTH
( -- )
An alternative for .( and ." , expecting the string to be delimited with the '~' character. This gets around the annoying problem that Forth strings can't embed the quite common ')' (or when compiling: '"') character. Strings having both '~' and ')' (or '"') characters are still a problem. Break them up and use EMIT .
See also: .( ."
/                   "slash"                                           CORE
( n1 n2 -- n3 )
Divide n1 by n2, giving the single-cell quotient n3. An ambiguous condition exists if n2 is zero. If n1 and n2 differ in sign, the result returned will be the same as the phrase >R S>D R> SM/REM SWAP DROP . Note that other implementations of the ANS standard may return the phrase >R S>D FM/MOD SWAP DROP .
/*                  "slash-star"                                      IFORTH
( -- )
/* is equivalent to ( . '*/' is used to close the comment text started with /* .
/BRANCH             "slash-branch"                                    IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of /BRANCH . /BRANCH contains the number of bytes that the assembler reserves for forward branches.
/COUNTED-STRING     "slash-counted-string"                            IFORTH
/COUNTED-STRING is an environment query.
/DATA-SPACE         "slash-data-space"                                IFORTH
/DATA-SPACE is an environment query.
/HOLD               "slash-hold"                                      IFORTH
/HOLD is an environment query.
/MOD                "slash-mod"                                       CORE
( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 )
Divide n1 by n2, giving the single-cell remainder n3 and the single-cell quotient n4. An ambiguous condition exists if n2 is zero. If n1 and n2 differ in sign the result returned will be the same as the phrase >R S>D R> SM/REM . Note that other implementations of the ANS standard may return the phrase >R S>D R> FM/MOD .
/OF                 "slash-of"                                        IFORTH
Usage: /OF name ( -- u ) u is the number of data elements contained in the variable name. If name is not an array or list the number of elements is 1. An ambiguous condition exists if name is not defined by VALUE or any other word that implements the to-concept .
See also: VALUE to-concept(?)
/PAD                "slash-pad"                                       IFORTH
/PAD is an environment query.
/PARSE              "slash-parse"                                     IFORTH
( -- c-addr u )
First, removes all white space in front of whatever is in the input stream, then inspects the next (non-blank) character. When the next character is a single or double quote, returns the string thus delimited, without the outer quote characters. Otherwise, returns the next white space delimited string.
See also: PARSE <WORD>
/STRING             "slash-string"                                    STRING
( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 )
Adjust the character string at c-addr1 by n characters. The resulting character string specified by c-addr2 and u2 begins at a-addr1 plus n characters and is u1 minus n characters long.
/SYSTEM             "slash-system"                                    IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of /SYSTEM . /SYSTEM delimits available memory available with ALLOT . You can change the value of /SYSTEM and execute INIT-MEM if the default amount of memory reported by UNUSED is not enough for your programs.
/shift              "slash-shift"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics.frt. Can be hidden.
See also: 'pattern /xpat-1 /ypat-1
/xpat-1                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics.frt. Can be hidden.
See also: 'pattern /shift /ypat-1
/ypat-1                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics.frt. Can be hidden.
See also: 'pattern /shift /xpat-1
0!                  "zero-store"                                      IFORTH
( addr -- )
Clear the contents of addr. Equivalent to 0 addr ! .
0<                  "zero-less"                                       CORE
( n -- flag )
flag is true if n is less than zero.
0<,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "0<" result.
0<=                 "zero-less-equal"                                 CORE EXT
( n|u -- flag )
flag is true if n|u is equal or less to 0.
0<>                 "zero-not-equals"                                 CORE EXT
( n|u -- flag )
flag is true if n|u is not equal to 0.
0<>,                                                                  IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "0<>" result.
0=                  "zero-equals"                                     CORE
( n|u -- flag )
flag is true if n|u is equal to zero.
0=,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Compilation: ( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "0=" result.
0>                  "zero-greater"                                    CORE EXT
( n -- flag )
flag is true if n is greater than zero.
0>=                 "zero-greater-equal"                              CORE EXT
( n|u -- flag )
flag is true if n|u is greater than or equal to 0.
0>=,                                                                  IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "0>=" result.
0DEC.R              "zero-dec-dot-R"                                  IFORTH
( n -- )
Convert the single number on the data stack to its decimal character string representation and display it. Equivalent to: BASE @ >R DECIMAL U>D 0 D.R R> BASE ! An ambiguous condition exists if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: D.R (0DEC.R)
0TO                 "zero-to"                                         IFORTH
Usage: 0TO name ( -- ) Store 0 in name. An ambiguous condition exists if name was not defined by VALUE or any other variable that is based on the to-concept. Floating point variables store 0E in name. Any user defined type of variable that is not an integer or a floating-point variable should store a reasonable initialization value in name.
1+                  "one-plus"                                        CORE
( n1|u1 -- n2|u2 )
Add 1 to n1|u1 giving the sum n2|u2.
1-                  "one-minus"                                       CORE
( n1|u1 -- n2|u2 )
Subtract 1 from n1|u1 giving the difference n2|u2.
1/F                 "one-slash-F"                                     IFORTH
( F: r -- 1/r )
Equivalent to r 1e FSWAP F/ .
2!                  "two-store"                                       CORE
( x1 x2 a-addr -- )
Store the cell pair x1 x2 at a-addr, with x2 at a-addr and x1 at the next consecutive cell. It is equivalent to the sequence SWAP OVER ! CELL+ ! .
2*                  "two-star"                                        CORE
( n1 -- n2 )
Multiply n1 by 2 giving n2. Since the processor is a two's-complement machine this word can also be used to perform a logical left shift over 1 bit. Note that other implementations of the standard might use a one's-complement machine for which the shift feature does not work.
2+                  "two-plus"                                        IFORTH
( n1|u2 -- n2|u2 )
Add 2 to n1|u1 giving the sum n2|n2.
2+!                 "two-plus-store"                                  IFORTH
( ud a-addr -- )
Add ud to the double-cell number at a-addr.
See also: D+!
2,                  "two-comma"                                       IFORTH
( a b -- )
Comma first b, then a. Used to compile a double in the dictionary. Equivalent to
     HERE 2 CELLS ALLOT 2! .

See also: 2! 2@
2-                  "two-minus"                                       IFORTH
( n1|u1 -- n2|u2 )
Subtract 2 from n1|u1 giving the difference n2|u2.
2/                  "two-slash"                                       CORE
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the result of dividing n1 by two.
24-bits!                                                              IFORTH
( -- )
Force the FPU to use a 24 bit mantissa for selected operations.
See also: 53-bits! 80-bits!
2>R                 "two-to-r"                              C         CORE EXT
( x1 x2 -- ) ( R: -- x1 x2 )
Transfer cell pair x1 x2 to the return stack. Semantically equivalent to SWAP >R >R .
2@                  "two-fetch"                                       CORE
( a-addr -- x1 x2 )
Fetch the cell pair x1 x2 stored at a-addr. x2 is stored at a-addr and x1 at the next consecutive cell. It is equivalent to the sequence DUP CELL+ @ SWAP @ .
See also: 2!
2@+                 "two-fetch-plus"                                  IFORTH
( a-addr -- a-addr+ x1 x2 )
Fetch the cell pair x1 x2 stored at a-addr and increment address by two cells . x2 is stored at a-addr and x1 at the next consecutive cell. It is equivalent to the sequence DUP 2 CELLS + SWAP 2@ .
See also: 2@ 2!
2CONSTANT           "two-constant"                          D         DOUBLE
( x1 x2 "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. name is referred to as a "two-constant."

Execution: ( "name" -- x1 x2 )

Place cell pair x1 x2 on the stack.
2DROP               "two-drop"                                        CORE
( x1 x2 -- )
Drop cell pair x1 x2 from the stack.
2DUP                "two-dupe"                                        CORE
( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 x2 )
Duplicate cell pair x1 x2.
2LITERAL            "two-literal"                           C         DOUBLE
Compilation: ( x1 x2 -- )
Compile cell pair x1 x2 as a literal.

Execution: ( -- x1 x2 )

Place cell pair x1 x2 on the stack.
2NIPS               "two-nips"                                        IFORTH
( n1 n2 n3 -- n3 )
Remove the two values underneath TOS , equivalent to NIP NIP . Be careful to differentiate this from 2SWAP 2DROP which I'd have named 2NIP .
See also: NIP
2OVER               "two-over"                                        CORE
( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 )
Copy cell pair x1 x2 to the top of the stack.
2R>                 "two-r-from"                            C         CORE EXT
( -- x1 x2 ) ( R: x1 x2 -- )
Transfer cell pair x1 x2 from the return stack. Semantically equivalent to R> R> SWAP .
2R@                 "two-r-fetch"                           C         CORE EXT
( -- x1 x2 ) ( R: x1 x2 -- x1 x2 )
Copy cell pair x1 x2 from the return stack. Semantically equivalent to R> R> 2DUP >R >R SWAP .
2ROT                "two-rote"                                        DOUBLE EXT
( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -- x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2 )
Rotate the top three cell pairs on the stack bringing cell pair x1 x2 to the top of the stack.
2SWAP               "two-swap"                                        CORE
( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 x1 x2 )
Exchange the top two cell pairs.
2VARIABLE           "two-variable"                          D         DOUBLE
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Reserve two consecutive cells of data space. name is referred to as a "two-variable."

Execution: ( "name" -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of the first (lowest address) cell of two consecutive cells in data space reserved by 2VARIABLE when it defined name. The application is responsible for initializing the contents.
See also: VARIABLE
3DROP               "three-drop"                                      IFORTH
( x1 x2 x3 -- )
Drop three elements from the stack.
3DUP                "three-dupe"                                      IFORTH
( n1 n2 n3 -- n1 n2 n3 n1 n2 n3 )
Duplicate the top 3 elements of the stack.
4DROP               "four-drop"                                       IFORTH
( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- )
Drop four elements from the stack.
53-bits!                                                              IFORTH
( -- )
Force the FPU to use a 53 bit mantissa for selected operations.
See also: 24-bits! 80-bits!
80-bits!                                                              IFORTH
( -- )
Force the FPU to use an 80 bit mantissa for selected operations.
See also: 24-bits! 80-bits!
:                   "colon"                                 D         CORE, TOOLKIT EXT
( "name" -- colon-sys )
Usage: : name <words> ; Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name. Enter compilation state. The execution semantics of name will be determined by the words compiled into the body of the definition following execution of : (colon) until the execution of ; (semi-colon). The newly created word definition for name cannot be found in the dictionary until the definition is completed. If the contents of the variable POSTFIX is false, name is not parsed from the input buffer but it is taken from the c-addr/u combination on the stack. Note that this is not an ANS required feature and is thus not portable. name is called a "colon definition". colon-sys is balanced by the corresponding ; or ;CODE .

Execution: ( i*x -- j*x ) ( R: -- sys )

Save implementation-dependent information (sys) about the definition that called name and perform the body of the definition.
See also: [ ] ;CODE
:ABOUT              "colon-about"                                     IFORTH
( -- )
Create a headerless colon definition that executes when .ABOUT <module name> or .HELP requests it. The definition typically contains an explanation of the corresponding module. Most likely a simple message is printed, but anything is possible here. For this word to function as intended, the module must use REVISION .
:FAST               "colon-fast"                                      IFORTH
( -- )
Undocumented experimental colon definition type.
:NONAME             "colon-no-name"                                   CORE EXT
( -- xt colon-sys )
Create an execution token and enter compilation state. Information is added to the end of the dictionary so that code compiled at the next dictionary location will be associated with xt. This code can be executed later by using xt EXECUTE . colon-sys is balanced by the corresponding ; or ;CODE . An ambiguous condition exists if :NONAME is executed while in compilation state.

Execution: ( i*x -- j*x ) ( R: -- sys )

Save implementation-dependent information about the definition that executed xt. Typically, the execution semantics of xt are expanded by compiling additional words into the definition.
;                   "semicolon"                             C         CORE
Compilation: ( colon-sys -- )
Compile EXIT (or an implementation-dependent word that performs an equivalent function) in the current definition. End the current word definition and allow it to be found in the dictionary. Enter interpretation state. colon-sys is balanced by the corresponding : or :NONAME .

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: sys -- )

Return control to the caller of the definition containing ; . sys is balanced by the corresponding : or :NONAME .
;CODE               "semicolon-code"                        C         TOOLKIT EXT
Compilation: ( colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 )
Terminate the defining word containing ;CODE and allow it to be found in the dictionary. Enter interpret state. Add the ASSEMBLER word list to the search order. colon-sys1 is balanced by the corresponding : or :NONAME . colon-sys2 is balanced by the corresponding END-CODE .

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: sys -- )

When the defining word containing ;CODE is later executed it creates a new word definition name. When name is later executed, the machine code sequence following ;CODE is executed. sys is balanced by the corresponding : or :NONAME .
See also: DOES>
<                   "less-than"                                       
( n1 n2 -- flag ) flag is true if n1 is less than n2.
<#                  "less-number-sign"                                CORE
( -- )
Initialize pictured numeric process.
<,                                                                    IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "<" result.
<=                  "less-equal"                                      IFORTH
( n1 n2 -- flag )
flag is true if n1 is less then, or equal to n2.
<=,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "<=" result.
<>                  "not-equals"                                      CORE EXT
( x1 x2 -- flag )
flag is true if x1 is not bit-for-bit the same as x2.
<>,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "<>" result.
<WORD>              "fast-word"                                       IFORTH
( c -- c-addr u )
Perform the scanning functions of WORD . However the result is given as a character string. In this way the command executes much faster than WORD .
<|                                                                    IFORTH
( -- )
Lock the console using the device specific defined in the device control block.
=                   "equals"                                          CORE
( x1 x2 -- flag )
flag is true if x1 is bit-for-bit the same as x2.
=,                                                                    IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "=" result.
=:                                                          D         IFORTH
( n -- )
=: is an alias for CONSTANT .
See also: CONSTANT
==:                                                         D         IFORTH
( x1 x2 -- )
==: is an alias for 2CONSTANT .
See also: 2CONSTANT
=ANSI                                                                 IFORTH
( -- mask )
mask is a bit-mask with one bit set to be used with the flags of a dictionary entry. If this bit is set in the flags, the word belongs to the ANS Forth Standard. New words created during a session have this bit set in order not to produce spurious messages.
=CELL                                                                 IFORTH
( -- cell )
cell is the length of one cell in bytes. It is equivalent to 1 CELLS or 0 CELL+ .
=COMP                                                                 IFORTH
( -- mask )
mask is a bit-mask with one bit set to be used with the flags of a dictionary entry. If this bit is set in the flags, the word is compile-only. New words created during a session have this bit turned on by executing COMPILE-ONLY directly after defining the word.
=DENOTATION                                                           IFORTH
( -- mask )
A mask that signals to the optimizer that thus adorned word will scan the input stream and takes full responsibility for that. Normally the optimizer will turn off tokenization when a word changes >IN . Example words that have =DENOTATION set: [CHAR] S" etc.
=FIFOMASK                                                             IFORTH
( -- mask )
An undocumented mask.
=IMMEDIATE                                                            IFORTH
( -- mask )
mask is a bit-mask with one bit set to be used with the flags of a dictionary entry. If this bit is set in the flags, the word is immediate. New words created during a session have this bit turned on by executing IMMEDIATE directly after defining the word.
=IOMASK                                                               IFORTH
( -- mask )
An undocumented mask.
=PRIVATE                                                              IFORTH
( -- mask )
mask is a bit-mask with one bit set to be used with the flags of a dictionary entry. If this bit is set, the word is private. New words created during a session have this bit turned on by executing PRIVATE directly after defing the word. Words marked as private are made invisible with the command DEPRIVE .
=TOKENIZE                                                             IFORTH
( -- mask )
mask is a bit-mask with one bit set to be used with the flags of a dictionary entry. If this bit is set in the flags, the word has been TOKENIZEd, i.e. in addition to compiled code, the dictionary holds a string of equivalent tokens. The token string can be inspected with .dd . The optimizer may choose to inline the tokens instead of compiling a call to the machine code. It is not possible to prevent a word from being tokenized, but it is possible to turn off the =TOKENIZE bit. The optimizer does not inline IMMEDIATE words. (Making a word IMMEDIATE turns of the =TOKENIZE bit.) There is no high-level word, say TOKENIZE , to turn on the =TOKENIZE flags.
See also: IMMEDIATE .dd
=VISIBLE                                                              IFORTH
( -- mask )
mask is a bit-mask with one bit set to be used with the flags of a dictionary entry. If this bit is reset, the word is invisible, i.e. it cannot be found by words as ' HEAD' FIND WORDS .
>                   "greater-than"                                    CORE
( n1 n2 -- flag )
flag is true if n1 is greater than n2.
>,                                                                    IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for ">" result.
><                                                                    IFORTH
( 16bit -- 16bit' )
Swap the low and high bytes of the 16 bit word on the data stack.
>=                  "greater-equal"                                   IFORTH
( n1 n2 -- flag )
flag is true if n1 is greater then, or equal to n2.
>=,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for ">=" result.
>BODY               "to-body"                                         CORE
( xt -- a-addr )
a-addr is the data field address corresponding to xt for a word defined via CREATE .
>FLOAT              "to-float"                                        FLOAT
( c-addr u -- true ) ( F: -- r ) or ( c-addr u -- false )
An attempt is made to convert the string specified by c-addr and u to internal floating-point representation. If the string represents a valid floating-point number in the syntax below, its value r and true are returned. If the string does not represent a valid floating-point number only false is returned. A string of blanks is treated as a special case representing zero. Syntax:
          Convertible string := <significand>[<exponent>]
<significand> := [<sign-form>]<digits0>[.]<digits0>
<exponent> := <marker><digits0>
<digits> := <digit><digits0>
<digits0> := <digit>*
<digit> := { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 }
<marker> := { <e-form> | < sign-form> }
<e-form> := <e-char>[<sign-form>]
<sign-form> := { + | - }
<e-char>:= { D | d | E | e }

iForth allows leading and trailing spaces in the string.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R
>GRAPHIC            "to-graphic"                                      IFORTH
( c1 -- c2 )
If the character c1 is in the range { 32 .. 126 } return c1, otherwise return '.' (full stop).
>GSCREEN            "to-graphic-screen"                               IFORTH
( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy u consecutive characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2. Equivalent to CMOVE , CMOVE> or MOVE if c-addr2 is not in graphic memory. Only use >GSCREEN to do block moves to the graphics screen. Block moves across screen memory are not supported. They will hang the machine.
>HEAD               "to-head"                                         IFORTH
( xt -- dea | 0 )
dea is the address of the dictionary entry whose execution token is xt . If the conversion was not possible a 0 is returned.
>IN                 "to-in"                                           CORE
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of >IN . >IN contains the offset in characters from the start of the current input stream to the next character to be parsed.
>LCMOVE             "to-low-cmove"                                    IFORTH
( addr l-addr u -- )
Move u bytes from addr to offset l-addr in the first physical Megabyte of memory. MS-DOS only.
>LWC                "to-lower-case"                                   IFORTH
( C1 -- c2 )
Convert a character to its lowercase equivalent.
See also: >UPC
>MS                 "to-m-s"                                          IFORTH
( ticks -- ms )
Convert a time in timer ticks to a time in milliseconds. The process priority is correctly taken into account. Typically used with: TIMEOUT ?TIMEOUT
See also: >TICKS MS ?MS
>NUMBER             "to-number"                                       CORE
( ud1 c-addr1 u1 -- ud2 c-addr2 u2 )
ud2 is the unsigned result of converting the characters within the string specified by c-addr1 u1 into digits, using the number in BASE, and adding each into ud1 after multiplying ud1 by the number in BASE. Conversion continues left-to-right until a character that is not convertible is encountered or the string is entirely converted. Note that "+" or "-" are considered unconvertible characters. c-addr2 is the location of the first unconverted character or the first character past the end of the string if the string was entirely converted. u2 is the number of unconverted characters in the string. An ambiguous condition exists if ud2 overflows during the conversion. >NUMBER does not meet even the most basic requirements for simple number conversion. E.g., 0. S" +123" >NUMBER needs additional processing to handle the "+" sign. The number conversion embedded into the Forth text interpreter, EVALUATE, might be a useful replacement in such cases. Its syntax is much more flexible than that of >NUMBER. The text interpreter allows any amount of the following characters in a number string: { : , - . / }. They tell the system a double precision number is meant. Note that other full-ANS systems only recognize numbers that end with a '.' (full stop) as a double number. Furthermore iForth allows BASE-independent number input, controlled by the first character of the input string:
          Character   Meaning        Example   equivalent to
--------- ------- ------- -------------
$ hexadecimal $123 [ HEX ] 123
# decimal #123 [ DECIMAL ] 123
% binary %101 [ BINARY ] 101
& literal &a [CHAR] a
' literal 'a' [CHAR] a
" literal "a" [CHAR] a
^ control char ^G [CHAR] G [ DECIMAL ] 31 AND

A possible disadvantage of using EVALUATE is that any (multiple word) string may also be recognized (S" 2 3 +", S" PI F2/", S" BYE"). When the variable ANSI contains TRUE, a warning is issued about the usage of all numbers that might not be recognized by other ANS Forth systems.
>R                  "to-r"                                  C         CORE
( x -- ) ( R: -- x )
Move x to the return stack.
>S                  "to-s"                                            IFORTH
( x -- ) ( S: -- x )
Move x to the system stack.
>TICKS              "to-ticks"                                        IFORTH
( ms -- ticks )
Convert a time in milliseconds to a time in timer ticks. The process priority is correctly taken into account.
See also: >MS MS ?MS
>TSCREEN            "to-text-screen"                                  STRING
( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy u consecutive characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2. Equivalent to CMOVE , CMOVE> or MOVE if c-addr2 is not in screen memory. Only use >TSCREEN to do block moves to the screen. Block moves across screen memory are not supported. They will hang the machine.
See also: TSCREEN>
>UPC                "to-up-c"                                         IFORTH
( c1 -- c2 )
Convert a character to its uppercase equivalent.
>VOCNAME            "to-vocabulary-name"                              IFORTH
( addr1 -- addr2 )
Convert the data field address of a vocabulary word to its name field address.
?                   "question"                                        TOOLKIT EXT
( a-addr -- )
Display the value stored at a-addr.
?ALLOCATE                                                             IFORTH
( errno -- )
errno is the error number returned by words from the MEMORY wordset. The error number, when representing a real error, is converted to an error message issued by ABORT" .
?AT                 "query-at"                                        IFORTH
( -- column row )
Report the position where the next character output will appear. Format is column, row. The upper left corner of the output device is row zero, column zero. This word is a no-op when the operation cannot be performed on the current output device with the specified parameters.
?DEF                                                                  IFORTH
( "name" -- flag )
Parse name delimited by a space ignoring leading delimiters. If name can be found using the current search order then flag is true, otherwise flag is false.
?DO                 "question-do"                           C         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( -- dodest )
The next location for a transfer of control (dodest) goes onto the control-flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( n n -- ) ( R: -- ) or ( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- ) ( R: -- sys )

If n1|u1 is equal to n2|u2, continue execution at the location given by the consumer of dodest. Otherwise set up loop control parameters with index n2|u2 and limit n1|u1 and continue executing immediately following ?DO . Anything already on the return stack becomes unavailable until the loop control parameters are discarded. An ambiguous condition exists if n1|u1 and n2|u2 are not both of the same type.
?DUP                "question-dupe"                                   CORE
( x -- x x ) or ( 0 -- 0 )
Duplicate x if it is non-zero.
?ERROR"             "question-error-quote"C                           IFORTH
Compilation: ( "ccc<">" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by a double quote mark.

Execution: ( i*x flag nr -- ) ( R: j*x -- )

If all bits of flag are zero, execute the sequence of words after ccc<">. Otherwise, display ccc and perform an error abort sequence which includes the function of ABORT . Associate the error number nr with the error.
?FILE                                                                 IFORTH
( x ior -- x )
Tests ior and aborts with a detailed error message when not zero. The less informative alternative is THROW .
?FOR                                                        C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( -- fordest )
The next location for a transfer of control (fordest) goes onto the control flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( n|u -- ) ( R: -- sys )

Set up the loop control parameter with limit n|u. Anything already on the return stack becomes unavailable until the loop control parameters are discarded. Each pass through the loop, the loop control parameter is tested for zero. If it becomes zero or is zero initially the loop is exited, if it does not, the control parameter is decremented by one. If the limit n|u is 0 to start with, no pass will be made. It is allowed to use LEAVE to exit from a ?FOR ... NEXT loop.
See also: FOR AFT NEXT
?MS                                                                   IFORTH
( -- time )
time is a time in milliseconds derived from the value of the system clock. The only property of time is the fact that it represents a time in milliseconds, there is no 'starting point'. Note that when the system clock is halted, which is only possible on some processor models, the time returned by ?MS will not advance anymore. Note also that processes are free to load the system timer with a new value.
?REPEATED                                                   C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( n*orgs dest -- )
Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition, resolving the backward reference dest. Resolve the n forward referenced orgs using the location following the appended execution semantics. ?REPEATED aborts with an error message if SECURE is OFF . This word allows the standard ANS phrase
     BEGIN ... WHILE ... WHILE ... UNTIL THEN THEN to be

written as
     BEGIN ... WHILE ... WHILE ... ?REPEATED .

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution at the location given by dest.
?STACK                                                                IFORTH
( -- )
Check all 5 stacks (data, float, local, system and return) for a possible underflow. If one of these stacks did underflow an error is issued. Note that overflow is not checked for any of the stacks, and only one message is given even though more than one stack may have underflowed.
?UNDEF                                                                IFORTH
( "name" -- flag )
Parse name delimited by a space ignoring leading delimiters. If name can not be found using the current search order, flag is true, otherwise flag is false.
?s                                                                    IFORTH
( u -- )
Print the character 's' when u is not equal to 1. This is used to correctly handle formatting things like "0 files" "1 file" "111 files".
?shadow                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics.frt. Can be hidden.
See also: gbase oldcolors
@                   "fetch"                                           CORE
( a-addr -- x )
x is the value stored at a-addr.
@+                  "fetch-plus"                                      IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 x )
Fetch x from a-addr1. Add 1 CELLS to a-addr1 giving a-addr2.
@-                  "fetch-minus"                                     IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 x )
Fetch x from a-addr1. Subtract 1 CELLS from a-addr1 giving a-addr2.
@-frot,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a b c --- c a b ) Assembler macro that generates code that will inversely rotate the three numbers on the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
@COLOR                                                                IFORTH
( +n -- rgb )
iForth uses 256 colors as defined in ANS for text colors. @COLOR returns the RGB encoded color for +n, it takes care about the number of colors available for the console.
See also: TEXTMODE?
@CPUID                                                                IFORTH
( par -- rax rbx rcx rdx )
All x64 cpus have the cpuid instruction returning information about the underlying cpu -- beware: this might be modified in a virtual system like VMWARE, Virtualbox and friends. For example this is used to calculate MYSIGNATURE and to find out about an available ITSC timer.
@EXECUTE            "fetch-execute"                                   IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Fetch the execution token stored at a-addr. Execute the definition specified by the execution token if the execution token does not have all bits set to zero.
See also: PERFORM
@JUMP                                                                 IFORTH
( addr -- )
Effectively "jumps" to the contents of addr . In contrast to @EXECUTE , this word will not save a return address.
@LATEST                                                               IFORTH
( -- dea )
Get the dictionary entry address of the latest header that was created in the current wordlist (the one accessed with GET-CURRENT SET-CURRENT ).
@f2drop,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a b -- ) Assembler macro that generates code that will drop two numbers from the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
@f2dup,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a b --- a b a b ) Assembler macro that generates code that will duplicate the top two numbers on the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
@fdrop,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a --- ) Assembler macro that generates code that will drop the top number from the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
@fdup,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a --- a a ) Assembler macro that generates code that will duplicate the top of the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
@fnip,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a b --- b ) Assembler macro that generates code that will drop the second number from the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
@fnstsw,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: --- ) Assembler macro that assembles code that loads the FPU status word in AX .
@fover,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a b --- a b a ) Assembler macro that generates code that will copy the second number on the internal floating-point stack to the top. ( FLD ST(1) )
@frot,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a b c --- b c a ) Assembler macro that generates code that will rotate the three numbers on the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
@fswap,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
running ( internal F: a b --- b a ) Assembler macro that generates code that will swap the two numbers on the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
ABORT                                                                 CORE
( i*x -- ) ( R: j*x -- )
Empty the data stack and perform the function of QUIT without displaying a message.
ABORT"              "abort-quote"                           C         CORE
Compilation: ( "ccc<">" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by a double quote mark.

Execution: ( i*x flag -- ) ( R: j*x -- )

If all bits of flag are zero, execute the sequence of words after ccc<">. Otherwise, display ccc and perform an error abort sequence which includes the function of ABORT .
ABS                 "abs"                                             CORE
( n -- u )
u is the absolute value of n. Note that on every 2's complement machine there is exactly one negative number (the most negative integer) that does not have a representable absolute value.
ABUFFER[                                                              IFORTH
parsing: ( "<number of bytes>]" -- ) executing: ( -- addr ) This word parses for a byte count and creates a local buffer of that size. Exiting the enclosing definition deallocates the buffer. Example: ... ABUFFER[ 10 CELLS ] ...
ACALL,              "aligned-call-comma"                              IFORTH
( xt -- )
Compile a processor assembler subroutine call to the routine identified by the execution token xt. The compiler handles this in such a way that it is valid for the routine being called to execute R> @ , meaning that the next address in the dictionary is guaranteed to be aligned. Note that this is needed for all DOES> constructs. This word is only meaningful for Forths that do not have a separate data space. See /include/miscutil.frt, the word EXEC: for example usage.
See also: COMPILE, CALL,
ACCEPT                                                                CORE
( c-addr +n1 -- +n2 )
Receive a string of at most +n1 characters. An ambiguous condition exists if +n1 is zero or greater than 32,767. Display graphic characters as they are received. Note that editing functions that the system performs in order to construct the string are implementation-defined. This system appends each typed character to the end of the string except for the backspace key which removes one key from the end of the string if available. Other implementations of the ANS standard may use different editing keys. Input terminates when "return" is received. When "return" is received, nothing is appended to the string. +n2 is the length of the string stored at c-addr.
See also: EXPECT
ADD-ENVIRONMENT                                                       IFORTH
( c-addr1 n1 c-addr2 n2 -- val )
Modifies, sets or removes the extended ENVIRONMENT? information. c-addr2/n2 defines the name of the ENVIRONMENT? query, c-addr1/n1 is a string that is returned when asked. If n1=0 the information is removed from the database. The returned val tells the status, 0 if removed, 1 if modified and -1 if new. LIST-ADD-ENVIRONMENT shows the currently defined extensions and information about extensions used by iForth. RESET-ADD-ENVIRONMENT clears all environment extensions.
ADD-LOCATE                                                            IFORTH
( -- addr )
ADD-LOCATE is a user variable. CREATE calls the vectored routine in ADD-LOCATE for each word header. The stackdiagram for the routine is ( dea -- locate_datum ). The locate datum is a special number composed of the source file identifier and the one-based source line number in this file. For kernel definitions the locate datum is 0 as no source files are provided. The default xt in ADD-LOCATE passes the dea unmodified. This means that when the ./include/locate.frt utility is not active, HEAD' name ( -- dea ) HEAD>LOCATE @ returns either name's dea or zero.
ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS                                                     IFORTH
ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS is an environment query.

ADJUST-STACK                                                          IFORTH
Used in inline macro's to optimize parameter access. The word ADJUST-STACK is used together with IN/OUT and FIN/FOUT to flush registers and FPU contents to the memory data stacks after a macro (or set of macro's) has finished. IN/OUT , FIN/FOUT and ADJUST-STACK work together in order to remove superfluous stack traffic at macro boundaries. For an example see IN/OUT .
AFT                                                         C         IFORTH
( -- orig )
AFT is a special purpose version of AHEAD that is typically used in FOR ... NEXT loops. It makes sure the loop is exited immediately if the loop control parameter n is 0 to start with. Example:
     : TEST1  0 FOR      I@ .       NEXT ;  \ prints "0"
: TEST0 0 FOR AFT I@ . THEN NEXT ; \ prints nothing

Also note that a FOR ... NEXT loop using AFT executes n times, not n+1 times.
AGAIN                                                       C         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( dest -- )
Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition, resolving the backward reference dest.

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution at the location specified by dest. If no other control flow words are used, any program code after AGAIN will not be executed.
See also: BEGIN
AGAIN,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( addr -- )
Assemble a jump to the memory location addr.

Execution: ( -- )

Jump to the memory location addr.
AHEAD                                                       C         TOOLKIT EXT
Compilation: ( -- orig )
Put the location of a new unresolved forward reference orig onto the control flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition. The semantics are incomplete until orig is resolved (e.g., by THEN ).

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution at the location specified by the resolution of orig.
AHEAD,              "ahead-comma"                                     IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- addr )
Place the value of the current code space pointer on the data stack. Assemble an unconditional forward branch that is to be resolved by, for instance, THEN, .

Execution: ( -- )

Jump to the memory location just after the word that resolved this forward branch.
ALIGN                                                                 CORE
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned, reserve enough space to align it. Note that ALIGN is both a standard word and an environment query.
ALIGN1024                                                             IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned to a multiple of 1024 bytes, reserve enough space to align it.
ALIGN16                                                               IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned to a multiple of 16 bytes, reserve enough space to align it.
ALIGN2                                                                IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned to a multiple of 2 bytes, reserve enough space to align it.
ALIGN32                                                               IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned to a multiple of 32 bytes, reserve enough space to align it.
ALIGN4                                                                IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned to a multiple of 4 bytes, reserve enough space to align it.
ALIGN64                                                               IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned to a multiple of 64 bytes, reserve enough space to align it.
ALIGN8                                                                IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned to a multiple of 8 bytes, reserve enough space to align it.
ALIGNED                                                               CORE
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first aligned address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNED1024                                                           IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first align1024 address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNED16                                                             IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first align16 address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNED2                                                              IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first align2 address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNED32                                                             IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first align32 address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNED4                                                              IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first align4 address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNED64                                                             IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first align64 address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNED8                                                              IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first align8 address greater than or equal to addr.
ALIGNS?                                                               IFORTH
( -- addr )
addr is a USER variable that is used to signal header generators like e.g. CODE and : to perform non-default alignment. The amount of alignment is controlled by the byte array _align_[7]. Typically, ALIGNS? is set to ON in the CREATE part of defining words. All header generators automatically reset ALIGNS? after use. The programmer only needs to "ALIGNS? ON" in the CREATE part of a new defining word. Note that this word will go away when iForth starts to rigorously separate code and data areas (post-Hammer era).
See also: _calign_ _align_ ALIGN64 ALIGN32
ALITERAL                                                              IFORTH
Compilation: ( a-addr -- )
Compile a-addr as a literal. This word is equivalent to LITERAL however a special optimization is used to generate a code sequence that is much shorter and results in relocatable code that can be saved to disk. Note that this word is not compile-only.

Execution: ( -- a-addr )

Place a-addr on the stack.
ALLOCATE                                                              MEMORY
( u -- a-addr ior )
Allocate u address units of contiguous data space. The address of the next available data space location is unaffected by this operation. The initial content of the allocated space is undefined. If the allocation succeeds, a-addr is the aligned starting address of the allocated space and ior is 0. If the operation fails, a-addr does not represent a valid address and ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code.
ALLOT                                                                 CORE
( n -- )
Reserve n address units of data space. This space is located between HERE and NP @ and is a relatively expensive resource. For large areas you are advised to use ALLOCATE if possible.
See also: ALLOCATE
ALSO                                                                  SEARCH EXT
( -- )
Transform the search order consisting of wid1, ... widn-1, widn (where widn is searched first) into wid1, ... widn-1, widn, widn. If there are too many word lists in the search order the system will print the message 'search path full' and abort. Other ANS systems may react in another way on this condition.
ALT-used!                                                             IFORTH
( bool -- )
Instructs the optimizer to use an alternate NEXT code sequence. Set up in the ~/include/iForth.prf preferences file.
See also: ALT-used@ FPU-ovf! LEA-used! P6-used! EDX-used@ EDI-used@
ALT-used@                                                             IFORTH
( -- bool )
Get the current state of NEXT sequence handling.
See also: ALT-used!
AND                                                                   CORE
( x1 x2 -- x3 )
x3 is the bit-by-bit logical 'and' of x1 with x2.
ANEW                                                                  IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Define MARKER `name' after (possibly) executing `name'". This replaces the stock phrase
     [DEFINED] -foo [IF] -foo [THEN] MARKER -foo

See also: MARKER
ANSI                                                                  IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of ANSI . ANSI contains a flag that, when true, causes iForth to produce warnings when keywords or language constructions are used that can possibly fail to run on other ANS Forth Systems. The warning message reads: "xxx is not portable". Note that the minimal allowed standard Forth only needs to implement the words from the CORE wordset. There are no warnings for words that are not available on such minimal systems. The warnings are only issued for words that are compiled.
ANSI?                                                                 IFORTH
( dea -- )
dea is the address of a dictionary entry. If this is not a definition described by the ANS Forth standard and portability checking is on, a warning message is printed.
See also: ANSI HEAD'
ASHR                                                                  IFORTH
( x1 u -- x2 )
Arithmetically shift x1 over u bits to the right, giving the result x2. The sign bit is unchanged. When u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell, x2 == x1.
ASM{                                                                  IFORTH
( -- )
Between ASM{ and }ASM we are in the ASSEMBLER vocabulary, in interpretative mode. Because the action of "[" is specified in ASM{ , the compiler flushes all stacks to memory. This, of course, includes the floating-point stack. By default the compiler assumes empty stacks when the word }ASM executes. You can use IN/OUT and ADJUST-STACK to modify this. The entry of Saturday, December 30, 2000, 12:52 AM in the ./bugs.txt file gives more information.
ASSEMBLER                                                             TOOLKIT EXT
( -- )
Replace the first word list in the search order with the ASSEMBLER word list.
ASTRING                                                               IFORTH
runtime: ( -- addr ) Compiles code that will make a buffer available at runtime. The size of this buffer is >256 so enough for a counted string.
See also: BUFLOCAL[
AT-XY               "at-x-y"                                          FACILITY EXT
( u1 u2 -- )
Perform steps so that the next character output will appear in column u1, row u2 of the current output device. The upper left corner of the output device is row zero, column zero. It is a no-op when the operation cannot be performed on the current output device with the specified parameters. Note that for other implementations the result in that case is an ambiguous condition.
AVAILABLE                                                             MEMORY EXT
( -- u )
Return the number of address units contained in the largest contiguous region of data space that may be allocated by ALLOCATE or RESIZE . This word is safe for use in a multi-process environment. Note that in that case it is not guaranteed that the amount returned by AVAILABLE is available to use with ALLOCATE or RESIZE .
AWARNING            "a-warnings"                                      IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of AWARNING . AWARNING contains a flag that, when true, causes iForth to produce warnings about assembler instructions that are not executable on the processor iForth is currently compiling for.
See also: #CPU
AtCold                                                                IFORTH
( xt -- )
Add xt to a FIFO list of execution tokens for COLD . (FIFO: The first added xt is executed first.) A word can do anything it needs when forgotten with FORGET>, but it may need to do something similar when COLD is starting up. AtCold allows this. Note that when AtCold code is forgotten, its FORGET> part should remove the action from the internal chain. This is done automatically.
See also: AtExit
AtExit                                                                IFORTH
( xt -- )
Add xt to a LIFO list of execution tokens for BYE . (LIFO: The first added xt is executed last.) A word can do anything it needs when forgotten with FORGET>, but it may need to do something similar for BYE. AtExit allows this. Note that when AtExit code is forgotten, its FORGET> part should remove the action from the internal chain. This is done automatically.
See also: AtCold
AtForget                                                              ( addr xt -- )                                              IFORTH
Adds addr and xt to a LIFO list of execution tokens. (LIFO: The first
added xt is executed last.) Whenever dictionary space at addr is forgotten xt will be executed. This should always behave like ( addr -- )
AtQuit                                                                IFORTH
( xt -- )
Add xt to a FIFO list of execution tokens. (FIFO: The first added xt is executed first.) This FIFO list is done whenever QUIT is called. xt must not consume or push anything to the stack. Note that when AtQuit code is forgotten, its FORGET> part should remove the action from the internal chain. This is done automatically.
AtThreadExit                                                          IFORTH
( xt -- )
Add xt to a LIFO list of execution tokens. (LIFO: The first added xt is executed last.) This LIFO list is done whenever a thread or callback terminates. Note that when AtThreadExit code is forgotten, its FORGET> part should remove the action from the internal chain. This is done automatically.
See also: AtThreadStart
AtThreadStart                                                         IFORTH
( xt -- )
Add xt to a FIFO list of execution tokens. (FIFO: The first added xt is executed first.) This FIFO list is done whenever a thread or callback starts. Note that when AtThreadStart code is forgotten, its FORGET> part should remove the action from the internal chain. This is done automatically.
See also: AtThreadExit
B!                  "b-store"                                         IFORTH
( 16bit addr -- )
Put a 16-bit number at any addr.
B.                  "b-dot"                                           IFORTH
( x -- )
Print x as a 2 digit hexadecimal number.
B@                  "b-fetch"                                         IFORTH
( addr -- 16bit )
Get a 16-bit number from addr.
B@+                 "b-store-plus"                                    IFORTH
( addr -- addr' 16bit)
Get a 16-bit number from addr. Also leave the incremented address addr'.
BASE                                                                  CORE
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of BASE . BASE contains the current number conversion radix {{ 2 .. 72 }}.
BEGIN                                                       C         CORE
Compilation: ( -- dest )
Put the next location for a transfer of control, dest, onto the control flow stack.

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution.
BEGIN,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- addr )
Leave the contents of the current codespace pointer on the data stack. This address can later be used to resolve a backward branch. This backward branch is usually generated by AGAIN, REPEAT, or UNTIL, .

Execution: ( -- )

Do nothing.
BETWEEN                                                               IFORTH
( n low high -- bool )
TRUE when low <= n <= high.
See also: WITHIN
BIN                                                                   IFORTH
( fam2 -- fam1 )
fam1 is a file access method such as R/W R/O or W/O . fam2 is a file access method with the same properties as fam1 but for which it is guaranteed that read or write actions to the opened file do not have any character translation. Files opened with BIN applied on their file access method are usually called 'binary files'. Binary mode can only be used in combination with WRITE-FILE and READ-FILE , use of READ-LINE and WRITE-LINE gives unpredictable results.
BINARY                                                                IFORTH
( -- )
Sets contents of BASE to two.
BL                  "b-l"                                             CORE
( -- char )
char is the character value for a space.
BLANK                                                                 STRING
( c-addr u -- )
If u is greater than zero, store the character value for space in u consecutive character positions beginning at c-addr.
BLK                 "b-l-k"                                           BLOCK
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of BLK . BLK contains the number of the mass storage block being interpreted as the input stream {{ 0 .. one less than the number of blocks available }}. If BLK contains zero, the input stream is being taken from the text input buffer specified by TIB .
BLOCK                                                                 BLOCK, FILE
( u -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of the first character of the block buffer assigned to mass storage block u. An ambiguous condition exists if u is not an available block number. If block u is already in a block buffer: a-addr is the address of that block buffer. If block u is not already in memory and there is an unassigned block buffer: transfer block u from mass storage to an unassigned block buffer. a-addr is the address of that block buffer. If block u is not already in memory, and there are no unassigned block buffers: unassign a block buffer. If the block in that buffer has been UPDATE -d, transfer the block to mass storage and transfer block u from mass storage into that buffer. a-addr is the address of that block buffer. At the conclusion of the operation, the block buffer pointed to by a-addr is the current block buffer and is assigned to u. An UPDATE -d block that came from a file must be transferred back to the same file when the block buffer is needed for another block. If the value stored in BLOCK-FID is not equal to zero, the block number u references block u of the file identified by the fileid stored in BLOCK-FID . BLOCK is also an environment query.
BLOCK-EXT                                                             IFORTH
BLOCK-EXT is an environment query.
BLOCK-FID           "block-f-i-d"                                     FILE
( -- a-addr )
Return the address of a fileid. The identified file contains blocks; block requests made by words in the BLOCK word set use the blocks in this file. If BLOCK-FID contains zero, block requests made by words in the BLOCK word set use an implementation-defined default block space.
BODY>               "from-body"                                       IFORTH
( dfa -- xt )
xt is the execution token corresponding to a data field address dfa for a word defined via CREATE .
BOOTLINK                                                              IFORTH
( -- addr )
This variable has no real function in iForth. (See the DFW tForth product).
BOUNDS                                                                IFORTH
( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 )
A conventional equivalent to OVER + SWAP . Use with DO .
BREAD-LINE                                                            IFORTH
( c-addr u1 fileid -- u2 flag ior )
A synonym for READ-LINE . BREAD-LINE may perform more buffering than the standard READ-LINE and might therefore be faster.
See also: READ-LINE
BREAK?                                                                IFORTH
( -- flag )
Wait for a key to be pressed. If the key is the ESC key, return true, otherwise return false.
See also: WAIT?
BSWAP                                                                 IFORTH
( 32bits1 -- 32bits2 ) or ( 64bits1 -- 64bits2 )
For iForth32, swap all bytes of 32bits1, i.e. a+b+c+d -> d+c+b+a. For iForth64, swap all bytes of 64bits1, i.e. a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h -> h+g+f+e+d+c+b+a. In iForth64, use BSWAP #32 RSHIFT to get a 32-bit BSWAP.
See also: ><
BUFFER                                                                BLOCK, FILE
( u -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of the first character of the block buffer assigned to block u. The contents of the block are unspecified. An ambiguous condition exists if u is not an available block number. If block u is already in a block buffer: a-addr is the address of that block buffer. If block u is not already in memory and there is an unassigned buffer: a-addr is the address of that block buffer. If block u is not already in memory, and there are no unassigned block buffers: unassign a block buffer. If the block in that buffer has been UPDATE -d, transfer the block to mass storage. a-addr is the address of that block buffer. At the conclusion of the operation, the block buffer pointed to by a-addr is the current block buffer and is assigned to u. An UPDATE -d block that came from a file must be transferred back to the same file when the block buffer is needed for another block. If the value stored in BLOCK-FID is not equal to zero, the block number u references block u of the file identified by the fileid stored in BLOCK-FID .
BUFLOCAL[                                                             c                             IFORTH
parsing: ( "<number of bytes>]<name>" -- ) executing: ( -- addr ) This word parses for a byte count and name and creates a local buffer of that size and name. Exiting the enclosing definition deallocates the buffer. Example: ... BUFLOCAL[ 10 CELLS ] buffername ...
BYE                                                                   TOOLKIT EXT
( -- )
Return control to the host operating system.
BYE!                                                                  IFORTH
( -- )
Send the 'disconnect server' command over the boot link to the server (if there is one). The server disconnects upon receiving this message and exits itself. All knowledge about open files is lost. If there is no server this command is the same as BYE .
See also: BYE
C!                  "c-store"                                         CORE
( char c-addr -- )
Store char at c-addr.
C"                  "c-quote"                                         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( "ccc<">" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by " (double-quote) and append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- c-addr )

Return c-addr, a counted string consisting of the characters ccc. A standard program may not alter the returned string. Note that in iForth this word can be used when interpreting from the terminal.
C&!                 "c-and-store"                                     IFORTH
( char c-addr -- )
And char with the value at c-addr and store again at c-addr.
See also: C^! C|! C+! C!
C+!                 "c-plus-store"                                    IFORTH
( char c-addr -- )
Add c to the character stored at c-addr.
C,                  "c-comma"                                         CORE
( char -- )
Reserve space for one character in the data space and store char in the space. An ambiguous condition exists if the address of the next available data space location is not character-aligned.
C-!                 "c-and-store"                                     IFORTH
( char c-addr -- )
Subtract char from the value at c-addr and store result at c-addr.
See also: C+!
C0!                 "c-zero-store"                                    IFORTH
( c-addr -- )
Store 0 in the character cell at address c-addr.
C@                  "c-fetch"                                         CORE
( c-addr -- char )
Fetch the character stored at c-addr.
C@+                 "c-fetch-plus"                                    IFORTH
( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 c )
Fetch c from the character address c-addr1. Add 1 CHARS to c-addr1 giving c-addr2.
C@-                 "c-fetch-minus"                                   IFORTH
( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 c )
Fetch c from the character address c-addr1. Subtract 1 CHARS from c-addr1 giving c-addr2.
CALL,               "call-comma"                                      IFORTH
( xt -- )
Compile a processor assembler subroutine call to the routine identified by the execution token xt.
See also: COMPILE,
CALLBACK                                                              IFORTH
( addr #args "name" -- )
This is a CREATEing word that generates a word called name. (The stack diagram applies to CREATE time.) An interface is build that allows a normal Forth word to be directly and asynchronously called from an external library or (probably non-Forth) program. The address of the Forth word to be called in this way is given by addr. The number of cell-sized parameters the external code pushes on the Forth data stack is given by #args. Assuming the external code is written in "C", the Forth word at addr expects the C arguments in the order written in the C documentation (which means that the right-most one will be on Forth TOS). See PASCAL-CALLBACK for an alternative convention. The EBP/RBP, EBX/RBX, ECX/RXC, EDX/RDX, ESI/RSI and EDI/RDI registers are saved across a CALLBACK, and EAX/RAX is used to return the result to the external caller. The Forth word at addr is called with the (C) arguments on the Forth data stack. These arguments are to be consumed and a single result is to be left on top of the data stack. A temporary return, local, floating-point and extra stack of at least 256 words deep are provided. Note however, that the user area will be copied from the currently running task. This means that .S (and even FIND EVALUATE or : etc.) will do something useful, but do not (permanently) change any user variables or the dictionary. The CREATEd word name can be executed from Forth with name EXECUTE ( #args*{n} -- #args*{n} ). As the result is returned in the EAX/RAX register, you can't see/access it from high-level Forth. This behavior (external caller cleans up) is documented for completeness, it is not considered to be useful.
CALM                                                                  IFORTH
( ?? -- ?? )
CALM is a machinecode routine that does not use any of the iForth stacks or datastructures: these do not exist or are instable when CALM is called straight from the DOS-extender's exception handler. CALM waits for a keypress. If this is 'E' (uppercase E) iForth exits to the OS with errorlevel $FF. Any other key and ABORT will be executed instead. CALM is meant for execution by PANIC in case of a hardware exception.
See also: 'PANIC PANIC
CASE                                                        C         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( -- case-sys )
Mark the start of the CASE ... OF ... ENDOF ... ENDCASE structure.

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution.
CASESENSITIVE                                                         IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of CASESENSITIVE . CASESENSITIVE contains a flag that, when false, makes FIND case insensitive. i.e. words with the same spelling but not the same case are then considered equal.
CATCH                                                                 ERROR
( i*x xt -- j*x 0 ) No THROW received, or ( i*x xt -- i*x n ) THROW received.
Pushes an error interception frame on the return stack. That frame remembers the current stack depth, and then executes the execution token xt (as with EXECUTE ) in such a way that control may be transferred back to a point just after CATCH if THROW is executed during the execution of xt. If the execution of xt completes normally (i.e., this CATCH does not receive a THROW ) CATCH pops the error frame and returns 0 above whatever stack items would have been returned by xt EXECUTE . If this CATCH receives a throw, it returns a non-zero n above an indeterminate number i of stack items. The depth of the stack is now the same as it was just before CATCH began execution. The values of the i*x stack items could have been modified during the execution of xt. In general, there is nothing useful that can be done with those stack items. Since the stack depth is known, the application may DROP those items.
CEIL-MODE                                                             IFORTH
( -- )
Sets the current rounding mode to what FCEIL does. Reset by the top-level ABORT. The default mode is EVEN-MODE .
CELL+               "cell-plus"                                       CORE
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the size of a cell, specified in address units, to a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
CELL-               "cell-minus"                                      IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Subtract the size of a cell, specified in address units, from a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
CELL/MOD            "cell-slash-mod"                                  IFORTH
( x1 -- x2 x3 )
Divide x1 by the size of one cell in bytes, giving the single-cell remainder x2 and the single-cell quotient x3.
CELLS                                                                 CORE
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the size, in address units, of n1 cells.
CELL[]                                                                IFORTH
( addr1 index -- addr2 )
Equivalent to CELLS + .
See also: []CELL
CHAR                "care"                                            CORE
( "ccc< >" -- char )
Parse characters ccc delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Put the integer value of its first character onto the stack.
CHAR+               "char-plus"                                       CORE
( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
Add the size of one character, specified in address units, to c-addr1, giving c-addr2.
CHAR-               "char-minus"                                      IFORTH
( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
Subtract the size of one character, specified in address units, from c-addr1, giving c-addr2.
CHARS               "chars"                                           CORE
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the size, in address units, of n1 characters.
CIRCULAR                                                              IFORTH
( n mod -- n' )
Equivalent >S S>D S> FM/MOD DROP .
CLEAR                                                                 IFORTH
CLEAR is an alias for 0TO.

CLINK                                                                 IFORTH
( 'vochead -- )
Links a vocabulary into the start-up initialization of iForth. Only needed for user vocabularies that are to stay in an executable made with SAVE-SYSTEM .
CLOSE-FILE                                                            FILE
( fileid -- ior )
Close the file identified by fileid. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code.
CLOSE-LOG                                                             IFORTH
( -- )
Closes the logfile.
See also: OPEN-LOG logfile CRASHLOG
CLS                 "c-l-s"                                           IFORTH
( -- )
Clear the terminal screen.
CMOVE               "c-move"                                          STRING
( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy u consecutive characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2. If c-addr2 lies within the source region, memory propagation occurs. (c-addr2 lies within the source region if c-addr2 is not less than c-addr1 and c-addr2 is less than the quantity c-addr1 u CHARS + ). Contrast with: CMOVE>
See also: MOVE
CMOVE>              "c-move-up"                                       STRING
( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy u consecutive characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2. If c-addr1 lies within the destination region, memory propagation occurs. (c-addr1 lies within the destination region if c-addr1 is greater than or equal to c-addr2 and if c-addr2 is less than the quantity c-addr1 u CHARS + ). Contrast with: CMOVE
See also: MOVE
CODE                                                        D         TOOLKIT EXT
( "name" -- sys )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Add the ASSEMBLER word list to the search order to process the words between name and END-CODE . sys is balanced by the corresponding END-CODE . name is called a "code definition."

Execution: ( "name" -- )

Do nothing. Typically, the execution semantics of name are extended by compiling additional words into the code definition.
COLD                                                                  IFORTH
( i*x -- )
Effectively restart iForth. All stacks are cleared, all definitions are removed from the wordlist, all internal variables are reset to their original value and the memory manager is reset. Resetting the memory manager takes away all allocated memory from processes that are still running, possibly causing a crash later. This might be avoided by first FORGETting all user added words, so that the special `forget code' on a per word basis is executed and the system is properly cleaned up. If the FORGET> parts of the words initiating I/O, process creation, and memory allocation are written with care, resetting the system becomes a harmless operation. However, this will not be an easy task in a multi-processor environment. Finally the sign-on banner is displayed and the execution token in 'BOOT is executed. If 'BOOT contains 0 (the default) then QUIT is called.
See also: FORGET>
COMPARE                                                               STRING
( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n )
Compare the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 to the string specified by c-addr2 and u2. The strings are compared, beginning at the given addresses, character by character up to the length of the shorter string, or until a difference is found. If both strings are the same up to the length of the shorter string, then the longer string is greater than the shorter string. n is -1 if the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 is less than the string specified by c-addr2 and u2. n is zero if the strings are equal. n is 1 if the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 is greater than the string specified by c-addr2 and u2.
COMPARE-NC                                                            IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n )
Compare, case-insensitively, the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 to the string specified by c-addr2 and u2. The strings are compared, beginning at the given addresses, character by character up to the length of the shorter string, or until a difference is found. If both strings are the same up to the length of the shorter string, then the longer string is greater than the shorter string. n is -1 if the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 is less than the string specified by c-addr2 and u2. n is zero if the strings are equal. n is 1 if the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 is greater than the string specified by c-addr2 and u2.
COMPILE                                                               IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space. If name is not a word that can be found in the current search list, issue an error. Compile a reference to name. This word is present for portability reasons only. It is recommended to use POSTPONE and COMPILE, .
COMPILE,            "compile-comma"                         C         CORE EXT
( xt -- )
Append the execution semantics of the definition represented by xt to the execution semantics of the current word definition. An ambiguous condition exists if COMPILE, is executed while interpreting.
COMPILE-ONLY                                                          IFORTH
( -- )
Marks the last word that is created as a compile-only word.
CONST-@                                                               IFORTH
( addr -- [addr] )
When iForth can figure out the literal value of addr at compile-time, it fetches the contents and compiles them instead of addr. The contents of addr can still be changed at run-time. Example:
          FORTH> : curry+ create , does> const-@ + ;  ok
FORTH> 3 curry+ 3+ ok
FORTH> : test 22 3+ ; ok
FORTH> see test
: test 22 3+ ; ok
FORTH> ' test idis
$01405F80 : [trashed]
$01405F8A push #25 b#
$01405F8C ;

See also: @ CONST-C@ C@
CONST-C@                                                              IFORTH
( c-addr -- [c-addr] )
Like CONST-@ for byte data.
See also: C@ CONST-@ @
CONST-DATA                                                            IFORTH
( addr size -- )
Declare the region defined by addr size as containing constant data. The optimizer will from that point on treat code that does "<a> @" or "<a> C@", where <a> is inside region, in a special way. See ./include/fsl-util.frt for example usage.
See also: CONST?
CONST?                                                                IFORTH
( addr -- TRUE=const-data )
Test if addr is inside a CONST-DATA area.
See also: CONST-DATA
CONSTANT                                                    D         CORE
( x "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. name is referred to as a "constant."

Execution: ( "name" -- x )

Place x on the stack.
CONTEXT                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of CONTEXT . CONTEXT contains the address of the field in the active wordlist where the dea of the last word in that list is kept. The active wordlist is the wordlist that is first in the search order. Example:
: SayHello ." Hello!" ;
SayHello ok

The first @ fetches the address where the dea is stored, the second @ fetches the dea itself. .ID prints the name of that dictionary entry.
CONVERT                                                               CORE EXT
( ud1 c-addr1 -- ud2 c-addr2 )
ud2 is the result of converting the characters within the text beginning at the first character after c-addr1 into digits, using the number in BASE , and adding each digit to ud1 after multiplying ud1 by the number in BASE . Conversion continues until a character that is not convertible is encountered. c-addr2 is the location of the first unconverted character. An ambiguous condition exists if ud2 overflows. Note: This word is obsolescent and is included as a concession to existing implementations. Its function is superseded by >NUMBER . CONVERT does not support all of the extensions that are supported by NUMBER? .
CORE                                                                  IFORTH
CORE is an environment query.

CORE-EXT                                                              IFORTH
CORE-EXT is an environment query.

COUNT                                                                 CORE
( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 u )
Return the character string specification for the counted string stored at c-addr1. c-addr2 is the address of the first character after c-addr1. u is the contents of the character at c-addr1, which is the length in characters of the string at c-addr2.
CP                                                                    IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of CP . CP contains the pointer to just past the last byte of the code space. Any bytes allocated in the code space are placed at this address. This variable is adjusted by ALLOT and other words that use ALLOT .
See also: HERE
CR                  "c-r"                                             CORE
( -- )
Cause subsequent output to appear at the beginning of the next line.
CRASHLOG                                                              IFORTH
( -- )
Sometimes we have an application crashing and we want some information about the running iForth system collected in a file. CRASHLOG writes a lot of information to the standard logfile. You may define a word .CRASHINFO ( -- ), CRASHLOG will search&execute it.
CREATE                                                      D         CORE
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned, reserve enough data space to align it. This address defines name's data field. CREATE does not allocate space in name's data field.

Execution: ( "name" -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of name's data field. An additional set of operations may be defined using DOES> and FORGET> . Note: iForth's names are limited to 255 characters, where standard Forth states that definition names shall contain {1..31} characters.
CREATE-FILE                                                           FILE
( c-addr u fam -- fid ior )
Create the file named in the character string specified by c-addr and u, and open it with file access method fam. The file access methods are R/W R/O and W/O . Each of these may be followed by BIN , meaning a binary file should be created. If a file by the same name already exists, recreate it as an empty file. If the file was successfully created and opened, ior is zero, fid is the fileid, and the file has been positioned to the start of the file. Otherwise, ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code and fid is an unspecified value.
CS-PICK                                                     C         TOOLKIT EXT
Compilation: ( sys(u) ... sys(1) sys(0) u -- sys(u) ... sys(1) sys(0) sys(u) )
Remove u. Copy the uth element of the control flow stack to the top of the control flow stack. An ambiguous condition exists if there are less than u+2 items on the control flow stack before CS-PICK is executed, or if CS-PICK is executed while interpreting.
See also: CS-ROLL
CS-ROLL                                                     C         TOOLKIT EXT
Compilation: ( sys(u) sys(u-1) ... sys(0) u -- sys(u-1) ... sys(0) sys(u) )
Remove u. Rotate u+1 elements on top of the control flow stack. An ambiguous condition exists if there are less than u+2 entries on the stack before CS-ROLL is executed or if CS-ROLL is executed while interpreting.
See also: CS-PICK
CTRL                "control"                                         IFORTH
( "ccc< >" -- c )
Parse characters ccc delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Put the lowest 5 bits of the integer value of its first character onto the stack. e.g. CTRL E places the value 5 onto the stack which is also ^E. Because of iForth's augmented >NUMBER you may also enter ^E directly.
See also: >NUMBER
CURRENT                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of CURRENT . CURRENT contains a pointer to the control structure associated with the wordlist in which new words are added. The structure of this control structure is implementation defined. In iForth CURRENT @ @ returns the dea of the word defined last (unless SET-CURRENT has been used in between).
C^!                 "c-xor-store"                                     IFORTH
( char c-addr -- )
Xor char with the value at c-addr and store result at c-addr.
See also: C&! C|! C+! C! C-!
C|!                 "c-or-store"                                      IFORTH
( char c-addr -- )
Or char with the value at c-addr and store result at c-addr.
See also: C&! C^! C+! C! C-!
D!                  "d-store"                                         DOUBLE EXT
( d a-addr -- )
Store d at a-addr.
D+                  "d-plus"                                          DOUBLE
( d1|ud1 d2|ud2 -- d3|ud3 )
Add d2|ud2 to d1|ud1, giving the sum d3|ud3.
D+!                 "d-plus-store"                                    IFORTH
( d|ud a-addr -- )
Add d|ud to the double-cell number at a-addr.
D-                  "d-minus"                                         DOUBLE
( d1|ud1 d2|ud2 -- d3|ud3 )
Subtract d2|ud2 from d1|ud1, giving the difference d3|ud3.
D-!                 "d-minus-store"                                   IFORTH
( d|ud a-addr -- )
Subtract d|ud to the double-cell number at a-addr.
D.                  "d-dot"                                           DOUBLE
( d -- )
Display d in free field format.
D.R                 "d-dot-r"                                         DOUBLE
( d n -- )
Display d right aligned in a field |n| characters wide. If the number of characters required to display d is greater than |n|, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary. (In D.R , R stands for RIGHT). When n is negative the fill character will be '0', not BL .
See also: UD.R (D.R) (UD.R) .R
D0!                 "d-zero-store"                                    IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Store 0 in the double-cell at a-addr.
D0<                 "d-zero-less"                                     DOUBLE
( d -- flag )
flag is true if d is less than zero.
D0=                 "d-zero-equals"                                   DOUBLE
( d|ud -- flag )
flag is true if d|ud is equal to zero.
D2*                 "d-two-star"                                      DOUBLE
( d1 -- d2 )
Multiply d1 by 2 giving d2. Since the processor is a two's-complement computer this word can be used to perform a left shift over 1 bit. Note that other implementations of the ANS standard might not have this feature.
D2/                 "d-two-slash"                                     DOUBLE
( d1 -- d2 )
d2 is the result of dividing d1 by two.
D<                  "d-less-than"                                     DOUBLE
( d1 d2 -- flag )
flag is true if d1 is less than d2.
D<>                 "d-not-equal"                                     IFORTH
( d1 d2 -- f )
Tests to see if d1 and d2 are different. Equivalent to D- OR .
D=                  "d-equals"                                        DOUBLE
( xd1 xd2 -- flag )
flag is true if xd1 is bit-for-bit the same as xd2.
D>                  "d-greater"                                       IFORTH
( d1 d2 -- flag )
flag is true when d1 is greater than d2.
D>F                 "d-to-f"                                          FLOAT
( d -- ) ( F: -- r )
r is the floating-point equivalent of d. An ambiguous condition exists if d cannot be precisely represented as a floating-point value. This can only happen on the 64-bit version of the compiler (after DABS dhi not 0). Other 64-bit Forth compilers may generate +Inf or -Inf when there are more than 64 significant bits.
See also: S>F F>S F>D S>D U>D
D>S                 "d-to-s"                                          DOUBLE
( d -- n )
n is the equivalent of d. An ambiguous condition exists if d lies outside the range of a signed single-cell number.
D@                  "d-fetch"                                         DOUBLE EXT
( a-addr -- d )
d is the value stored at a-addr.
DABS                "d-abs"                                           DOUBLE
( d -- ud )
+ud is the absolute value of d. Note that on 2's complement systems such as the Intel '386 the most negative number does not have an absolute value.
DARWIN?                                                               IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for OSX.
DATASEG             "data-seg"                                        IFORTH
( -- selector )
Returns the selector for the iForth data segment. This is occasionally useful in a CODE definition.
DATE                "date"                                            IFORTH
( -- day month year )
Place the numbers of the current day, month and year on the data stack. day is in the range { 1 .. 31 }, month is in the range { 1 .. 12 }, year is the year including the century.
DAXPY_sse2                                                            IFORTH
( a1 a2 n -- ) ( F: r -- )
Simplified BLAS DAXPY routine, where the addresses a1 and a2 point to the first elements of vectors of type IEEE double. SSE2 code is used. The code will be faster than the GotoBLAS when the vectors are small. For very small vectors (<16) a simple loop might still be faster. The address a1 and a2 need to be ALIGNED16 (default).
See also: SAXPY_sse2
DDOT_sse2                                                             IFORTH
( a1 a2 n -- ) ( F: -- r )
Simplified BLAS DDOT routine, where the addresses a1 and a2 point to the first elements of vectors of type IEEE double. SSE2 code is used. The code will be faster than the GotoBLAS when the vectors are small. For very small vectors (<16) a simple loop might still be faster. The address a1 and a2 need to be ALIGNED16 (default).
See also: SDOT_sse2
DEC.                "dec-dot"                                         IFORTH
( x -- )
Print x as a decimal number. The current number base is not changed.
DECIMAL                                                               CORE
( -- )
Set the numeric conversion radix to ten (decimal).
DEFINITIONS                                                           SEARCH
( -- )
Make the compilation word list the same as the first word list in the search order. Specifies that the names of subsequent definitions will be placed in the compilation word list. Subsequent changes in the search order will not affect the compilation word list.
DELETE-FILE                                                           FILE
( c-addr u -- ior )
Delete the file named in the character string specified by c-addr u. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code.
See also: ERROR>TEXT
DENOTATION                                                            IFORTH
( -- )
Used like e.g. IMMEDIATE . Apply a mask to a word's flags that signals to the optimizer that the word scans the input stream and takes full responsibility for that. Normally the optimizer turns off tokenization when a word changes >IN . Example DENOTATION words: [CHAR] S"
DEPRIVE                                                               IFORTH
( -- )
Traverses the wordlist to which definitions are being added and modifies the headers of all words PRIVATE was applied to. This process stops when the first definition is found that got compiled after the execution of PRIVATES . The result of the header modification is that words are effectively made invisible to the iForth interpreter/compiler. The process cannot be undone.
DEPTH                                                                 CORE
( -- +n )
+n is the number of one cell values contained in the data stack before +n was placed on the stack.
DF!                 "d-f-store"                                       FLOAT EXT
( a-addr -- ) ( F: r -- )
Store the floating-point number r as a 64-bit IEEE double precision number at a-addr. Note that in other implementations of the ANS standard r may have more digits of precision or may be too large for representation as a 64-bit IEEE number, so rounding or overflow might occur.
DF!+                "d-f-store-plus"                                  IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: r -- )
Store the floating-point number r as a 64-bit IEEE double precision number at a-addr1, and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2. Note that in other implementations of the ANS standard r may have more digits of precision or may be too large for representation as a 64-bit IEEE number, so rounding or overflow might occur.
See also: DF! SF!+ XF!+
DF+!                "d-f-plus-store"                                  IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr -- )
Add the IEEE double r to the double at a-addr.
DF+!+               "d-f-plus-store-plus"                             IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the IEEE double r to the double at a-addr1 and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2.
See also: DF+! SF+!+ XF+!+
DF,                 "d-f-comma"                                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Reserve the size of a double precision IEEE floating-point number in the data-space and store r in that space. An ambiguous condition exists if the address of the next available data space location is not aligned.
See also: F, SF,
DF-!                "d-f-minus-store"                                 IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr -- )
Subtracts the IEEE double r from the double at a-addr.
DF0!                "d-f-zero-store"                                  IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Store the double precision floating-point value 0E into the memory location starting at a-addr.
See also: F0! SF0! XF0!
DF@                 "d-f-fetch"                                       FLOAT EXT
( a-addr -- ) ( F: -- r )
Fetch the 64-bit IEEE double precision number stored at a-addr to the floating-point stack as r in the internal representation. If the IEEE double precision significand has more precision than the internal representation it will be rounded to the internal representation using the "round to nearest" rule. If the exponent of the IEEE double precision representation is too large the bit representation for infinite with the correct sign will be pushed on the floating-point stack.
DF@+                "d-f-fetch-plus"                                  IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: -- r )
Fetch the 64-bit IEEE double precision number stored at a-addr1 to the floating-point stack as r in the internal representation. Also leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2. If the IEEE double precision significand has more precision than the internal representation it will be rounded to the internal representation using the "round to nearest" rule. If the exponent of the IEEE double precision representation is too large the bit representation for infinite with the correct sign will be pushed on the floating-point stack.
See also: DF@
DFALIGN                                                               FLOAT
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned, reserve enough space to align it to a location which is suitable to hold a IEEE double precision floating point number.
DFALIGNED                                                             ALIGN
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first aligned address greater than or equal to addr and which is suitable to reference a IEEE double precision floating point number.
DFLOAT+             "d-float-plus"                                    FLOAT
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the size of an IEEE double precision floating point number, specified in address units, to a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
DFLOAT-             "d-float-minus"                                   IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Subtract the size of an IEEE double precision floating point number, specified in address units, to a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
DFLOATS             "d-floats"                                        FLOAT
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the size, in address units, of n1 IEEE double precision floating point numbers.
DFLOAT[]                                                              IFORTH
( addr1 index -- addr2 )
Equivalent to DFLOATS + .
See also: []DFLOAT
DFLOCAL             "d-f-local"                             C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. DFLOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( F: x -- )

Initialize name with the (IEEE double precision) floating-point value x.

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- x )

Place x on the floating-point stack.
DFLOCALS|                                                   C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. DFLOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight. A DFLOCAL's size is equal to 1 DFLOATS.

Execution: ( F: -- r )

Place r on the stack. The value of r is unspecified until the phrase r TO name is executed, causing r to be associated with name.
DFOREIGN                                                              IFORTH
( n*{u} n 'service -- ud )
Calls a dynamically linked "C" library routine at address 'service, with n unsigned arguments u. The result is a 64bit integer ud.
DFVALUE             "d-f-value"                             D         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Like an DFVARIABLE, an FVALUE has 53 bits of precision. name is referred to as a "d-f-value".

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- r )

Place r on the floating-point stack. The value of r is unspecified until the phrase r TO name is executed, causing r to be associated with name.
DFVARIABLE          "d-f-variable"                          D         FLOAT
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Reserve 1 DFLOATS address units of data space at an aligned address. name is referred to as an "d-f-variable."

Execution: ( "name" -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of the data space reserved by DFVARIABLE when it created name. The application is responsible for initializing the contents of the reserved space.
DIGIT                                                                 IFORTH
( u -- c )
c is the alphanumeric character that represents the value u. The current number base is not checked.
DIGIT?                                                                IFORTH
( c base -- u flag )
u is the value represented by the character alphanumeric character c. flag is true when c is a valid character under the number base base, i.e. u is in { 0 .. base-1 }, otherwise flag is false.
DLOCAL              "d-local"                               C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defines below. DLOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( "name" -- ) ( D: -- d )

Place the double number d on the floating-point stack. The value of d is unspecified until the phrase d TO name is executed, causing d to be associated with name.
DLOCALS|                                                    C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. DLOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight.

Execution: ( "name" -- d )

Place d on the stack. The value of d is unspecified until the phrase d TO name is executed, causing d to be associated with name.
See also: LOCALS|
DLSHIFT             "d-l-shift"                                       IFORTH
( ud1 u -- ud2 )
Logically shift ud1 over x bits to the left, giving the result ud2. A 0 bit is inserted at the right end of the value. When u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a double cell, ud2 == 0.
DMAX                "d-max"                                           DOUBLE
( d1 d2 -- d3 )
d3 is the greater of d1 and d2.
DMIN                "d-min"                                           DOUBLE
( d1 d2 -- d3 )
d3 is the lesser of d1 and d2.
DNEGATE             "d-negate"                                        DOUBLE
( d1 -- d2 )
d2 is the negation of d1.
DO                                                          C         CORE
Compilation: ( -- dodest )
The next location for a transfer of control (dodest) goes onto the control flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- ) ( R: -- sys )

Set up loop control parameters with index n2|u2 and limit n1|u1. An ambiguous condition exists if n1|u1 and n2|u2 are not both the same type. Anything already on the return stack becomes unavailable until the loop control parameters are discarded.
DOC                                                                   IFORTH
( -- )
Read characters from the input stream until the text "ENDDOC" is encountered. You can place documentation text between the DOC command and the "ENDDOC" text. Note that all constructions between DOC and "ENDDOC" will be ignored, including the constructions that would normally make "ENDDOC" part of a regular comment such as ( or \ . DOC cannot be nested.
DOES>               "does"                                  C         CORE
Compilation: ( colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 )
Append the execution semantics below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: sys1 -- )

Modify the execution semantics of the most recently defined word as shown below. Return control to the caller of the definition containing DOES> . The most recently defined word must have been defined with CREATE or a user-defined word that calls CREATE .

Execution: ( "name" -- a-addr ) ( R: -- sys2 )

name is the word modified by DOES> . Save implementation-dependent information about the definition that called name, and place name's data field address on the stack. Execute the code following the DOES> that modified name.
See also: CREATE
DOS-ERROR@                                                            IFORTH
( -- u )
Gets the number of the latest OS error that occurred. You can use u with ERROR>TEXT to convert it to a printable string. It may not always be clear when DOS-ERROR@ is updated, because some iForth operations by-pass DOS or do multiple unrelated OS calls. Note: "DOS" doesn't mean "MS-DOS-only".
See also: ERROR>TEXT
DOUBLE                                                                IFORTH
DOUBLE is an environment query.
DOUBLE-EXT                                                            IFORTH
DOUBLE-EXT is an environment query.
DOUBLE-PRECISION                                                      IFORTH
DOUBLE-PRECISION is an environment query.
DOUBLE[]                                                              IFORTH
( addr1 index -- addr2 )
Equivalent to 2* CELLS + .
See also: []DOUBLE
DPL                                                                   IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of DPL . DPL contains the "decimal point" location if a double number is input, measured from the right. If a single number is input, DPL contains -1. DPL always contains 0 for double numbers if ANSI is ON . iForth allows several other characters to signal double numbers apart from '.' (full stop). In the case that more than one decimal point is present DPL points to the last one.
DROL                "d-rol"                                           IFORTH
( d1 x -- d2 )
Rotate d1 over x bits to the left, giving the result d2.
DROP                                                                  CORE
( x -- )
Remove x from the stack.
DROR                "d-ror"                                           IFORTH
( d1 x -- d2 )
Rotate d1 over x bits to the right, giving the result d2.
DRSHIFT             "d-r-shift"                                       IFORTH
( d1 u -- d2 )
Logically shift d1 over u bits to the right, giving the result d2. A 0 bit is inserted at the left end of the value. Since this bit is also the sign bit for signed numbers, the sign bit is cleared by this command. When u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a double cell, d2 == 0.
DU<                 "d-u-less"                                        DOUBLE EXT
( ud1 ud2 -- flag )
flag is true if ud1 is less than ud2.
DUMP                                                                  TOOLKIT EXT
( addr u -- )
Display the contents of u consecutive addresses starting at addr. The format of the display might be different between different ANS forth implementations. iForth uses the following scheme to print this listing:
          $0001CE7A  04 44 55 4D  50 20 20 4C  .DUMP  L
$0001CE82 29 20 21 20 48 45 52 45 ) ! HERE
$0001CE8A 20 38 30 20 44 55 4D 50 80 DUMP

At the left the absolute memory address is shown. After the addres, memory is dumped in HEX, in groups of 4 bytes. At the extreme right, the contents are shown again, but now converted and printed with SEMIT . DUMP is sensitive to the contents of (C/L) and will use as many columns as will fit on the display. DUMP is implemented using pictured numeric output words. Consequently, its use corrupts the transient region identified by #>.
See also: <# # #>
DUP                 "dupe"                                            CORE
( x -- x x )
Duplicate x.
DVALUE              "d-value"                               D         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. name is referred to as a "d-value".

Execution: ( "name" -- d )

Place d on the stack. The value of d is unspecified until the phrase d TO name is executed, causing d to be associated with name.
Direction                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: Penlift TurtColor TurtX TurtY
E.                  "e-dot"                                           FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Convert the top number on the floating-point stack to a character string using the rules of (E.) and display the resulting string with a trailing space. For example, the sequence
          4 SET-PRECISION 123.00E0 E.

will display

An ambiguous condition exists if the system base is not DECIMAL or if the character string exceeds the maximum size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) REPRESENT F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
E.R                 "e-dot-r"                                         IFORTH
( n -- ) ( F: r -- )
Display the floating point number r, using the conversion rules as for E. , right aligned in a field n characters wide. If the number of characters required to display r is greater than n, n asterisk characters are used instead.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) REPRESENT F.R FE.R >FLOAT
EAT-SPACES                                                            IFORTH
( -- )
Removes all white space from the current input stream.
EDI-used!                                                             IFORTH
( bool -- )
Instructs the optimizer how to handle the EDI register. In iForth 2.0 this register is used internally, so it must be saved and restored by user code in addition to signalling the optimizer. Set up in the ~/include/iforth.prf preferences file.
See also: FPU-ovf! LEA-used! P6-used! EDI-used@
EDI-used@                                                             IFORTH
( -- bool )
Get the current state of EDI register handling.
See also: EDI-used!
EDITOR                                                                TOOLKIT EXT
( -- )
Replace the first word list in the search order with the EDITOR word list.
EDX-used!                                                             IFORTH
( bool -- )
Instructs the optimizer how to handle the EDX register. In iForth 2.0 this register is used internally, so it must be saved and restored by user code in addition to signalling the optimizer. Set up in the ~/include/iforth.prf preferences file.
See also: FPU-ovf! LEA-used! P6-used! EDX-used@ EDI-used@
EDX-used@                                                             IFORTH
( -- bool )
Get the current state of EDX register handling.
See also: EDX-used!
EKEY                "e-key"                                           FACILITY EXT
( -- u )
Receive one keyboard event u. If the keyboard event corresponds to a character in the 7-bit ASCII or UNICODE 0-255 character set, the numerical value of u is as specified by that character set. If iForth is running on a system handling keystrokes as UTF-8 encoded characters EKEY returns the unicode value of the pressed key in the high 32bits of <u>, the lower 32bits are zero ($xxxxxxxx00000000). In the case of special keys like Page-up, cursor-keys or alike EKEY returns the so called scan code of the key * 256 ($00000000xxxxxx00).
EKEY>CHAR           "e-key-to-char"                                   FACILITY EXT
( u1 -- u2 flag )
If the keyboard event u1 was an extended standard key event, flag is true and u2 is the value of the character received. Otherwise flag is false and u2 is the value of the extended keyboard event.
EKEY>FKEY           "e-key-to-f-key"                                  FACILITY EXT
( u1 -- u2 flag )
If the keyboard event u1 corresponds to a keypress in the implementation-defined special key set, return that key's id u2 and true. Otherwise return u1 and false.
EKEY?               "e-key-question"                                  FACILITY EXT
( -- flag )
If a keyboard event is available, returns true. Otherwise returns false. After EKEY? returns with a value of true, subsequent executions of EKEY? prior to the execution of KEY , KEY? or EKEY also return true, referring to the same event. The next execution of EKEY will return the same event without indefinite delay.
ELSE                                                        C         CORE
Compilation: ( orig1 -- orig2 )
Put the location of a new unresolved forward reference orig2 onto the control flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition. The semantics will be incomplete until orig2 is resolved (e.g. by THEN ). Resolve the forward reference orig1 using the location following the appended execution semantics.

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution at the location given by the resolution of orig2.
See also: IF THEN
ELSE,               "else-comma"                                      IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( addr1 -- addr2 )
Resolve the forward branch as generated by IF, , this forward branch is located at memory address addr1. Create an unconditional forward branch that is to be resolved by THEN, .

Execution: ( -- )

Jump to the corresponding THEN, statement.
See also: IF, THEN,
EMIT                                                                  CORE
( x -- )
If x is a displayable character in the implementation-defined character set, display x. The effect of EMIT for all other values of x is implementation-defined. Because of the potential non-transportable action by terminal devices of control characters, the use of control characters is an environmental dependency. Note that SEMIT uses EMIT.
EMIT?               "emit-question"                                   FACILITY EXT
( -- flag )
flag is true if the output device is ready to display a character.
EMPTY-BUFFERS                                                         BLOCK EXT
( -- )
Unassign all block buffers. Do not transfer the contents of any UPDATE -d block buffer to mass storage.
See also: BLOCK
EMULATED                                                              IFORTH
EMULATED is an environment query.

END-CODE                                                              TOOLKIT EXT
( sys -- )
Complete the current word definition. Remove the ASSEMBLER word list from the search order. sys is balanced by the corresponding CODE or ;CODE .
END-LOCALS                                                  C         IFORTH
( -- )
Mark the end of the section in which all local variables for the current definition are defined.
END-STREAM?         "end-stream-question"                             IFORTH
( -- flag )
Test if the input buffer is exhausted and needs REFILLing. If so, flag is true, otherwise flag is false.
ENDCASE             "end-case"                              C         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( case-sys1 ... case-sys2 of-sys -- )
Mark the end of the CASE ... OF ... ENDOF ... ENDCASE structure. Resolve all of the orign which were processed after the dest left by CASE . Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( x -- )

Discard the case selector x and continue execution.
ENDDOC              "end-doc"                                         IFORTH
( -- )
The delimiter word that is searched for by DOC . It signals the end of a text block used for documentation purposes. ENDDOC itself is just a NO-OP . Note that DOC ... ENDDOC and doc enddoc will both work when CASESENSITIVE is off.
See also: DOC
ENDIF               "end-if"                                C         IFORTH
ENDIF is an alias for THEN .

See also: THEN
ENDIF,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( addr -- )

Execution: ( -- )

ENDIF, is an alias for THEN,
See also: THEN,
ENDOF               "end-of"                                C         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( case-sys1 of-sys -- case-sys2 )
mark the end of the ... OF ... ENDOF ... part of the CASE structure. The next location for a transfer of control resolves the reference given by the top element of the control flow stack. The location of the new unresolved forward reference is placed beneath the dest left by CASE . Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution at the location specified by the consumer of orig2.
ENV-VALUE?                                                            IFORTH
( n1 addr len -- n2 )
Search for the environment variable described by <addr len>. If it's found and if it represents a number, its value n2 is returned. If not found or not convertible to a number, return n1. Note that the special cases TRUE/ON and FALSE/OFF return -1 and 0 respectively.
ENVIR                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
ENVIR is a wordlist as defined by WORDLIST . This wordlist contains all strings recognized by ENVIRONMENT? as Forth words. In fact ENVIRONMENT? searches this wordlist to find a string. When found, ENVIRONMENT? executes the word to get the associated value. Words added to this wordlist are automatically recognized by ENVIRONMENT? .
ENVIRONMENT?        "environment-query"                               CORE
( c-addr u -- value true ) when known or ( c-addr u -- false ) when unknown
c-addr is the address of a character string and u is the string's character count. The character string should be an element of the table shown below. The table contains keyword/value and keyword/flag pairs. The value or flag associated with the string is placed on the stack. You can use the program in the file include/whatenv.frt to list the current values of the environment queries. iForth kernels >= 6.3 add file based ENVIRONMENT? extensions, read ifdocs/envinfo.txt and note ADD-ENVIRONMENT and LIST-ADD-ENVIRONMENT. Also note: when ENVIRONMENT? finds an element added by ADD-ENVIRONMENT it will always return a pointer to a counted string as 'value' !
See also: ADD-ENVIRONMENT The following strings are recognized by ENVIRONMENT? :
            String      Value type  Interpretation
------ ---------- --------------
ALIGN n alignment granularity, in address
units, of an aligned address.
n maximum number of characters in a
counted string
/HOLD n maximum size of a pictured numeric
output string in characters
/PAD n size of the scratch area pointed to by
PAD, in characters
n Size of one address unit in bits
CORE flag core word set present
CORE-EXT flag core extension word set present
MAX-CHAR u the maximum value of any character in
the implementation-defined character set
MAX-D u largest usable signed double number
MAX-N n largest usable signed integer
MAX-U u largest usable unsigned integer
MAX-UD ud largest usable unsigned double number
u identifies the current OS: MS-DOS, Linux,
Windows 95, Windows NT/2K or MMURTL.
n maximum size of the return stack in
STACK-CELLS n maximum size of the data stack in cells
BLOCK flag block word set present
BLOCK-EXT flag block extension word set present
DOUBLE flag double number word set present
DOUBLE-EXT flag double number extension word set present
flag error handling word set present
flag error handling extension word set present
FILE flag file word set present
FILE-EXT flag file extension word set present
FLOATING flag floating-point word set present
flag floating-point extension word set present
n n is the maximum depth of the separate
floating-point stack.
MAX-FLOAT r largest usable floating-point number
#LOCALS n maximum number of local variables in a
LOCALS flag locals word set present
LOCALS-EXT flag locals extension word set present
flag memory-allocation word set present
flag memory-allocation extension word set
flag search order word set present
flag search order extension word set present
WORDLISTS n maximum number of word lists usable in
the search order
TOOLS flag programming tools word set present
TOOLS-EXT flag programming tools extension word set
STRING flag string word set present
STRING-EXT flag string extension word set present

/DATA-SPACE n the maximum number of cells that an
application program may attempt to ALLOT
flag returns the precision of the
floating-point package
EMULATED flag true if floating-point is emulated,
false if hardware is used
FACILITY flag facility word set present
flag facility extension word set present
SERVER char returns a character that identifies the
server being used
n maximum size of the system stack in cells
IFORTH flag true if this is a iForth system
VER n the version number of iForth

ERASE                                                                 CORE EXT
( addr u -- )
If u is greater than zero, clear all bits in each of u consecutive address units of memory beginning at addr.
ERROR-HANDLING                                                        IFORTH
ERROR-HANDLING is an environment query.

ERROR-HANDLING-EXT                                                    IFORTH
ERROR-HANDLING-EXT is an environment query.

ERROR>TEXT          "error-to-text"                                   IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 errnum -- c-addr2 u2 ior )
ERROR>TEXT asks the server to return a string describing the I/O result errnum. The string is placed in the buffer at c-addr1 and contains at most u1 characters.
EVAL"               "eval-quote"                            C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "ccc<">" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by " (double quote). Append the execution semantics specified below to the current definition.

Execution: ( i*x -- j*x )

Save the current input stream specification. Make ccc the current input string and interpret its contents. When the input stream is exhausted, restore to the prior input specification.
See also: EVALUATE
EVALUATE                                                              CORE
( i*x c-addr u -- j*x )
Save the current input stream specification. Make the string described by c-addr and u the current input stream and interpret its contents. When the input stream is exhausted, restore the prior input stream specification. When QUIT gets executed while in EVALUATE , TIB will be set to c-addr. As this could be right in the middle of a colon definition, all sorts of puzzling errors may result.
EVEN-MODE                                                             IFORTH
( -- )
Sets the current rounding mode to what FROUND (round to nearest) does. Reset by the top-level ABORT. This is the default mode.
EXECUTE                                                               CORE
( i*x xt -- j*x )
Execute the definition specified by xt. In iForth the definition is not executed if xt is 0.
See also: ' [']
EXIT                                                        C         CORE
( -- ) ( R: sys -- )
Return control to the caller of the definition containing EXIT .
EXPECT                                                                CORE EXT
( c-addr +n -- )
Receive a string of at most +n characters. Display graphic characters as they are received. The editing functions that the system performs in order to construct the string of characters are implementation-defined. This system adds any character to the end of the string, backspace removes the last character of the string. Input terminates when 'return' is received or when the string is +n characters long. When 'return' is received nothing is appended to the string and the display is maintained. Store the string at c-addr and its length in SPAN . Note: This word is obsolescent and is included as a concession to existing implementations. Its function is superseded by ACCEPT .
See also: ACCEPT
EXTENDED-PRECISION                                                    IFORTH
EXTENDED-PRECISION is an environment query.

EXTRACT                                                               IFORTH
( ud1 base -- ud2 c )
c is the last character of the representation of ud1 under the numeric base base. ud2 is ud1 divided by base. Note that when EXTRACT is repeatedly executed, each character of the representation of ud1 will be calculated.
F!                  "f-store"                                         FLOAT
( a-addr -- ) ( F: r -- )
Store r at a-addr.
F!+                 "f-store-plus"                                    IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: r -- )
Store the floating-point number r at a-addr1, and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2.
See also: DF! SF!+ XF!+
F#LOCAL             "f-sharp-local"                         C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. F#LOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( f#: x -- )

Initialize name with the arbitrary precision floating-point value x.

Execution: ( -- ) ( f#: -- x )

Place x on the arbitrary precision floating-point stack.
F#LOCALS|                                                   C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. F#LOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight.

Execution: ( f#: -- r )

Place r on the appropriate stack. The value of r is unspecified until the phrase r TO name is executed, causing r to be associated with name.
F*                  "f-star"                                          FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
Multiply r1 by r2 giving r3.
F**                 "f-star-star"                                     FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
Raise r1 to the power r2, giving the product r3.
F*+                 "f-star-plus"                                     IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r1 r2 r3 -- [r2*r3]+r1 )
Return the product of r3 and r2, added to r1.
F+                  "f-plus"                                          FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
Add r1 to r2 giving the sum r3.
F+!                 "f-plus-store"                                    IFORTH
( a-addr -- ) ( F: r -- )
Add r to the floating-point number at a-addr.
F+!+                "f-plus-store-plus"                               IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the float r to the float at a-addr1 and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2.
See also: DF+!+ SF+!+ XF+!+
F,                  "f-comma"                                         IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Reserve the size of a floating-point number in the data-space and store r in that space. An ambiguous condition exists if the address of the next available data space location is not aligned.
F-                  "f-minus"                                         FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
Subtract r2 from r1, giving r3.
F-!                 "f-minus-store"                                   IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr -- )
Subtracts the float r from the float at a-addr.
F.                  "f-dot"                                           FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Convert the top number on the floating-point stack to a character string using the rules of (F.) . and display the resulting string with a trailing space. For example, the sequence
          4 SET-PRECISION 1.23E5 F.

will display

An ambiguous condition exists if the system basis is not DECIMAL or if the character representation exceeds the size of the pictured numeric output string buffer. When the fieldwidth is too small, F. and its variants try to squeeze the number in by switching to exponential notation. When that doesn't help, they print a field of asterisks. The switch to exponential notation happens when |r| > 10^PRECISION . When |r| < 10^-PRECISION , "0.00.." is printed.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. REPRESENT FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
F.R                 "f-dot-r"                                         IFORTH
( n -- ) ( F: r -- )
Display the floating point number r using the conversion rules as for F., right aligned in a field n characters wide. If the number of characters required to display r is greater than n, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary. When the fieldwidth is too small, F.R and its variants try to squeeze the number in by switching to exponential notation. When that doesn't help, they print a field of asterisks. The switch to exponential notation happens when |r| > 10^PRECISION . When |r| < 10^-PRECISION , "0.00.." is printed.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R REPRESENT FE.R >FLOAT
F/                  "f-slash"                                         FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
Divide r1 by r2, giving the quotient r3. An ambiguous condition exists if r2 is zero, or the quotient lies outside of the range of a floating-point number.
F0!                 "f-zero-store"                                    IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Store the floating-point value 0E into the memory location starting at a-addr.
See also: XF0! SF0! DF0!
F0<                 "f-zero-less-than"                                FLOAT
( -- flag ) ( F: r -- )
flag is true if r is less than zero.
F0<=                "f-zero-smaller-or-equal"                         IFORTH
( -- f ) ( F: r -- )
Tests r for being negative or zero. Equivalent to 0e F> INVERT .
F0<>                "f-zero-not-equal"                                IFORTH
( -- flag ) ( F: r -- )
flag is true if r is not equal to 0.
F0=                 "f-zero-equals"                                   FLOAT
( -- flag ) ( F: r -- )
flag is true if r is equal to zero.
F0>                 "f-zero-greater"                                  IFORTH
( -- flag ) ( F: r -- )
flag is true if r is greater than zero.
F0>=                "f-zero-greater-or-equal"                         IFORTH
( -- f ) ( F: r -- )
Tests r for being positive or zero. Equivalent to 0e F< INVERT .
F1+                 "f-one-plus"                                      IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Add 1E0 to the floating-point number r1, giving r2.
F1-                 ""f-one-minus""                                   IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Subtract 1E0 form the floating-point number r1, giving r2.
F2*                 "f-two-star"                                      IFORTH
( F: r -- r*2 )
Multiply the number r by 2.
F2/                 "f-two-slash"                                     IFORTH
( F: r -- r/2 )
Divides the number r by 2.
F2DROP              "f-two-drop"                                      IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- )
Remove r1 and r2 from the floating-point stack.
F2DUP               "f-two-dupe"                                      IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r1 r2 )
Duplicate the floating-point number pair r1 r2.
F2OVER              "f-two-over"                                      IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 r3 r4 -- r1 r2 r3 r4 r1 r2 )
Duplicate the floating-point number pair r1 r2.
F2ROT               "f-two-rot"                                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 -- r3 r4 r5 r6 r1 r2 )
Move the floating-point number pair r1 r2 to FTOS.
F2SWAP              "f-two-swap"                                      IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 r3 r4 -- r3 r4 r1 r2 )
Swap the floating-point number pairs r1 r2 and r3 r4.
F2^X                                                                  IFORTH
( F: r1 -- r2 )
Compute r2 = 2^r1.
See also: F**
F<                  "f-less-than"                                     FLOAT
( -- flag ) ( F: r1 r2 -- )
flag is true if r1 is less than r2.
F<=                 "f-less-than-or-equal"                            IFORTH
( -- f ) ( F: r1 r2 -- )
Tests r1 for being less than or equal to r2. Equivalent to F> INVERT .
F<>                 "f-equal"                                         IFORTH
( -- flag ) ( F: r1 r2 -- )
If the bit-patterns of r1 and r2 are not equal, flag is true.
See also: F= F~
F=                  "f-equal"                                         IFORTH
( -- flag ) ( F: r1 r2 -- )
If the bit-patterns of r1 and r2 are equal, flag is true.
See also: F<> F~
F>                  "f-greater"                                       IFORTH
( -- flag ) ( F: r1 r2 -- )
flag is true if r1 is greater than r2.
F>=                 "f-greater-than-or-equal"                         IFORTH
( -- f ) ( F: r1 r2 -- )
Tests r1 for being greater than or equal to r2. Equivalent to F< INVERT .
F>D                 "f-to-d"                                          FLOAT
( -- d ) ( F: r -- )
d is the double-cell signed integer equivalent to the integer portion of r. The fractional portion of r is discarded. An ambiguous condition exists if the integer portion of r cannot be precisely represented as a double-cell signed integer.
F>S                 "f-to-s"                                          IFORTH
( -- x ) ( F: -- r )
x is the single-cell signed integer equivalent to the integer portion of r. The fractional part of r is discarded. An ambiguous condition exists if the integer portion of r cannot be precisely represented as a single-cell signed integer.
F@                  "f-fetch"                                         FLOAT
( a-addr -- ) ( F: -- r )
r is the value stored at a-addr.
F@+                 "f-fetch-plus"                                    IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: -- r )
Fetch the floating point number r from a-addr1. Add 1 FLOATS to a-addr1 giving a-addr2.
FABS                "f-abs"                                           FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the absolute value of r1.
FACILITY                                                              IFORTH
FACILITY is an environment query.
FACILITY-EXT                                                          IFORTH
FACILITY-EXT is an environment query.
FACOS               "f-a-cos"                                         FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the principle radian angle whose cosine is r1. An ambiguous condition exists if |r1| is greater than 1.
FACOSH              "f-a-cos-h"                                       FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the inverse hyperbolic cosine of r1.
FALIGN                                                                FLOAT
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned for a floating point number, reserve enough space to align it.
FALIGNED                                                              FLOAT
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first floating point aligned address greater than or equal to addr.
FALOG               "f-a-log"                                         FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Raise 10 to the power r1, giving r2.
FALSE                                                                 CORE EXT
( -- false )
Return a false flag.
FASIN               "f-a-sine"                                        FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the principal radian angle whose sine is r1. An ambiguous condition exists if |r1| is greater than 1.
FASINH              "f-a-sine-h"                                      FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the inverse hyperbolic sine of r1.
FAST;                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
Undocumented experimental colon definition type.
FATAN               "f-a-tan"                                         FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the principal radian angle whose tangent is r1.
FATAN2              "f-a-tan-two"                                     FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
r3 is the radian angle whose tangent is r1/r2. An ambiguous condition exists if r1 and r2 are zero.
FATANH              "f-a-tan-h"                                       FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the inverse hyperbolic tangent of r1.
FCALLBACK                                                             IFORTH
( addr #args "name" -- )
This is a CREATEing word that generates a word called name. (The stack diagram applies to CREATE time.) The only difference with CALLBACK (see there) is that the Forth word should not only leave an integer result on the normal parameter stack, but also push a float result on the Forth float stack. Assuming the external code is written in "C", the Forth word at address expects the C arguments in the order written in the C documentation (i.e. right-most on TOS). Note that C passes FP input parameters not on the FPU stack (like the final result) but as 64-bit items (counting for two items in #args) on the normal parameter stack. To streamline the traffic of these 64-bit items to and from the Forth stacks use FPUSHS etc..
FCEIL                                                                 IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r1 -- r2 )
Returns the smallest fp integer larger than r1.
FCONSTANT           "f-constant"                            D         FLOAT
( "name" -- ) ( F: r -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. name is referred to as an "f-constant." An FCONSTANT has 80 bits of precision, DFVARIABLE a r FCONSTANT a r a DF! a DF@ only shows 53 bits of precision.

Execution: ( "name" -- ) ( F: -- r )

Place r on the floating-point stack.
FCOPYSIGN           "f-copy-sign"                                     IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
The output r3 is r1 with its sign bit replaced by that of r2.
See also: FSIGNBIT
FCOS                "f-cos"                                           FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the cosine of the radian angle r1.
FCOSH               "f-cos-h"                                         FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the hyperbolic cosine of r1.
FDEC                "f-dec"                                           IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of FDEC . FDEC contains the character that is to be used as the decimal dot when formatting floating-point numbers with (E.) , (F.) and all words that use these words such as E. and F. .
FDEG                "f-deg"                                           IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the equivalent angle in degrees of the angle r1 in radians.
FDENORMAL                                                             IEEE-FLOAT
( -- mask )
Return the mask to select the status flag for denormalized floating-point results.
FDEPTH              "f-depth"                                         FLOAT
( -- +n )
+n is the number of values contained on the default separate floating-point stack. Some implementations of the ANS standard keep the floating-point numbers on the data stack, in that case +n is the current number of possible floating-point values contained on the data stack.
FDIVBYZERO                                                            IEEE-FLOAT
( -- mask )
Return the mask to select the status flag for a floating-point operation that divided by zero.
FDROP               "f-drop"                                          FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Remove r from the floating-point stack.
FDUP                "f-dupe"                                          FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r -- r r )
Duplicate r.
FE.                 "f-e-dot"                                         FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Convert the top number on the floating-point stack to a character string using the standard engineering notation for floating point numbers and display the resulting string with a trailing space. For example, the sequence
          4 SET-PRECISION 1.23E5 FE.

will display

An ambiguous condition exists if the system basis is not DECIMAL (not a problem for iForth ) or if the character representation exceeds the size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. REPRESENT FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
FE.R                "f-e-dot-r"                                       IFORTH
( n -- ) ( F: r -- )
Display the floating point number r using the conversion rules as for FE. right aligned in a field n characters wide. If the number of characters required to display r is greater than n, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R REPRESENT >FLOAT
FECHAR              "f-e-char"                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of FECHAR . FECHAR contains the character that is to be used as the exponent character when formatting floating-point numbers with (E.) and all words that use this word such as E. .
FELEN               "f-e-len"                                         IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of FELEN . FELEN contains the number of decimals of the exponent value that is to be used when formatting floating-point numbers with (E.) and all words that use these words such as E. .
FENCE                                                                 IFORTH
( -- a-addr)
a-addr is the address of FENCE . FENCE contains a pointer into the code space. Attempts to remove any code before this address will give an error. Where the execution tokens of iForth are pointers into code space, this can be used as follows. By storing the execution token of a word into FENCE , all words defined prior to that word are protected. Initially all pre-compiled words are protected.
FESIGN              "f-e-sign"                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of FESIGN . FESIGN contains the number of the method that is to be used when generating the sign of the exponent of floating-point numbers with (E.) and all words that use these words such as E. . When FESIGN is 0, the sign character is either '-' or absent, otherwise the sign character is '-' or '+'.
FEXCHANGE           "f-exchange"                                      IFORTH
( u -- ) ( F: ?? -- ?? )
Exchanges top and u-th item (zero-based) of the FP stack. This operation takes zero cycles on Intel hardware. Example:
        FORTH> 1e 2e 3e .S 2 FEXCHANGE .S
Data: ---
System: ---
Float: 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 ---
Data: ---
System: ---
Float: 3.000000 2.000000 1.000000 --- ok

FEXP                "f-e-x-p"                                         FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Raise e to the power r1, giving r2.
FEXPM1              "f-e-x-p-m-one"                                   FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Raise e to the power r1 and subtract 1, giving r2. This word has full machine precision even when r1 is close to zero (so this result could not be obtained using FEXP ).
FFOREIGN                                                              IFORTH
( n*{u} n 'service -- ) ( F: -- result )
Calls a dynamically linked "C" library routine at address 'service, with n unsigned arguments u. (Floating point parameters are passed as 32 or 64-bit items, to be converted with FPUSHS FPUSHD).
FFSP                "f-f-s-p"                                         IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the workspace at which the floating-point stack pointer is stored.
FI/FO                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
Undocumented experimental word.
FID>NAME            "file-i-d-to-name"                                IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 fid -- c-addr2 u2 ior )
FID>NAME asks the server to return a string describing the file identifier fid. The string is placed in the buffer at c-addr1 and contains at most u1 characters.
FILE                                                                  IFORTH
FILE is an environment query.
FILE-EXT                                                              IFORTH
FILE-EXT is an environment query.
FILE-I//O                                                             IFORTH
( -- dcb )
Returns the address of the file input/output device control block. The iForth input/output words using this dcb will use valid file id's to read from and write to files. The USER variable in-FD holds the fileid for input words like KEY, the USER out-FD for output words like TYPE ... Please note: a) Any fileid < 0 is treated as a null-device b) I/O is protected by a semaphore c) Crashing will automatically switch to the STANDARD-DEVICE d) After booting we have both fileid's set to -1 / null-device. e) You may use this in threaded applications.
FILE-POSITION                                                         FILE
( fileid -- ud ior )
ud is the current file position for the file identified by fileid. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code. If the file is (also) opened for writing and the file position is moved after the end of the file, the next write command will extend the file to at least the new position.
See also: ERROR>TEXT
FILE-SIZE                                                             FILE
( fileid -- ud ior )
ud is the size, in characters, of the file identified by fileid. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code. This operation does not affect the value returned by FILE-POSITION .
See also: ERROR>TEXT
FILE-STATUS                                                           FILE EXT
( c-addr u -- x ior )
Return the status of the file/directory identified by the character string (c-addr u). The ior is zero if the file/directory exists and writing to it is possible; otherwise <ior> is TRUE. x contains implementation-defined information about the file. In iForth x is a bitmask giving more details, $0001 - set when a regular file was tested. $0002 - set when a directory was tested $0100 - set when reading from file/directory is possible $0200 - set when writing to file/directory is possible All other bits are reserved and cleared.
FILL                                                                  CORE
( c-addr u char -- )
If u is greater than zero, store char in each of u consecutive characters of memory beginning at c-addr.
FIN/FOUT                                                              IFORTH
( #fin #fout -- )
Used in inline macro's to optimize parameter access. #fin is the number of float items expected on the FPU stack on entry. Presently #fin can only be 0 .. 2. #fout is the number of parameters on the FPU stack at exit of the macro. Presently #out can only be 0 .. 2. The word ADJUST-STACK must be used together with FIN/FOUT to flush FPU items to the float memory stack after a macro (or set of macro's) has finished. FIN/FOUT and ADJUST-STACK work together in order to remove superfluous data stack traffic at macro boundaries. Example:
: myfadd 1 1 FIN/FOUT
POSTPONE ASM{ ST(0) -> ST(1) faddp, }ASM
: 2add 33e 22e myfadd F. ;

The generated (32-bit) code for 2add is:
    : 2add
fld $004CE0C8 qword-ptr ( 33e )
fld $004CE0C0 qword-ptr ( 22e )
faddp ST(1), ST ( your macro )
mov eax, [edi #16 +] dword ( adjust-stack )
lea eax, [eax #-16 +] dword
mov [edi #16 +] dword, eax
fxch ST(2)
fstp [eax 8 +] qword
fstp [eax 0 +] qword
call F. ( $0045FE90 ) offset NEAR

FIND                                                                  CORE
( c-addr -- c-addr 0 ) or ( c-addr -- xt 1 ) or ( c-addr -- xt -1 )
Find the Forth word named in the counted string at c-addr. If the word is not found, return c-addr and 0. If the word is found, return xt. If the word is immediate, also return 1, otherwise also return -1.
See also: SCAN-ANY HEAD' '
FINEXACT                                                              IEEE-FLOAT
( -- mask )
Return the mask to select the status flag for a floating-point operation with inexact result.
FINFINITE?          "f-infinite-query"                                IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r -- ) ( -- [+|-]Inf? )
Test if r is infinite.
FINITE?             "finite-query"                                    IEEE-FLOAT
( -- [normal|denormal]? ) ( F: r -- )
Test if r is a Normal or Denormal float.
FINITIALIZE         "floating-point-initialize"                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- )
Initialize the floating point hardware. In some environments this word is needed after having used SYSTEM , or when booting.
FINVALID                                                              IEEE-FLOAT
( -- mask )
Return the mask to select the status flag for an invalid floating-point operation.
FLITERAL            "f-literal"                             C         FLOAT
Compilation: ( F: r -- )
Compile floating-point number r as a literal.

Execution: ( F: -- r )

Place r on the floating-point stack.
FLN                 "f-l-n"                                           FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the natural logarithm of r1. An ambiguous condition exists if r1 is less than or equal to zero.
FLNP1               "f-l-n-p-one"                                     FORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the natural logarithm of the quantity r1 plus one. An ambiguous condition exists if r1 is less than or equal to minus one.
FLOAT+              "float-plus"                                      FLOAT
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the size of a floating-point number, specified in address units, to a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
FLOAT-              "float-minus"                                     IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Subtract the size of a floating-point number, specified in address units, to a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
FLOATING                                                              IFORTH
FLOATING is an environment query.
FLOATING-EXT                                                          IFORTH
FLOATING-EXT is an environment query.
FLOATING-STACK                                                        IFORTH
FLOATING-STACK is an environment query.
FLOATS                                                                FLOAT
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the size, in address units, of n1 floating-point numbers.
FLOAT[]                                                               IFORTH
( addr1 index -- addr2 )
Equivalent to FLOATS + .
See also: []FLOAT
FLOCAL              "f-local"                               C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. FLOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( F: x -- )

Initialize name with the (IEEE extended precision) floating-point value x.

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- x )

Place x on the floating-point stack.
FLOCALS|                                                    C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. FLOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight.

Execution: ( F: -- r )

Place r on the stack. The value of r is unspecified until the phrase r TO name is executed, causing r to be associated with name.
FLOG                "f-log"                                           FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the base 10 logarithm of r1. An ambiguous condition exists if r1 is less than or equal to zero.
FLOG2(X)            "f-log-two-x"                                     IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the base 2 logarithm of r1. An ambiguous condition exists if r1 is less than or equal to zero.
FLOGB               "f-log-binary"                                    IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r -- e )
Leave the radix-two exponent e of the fp representation as an fp integer. If r is subnormal, the exponent is computed as if r were normalized, with e < emin.
FLOOR                                                                 FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Round r1 using the "round toward negative infinity" rule, giving r2.
FLOOR-MODE                                                            IFORTH
( -- )
Sets the current rounding mode to what FLOOR does. Reset by the top-level ABORT. The default mode is EVEN-MODE .
FLOORED                                                               IFORTH
Environment query.

FLSP                "f-l-s-p"                                         IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the workspace at which the locals stack pointer is stored.
FLUSH                                                                 BLOCK
( -- )
Perform the function of SAVE-BUFFERS , then unassign all block buffers.
FLUSH-FILE                                                            FILE EXT
( fileid -- ior )
Attempt to force any buffered information written to the file referred to by fileid to mass storage, and the size information for the file to be recorded in the storage directory if changed. If the operation is successful, ior is zero. Otherwise, it is an implementation-defined I/O result code.
FM/MOD              "f-m-slash-mod"                                   CORE
( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 )
Divide d1 by n1, giving the floored quotient n3 and the remainder n2. Input and output stack arguments are signed. An ambiguous condition exists if n1 is zero or if the quotient lies outside the range of a single-cell signed integer.
FMAX                "f-max"                                           FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
r3 is the greater of r1 and r2.
FMIN                "f-min"                                           FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
r3 is the lesser of r1 and r2.
FMSIGN              "f-m-sign"                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of FMSIGN . FMSIGN contains the number of the method that is to be used when generating the sign of the mantissa of floating point numbers with (E.) , (F.) and all words that use these words such as E. and F. . When FMSIGN is 0, the sign character is either '-' or absent, when FMSIGN is 1, the sign character is either '-' or '+', when FMSIGN is 2, the sign character is either '-' or space, otherwise the sign character is undefined.
FNAN?               "f-not-a-number-query"                            IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r -- ) ( -- nan? )
Test if r is NaN (SNaN or QNaN).
FNEARBYINT                                                            ( F: r1 -- r2 )
FNEARBYINT performs the function of whichever of FLOOR, FTRUNC, FCEIL or FROUND corresponds to the current rounding mode. This word corresponds to the IEEE required operation: roundToIntegralExact.
FNEGATE             "f-negate"                                        FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the negation of r1.
FNEXTAFTER                                                            IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
Computes the next representable floating-point value following r1 in the direction of r2. Thus, if r2 is less than r1, FNEXTAFTER returns the largest representable floating-point number less than r1. Returns r2 if r1 equals r2.
See also: FNEXTUP
FNEXTUP                                                               IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r1 -- r2 )
When r1 is a nonzero real number, FNEXTUP returns the next affinely extended real in the default format that compares larger than r1. See IEEE 5.3.1, "General operations" for the behavior when r1 is an IEEE special. FNEXTDOWN is not defined. According to IEEE, nextDown(x) is -nextUp(-x).
FNIP                "f-nip"                                           IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r2 )
Drop the first item below the top of the floating-point stack.
FNORMAL?            "f-normal-query"                                  IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r -- ) ( -- normal? )
Test if r is a Normal float.
FOR                                                                   IFORTH
Compilation: ( -- fordest )
The next location for a transfer of control (fordest) goes onto the control flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( n|u -- ) ( R: -- sys )

Set up the loop control parameter with limit n|u. Anything already on the return stack becomes unavailable until the loop control parameters are discarded. Each pass through the loop, the loop control parameter is tested for zero. If it becomes zero the loop is exited, if it does not, the control parameter is decremented by one. If the limit n|u is 0 to start with, one pass will be made. As this behavior is not very useful, the FOR AFT ... THEN NEXT construct has gained popularity. It is allowed to use LEAVE to exit from a FOR ... NEXT loop.
See also: I@ NEXT UNNEXT
FOREIGN                                                               IFORTH
( n*{u} n 'service -- result )
Calls a dynamically linked "C" library routine at address 'service, with n unsigned arguments u. Prevents the OS from disrupting correct Forth operation by saving and restoring all Forth registers. The C (machine) and iForth (data) stacks are swapped for the duration of the call. This is essential as some C routines use enormous amounts of stack space. C sees the arguments in the same order as Forth (top Forth == last u in C's argument list). The pre-compiled Forth kernel assumes C returns function results in the EAX/RAX register. This is true for most compilers.
See also: SYSCALL
FORGET                                                                TOOLKIT EXT
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Beginning with the last word defined, start deleting definitions from the dictionary until name itself is found and deleted. An ambiguous condition exists if name cannot be found. If a definition to be deleted has a non-empty forget field, the execution token found in this field is executed with the word's data field address as its parameter, before deletion takes place. This special behavior allows memory deallocation and process descheduling to take place automatically. If word lists are present, FORGET searches the compilation word list. When the compilation wordlist is removed, the FORTH wordlist is installed as the compilation wordlist. Note that other implementations of the standard might fail if the compilation wordlist is removed. Note also that other implementations of the ANS standard might not have forget-fields or do not take the trouble of removing every word in the list separately.
See also: 'FORGET' FORGET>
FORGET>             "forget-part"                           C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 )
Append the execution semantics below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: sys1 -- )

Modify the forgetting semantics of the most recently defined word as shown below. Return control to the caller of the definition containing FORGET> . The most recently defined word must have been defined with CREATE , and it must contain a DOES> part. When forgetting names, FORGET will encounter the non-empty forget field of each name. name is the word modified by FORGET> . The token found is executed as follows:

( exec-token -- a-addr ) ( R: -- sys2 )

Save implementation-dependent information about the definition that called name, and place name's data field address on the stack. Execute the code following the FORGET> that modified name. The minimal action that should be performed by user-written forget parts is to drop the data field address. FORGET> is optional. When FORGET> is used, the word must also contain a DOES> part, following the FORGET> code.
FORTH                                                                 SEARCH EXT
( -- )
Transform the search order consisting of wid1, ... widn-1, widn (where widn is searched first) into wid1, ... widn-1, FORTH-WORD-LIST .
FORTH-IO            "forth-i-o"                                       IFORTH
( -- )
Sets all I/O vectors to their default routines. The default routines are the fastest possible on the given platform. For the MS-DOS IFORTH the disadvantage of FORTH-IO is that it does not obey OS-level redirection. The Linux, WIN95 and WINNT implementations of FORTH-IO are exactly equal to OS-IO and support redirection. Note that an interpreter error (ABORT etc.) results in restoring the default I/O vectors.
FORTH-WORDLIST                                                        SEARCH
( -- wid )
Return wid, the identifier of the word list that includes all standard words provided by the implementation. This word list is initially the compilation word list and is part of the initial search order.
FOVER               "f-over"                                          FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r1 )
Place a copy of r1 on top of the floating-point stack.
FOVERFLOW                                                             IEEE-FLOAT
( -- mask )
Return the mask to select the status flag for a floating-point operation that overflowed.
FP/REM              "f-p-slash-rem"                                   IFORTH
( F: x y -- rem[x/y] ) ( -- q[x/y] )
Compute the remainder r and divisor q of x divided by y. When y is not 0, the remainder rem is defined regardless of the current rounding mode by the exact mathematical relation r = x - y * q, where q is the integer nearest the exact number x/y, with round to nearest. Done by repeated subtraction.
FPICK               "f-pick"                                          IFORTH
( u -- ) ( F: r(u) ... r(1) r(0) -- r(u) ... r(1) r(0) r(u) )
Remove u. Copy the uth item of the floating-point stack to the top of the floating-point stack. An ambiguous condition exists is there are less than u+2 items on the floating-point stack before FPICK is executed.
FPOPD               "f-pop-d"                                         IFORTH
( u64 -- ) ( F: -- r )
Move a 64-bit bit pattern from the parameter to the float stack as a double-precision IEEE floating-point number. This word is mainly used in an external call or callback. For 64-bit iForth, "u64" is coming from the C side of a call or callback: a dfloat that is passed in a 64bit register and ends up on the Forth FPU stack. It is, however, possible to use this word to move a 64-bit bitpattern from the Forth integer to the Forth FPU stack also. NOTE #1: On 32-bit iForth the stack needs to contain a double integer ud, inconsistent with 64bit iForth. This makes that many floating-point examples involving gaussj and NRC are broken for 32-bit iForth. NOTE #2: The stack picture is inconsistent with FPUSHD, which returns a double number for both 32- and 64-bit iForth. NOTE #3: The use of FPOPD in the return of an external call is not obvious, as FP results are expected in XMM registers (this is a feature of iForth's CALLBACK ????)
FPOPS               "f-pop-s"                                         IFORTH
( u -- ) ( F: -- r )
Move a 32-bit bit pattern from the parameter to the float stack as a single precision IEEE floating-point number.
FPOW                "f-power"                                         IFORTH
( F: r1 -- r1^n ) ( n -- )
Raise r1 to the integer power n. Faster than F** .
See also: F**
FPREM               "f-p-rem"                                         IFORTH
( F: x y -- rem[x/y] )
Compute the remainder of x divided by y. When y is not 0, the remainder rem = fremainder(x, y) is defined regardless of the current rounding mode by the exact mathematical relation r = x - y * q, where q is the integer nearest the exact number x/y, with round to nearest. Done by repeated subtraction.
FPU-ovf!                                                              IFORTH
( bool -- )
Instructs the optimizer to take care that the FPU stack does not overflow. Because the optimizer is very careful, this may result in non-optimal code, so it is possible to turn this option off. It is advised to do this only for short segments of critical and carefully checked code. Set up in the ~/include/iforth.prf preferences file.
See also: FPU-ovf@ LEA-used! EDI-used! P6-used!
FPU-ovf@                                                              IFORTH
( -- bool )
Get the current state of FPU stack overflow checking .
See also: FPU-ovf!
FPUSHD              "f-push-d"                                        IFORTH
( -- ud ) ( F: r -- )
Move an IEEE float from the float to the parameter stack as the 64bit bit pattern of an IEEE double-precision float, i.e:
        FORTH> 1e PAD DF!  PAD @ .S  DROP
Data: 4607182418800017408 ---
System: ---
Float: --- ok
Data: 4607182418800017408 ---
System: ---
Float: --- ok

NOTE1: the stack picture of FPUSHD is inconsistent with FPOPD. NOTE2: FPUSHD was necessary to interface with 32-bit C functions, and should not be used on a 64-bit iForth, where this functionality is covered by FPOPXMM0.
FPUSHS              "f-push-s"                                        IFORTH
( -- u32 ) ( F: r -- )
Move an IEEE float from the float to the parameter stack as the 32bit bit pattern for an IEEE single-precision float, i.e:
        FORTH>  1e PAD SF!  PAD @ .S DROP
Data: 1065353216 ---
System: ---
Float: --- ok
Data: 1065353216 ---
System: ---
Float: --- ok

FRAD                "f-rad"                                           IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the equivalent angle in radians of the angle r1 in degrees.
FREE                                                                  MEMORY
( a-addr -- ior )
Return the contiguous region of data space indicated by a-addr to the system for later allocation. a-addr must indicate a region of data space that was previously obtained by ALLOCATE or RESIZE . The address of the next available data space location is unaffected by this operation. If the operation succeeds, ior is 0. If the operation fails, ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code.
FREMAINDER                                                            IEEE-FLOAT
( F: x y -- r q )
When y is not 0, the remainder r = fremainder(x, y) is defined for finite x and y regardless of the current rounding mode by the exact mathematical relation r = x - y * q, where q is the integer nearest the exact number x/y, with round to nearest. If r = 0, its sign shall be that of x, and fremainder(x, inf) is x for finite x.
FROM                                                                  IFORTH
Usage: FROM name ( -- x ) Fetch the value stored in name. name must be a variable created by VALUE or LOCAL . FROM itself only sets a flag, name determines what to do based on that flag. Since fetching the contents is the default action, FROM can be removed from the code. It is only needed to reset the flag when the flag was accidently set. Other types of variables can also use FROM to place their contents on the appropriate stack.
FROT                "f-rote"                                          FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 r3 -- r2 r3 r1 )
Rotate the top three floating-point stack entries.
FROUND              "f-round"                                         FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Round r1 using the "round to nearest" rule, giving r2.
FRP                 "f-r-p"                                           IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the workspace at which the return stack pointer is stored.
FS.                 "f-s-dot"                                         FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Convert the top number on the floating-point stack to a character string using the rules of (F.) . and display the resulting string with a trailing space. For example, the sequence
          4 SET-PRECISION 1.23E5 FS.

will display

An ambiguous condition exists if the system basis is not DECIMAL ( not a problem for iForth ) or if the character representation exceeds the size of the pictured numeric output string buffer.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. REPRESENT (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R >FLOAT
FSCALBN             "f-scale=binary-n"                                IEEE-FLOAT
( n -- ) ( F: r -- r*2^n )
The output is efficiently scaled by 2^n.
FSCALE                                                                IFORTH
( n -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
The floating-point number r2 is equal to r1*2^n .
FSIGNALING?         "f-signaling-query"                               IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r -- ) ( -- snan? )
Test if r is signaling NaN (SNaN).
FSIGNBIT            "f-sign-bit"                                      IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r -- ) ( -- minus? )
This word corresponds to isSignMinus in IEEE 5.7.2, "General operations".
FSIN                "f-sine"                                          FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the sine of the radian angle r1.
FSINCOS             "f-sine-cos"                                      FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 r3 )
r2 is the sine of the radian angle r1. r3 is the cosine of the radian angle r1.
FSINH               "f-sin-h"                                         FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the hyperbolic sine of r1.
FSP                 "f-s-p"                                           IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the workspace at which the data stack pointer is stored.
FSP!                "f-s-p-store"                                     IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Set the floating-point stack pointer to a-addr.
FSP0                "f-s-p-zero"                                      IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of FSP0 . FSP0 contains the pointer to the base of the floating-point stack. The phrase FSP0 @ FSP! removes all elements from the floating-point stack.
FSP@                "f-s-p-fetch"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Get the floating-point stack pointer. Note that iForth uses stacks that grow towards lower addresses. The top element of the floating-point stack is at FSP@ , however you should never access stacks in this way.
FSPLIT              "f-split"                                         IFORTH
( -- e ) ( F: r -- m )
The floating-point number r is split into a mantissa m in the range { 1 .. 2 } and an integer e with which to double m e times to get the original number r. r must not be an IEEE unnormalized number, which is approximately one over the maximum number representable.
See also: MAX-FLOAT
FSPPTR              "f-s-p-p-t-r"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of FSPPTR . FSPPTR contains the floating point stack pointer. This is a user variable.
See also: FSP0 FSP!
FSQR                "f-square"                                        IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the square of r1. It is the same as r1 r1 F* .
FSQRT               "f-square-root"                                   FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the square root of r1. An ambiguous condition exists if r1 is less than zero.
FSSP                "f-s-s-p"                                         IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the workspace at which the system stack pointer is stored.
FSUBNORMAL?         "f-subnormal-query"                               IEEE-FLOAT
( F: r -- ) ( -- denormal? )
Test if r is a Denormal float.
FSWAP               "f-swap"                                          FLOAT
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r2 r1 )
Exchange the top two floating-point stack items.
FTAN                "f-tan"                                           FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the tangent of the radian angle r1. An ambiguous condition exists if cos(r1) is zero.
FTANH               "f-tan-h"                                         FLOAT EXT
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
r2 is the hyperbolic tangent of r1.
FTHROW              "f-throw"                                         IFORTH
( x bool -- x )
When bool is TRUE, query the OS for the latest error generated and print a detailed report. Some OS calls only generate an error flag and don't report the actual error. This is increasingly uncommon as it won't work well in a multi-threaded environment.
See also: ?FILE THROW
FTL                 "f-t-l"                                           IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the workspace at which the task link pointer is stored.
FTRUNC              "f-trunc"                                         IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 -- r2 )
Round r1 using truncation, giving r2.
        FORTH> 3.12e ftrunc f. 3.000000  ok
FORTH> -3.12e ftrunc f. -3.000000 ok

See also: FLOOR
FTUCK               "f-tuck"                                          IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r1 r2 -- r2 r1 r2 )
Copy r2 and tuck it under r1 .
See also: TUCK
FUNDERFLOW                                                            IEEE-FLOAT
( -- mask )
Return the mask to select the status flag for a floating-point that underflowed.
FUP                 "f-u-p"                                           IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the workspace where the user area starts.
FVALUE              "f-value"                               D         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Like an FVARIABLE, an FVALUE has 80 bits of precision. name is referred to as a "f-value".

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- r )

Place r on the floating-point stack. The value of r is unspecified until the phrase r TO name is executed, causing r to be associated with name.
FVARIABLE           "f-variable"                            D         FLOAT
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Reserve 1 FLOATS address units of data space at an aligned address (80 bits of precision). name is referred to as an "f-variable."

Execution: ( "name" -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of the data space reserved by FVARIABLE when it created name. The application is responsible for initializing the contents of the reserved space.
F~                  "f-proximate"                                     FLOAT EXT
( -- flag ) ( F: r1 r2 r3 -- )
If r3 is positive, flag is true if the absolute value of (r1 minus r2) is less than r3. If r3 is zero, flag is true if the implementation-dependent encoding of r1 and r2 are exactly identical (positive and negative zero are unequal if they have distinct encodings) If r3 is negative, flag is true if the absolute value of (r1 minus r2) is less than the absolute value of r3 times the sum of the absolute values of r1 and r2. If r3 is a nan, flag is false.
GET-CURRENT                                                           SEARCH
( -- wid )
Return wid, the identifier of the compilation word list.
GET-FSTATUS                                                           IEEE-FLOAT
( fmask -- fflags )
Return the bit-wise OR of the current fp status flags selected by the nonzero bits of fmask. It is an ambiguous condition if fmask is not the OR of a subset of the five named masks.
GET-LOCK                                                              IFORTH
( n addr -- [addr] )
Store n at addr and return the data at addr before the store. This is a locked instruction that can be used to implement a spinlock in a multithreaded application.
See also: LOCKED+!
GET-ORDER                                                             SEARCH
( -- wid1 ... widn n )
Returns the number of word lists n in the search order and the word list identifiers wid1 ... widn identifying these word lists. widn identifies the word list that is searched first, and wid1 the word list that is searched last. The search order is unaffected.
GET-VERSION                                                           IFORTH
( addr len -- n|-1 )
Pass either a module name like S" -miscutil" or S" -kernel" to GET-VERSION When you ask for the kernel it returns a decimal number lowest 4 digits holds compile-run digits 5/6 hold the minor number digits 7 and up the major release. When you ask for a module version it looks for the module info string and converts the number.
GETPRIORITY         "get-priority"                                    IFORTH
( -- 0|1 )
Get the priority of the current thread/process. If the current process is a high-priority process, 0 is returned, otherwise 1 is returned.
GRAB-KEYBOARD                                                         IFORTH
( -- )
The current task gets exclusive access to KEY and KEY?, when possible. Note that other tasks are not prevented from executing GRAB-KEYBOARD themselves, so this word should be used sparingly, at the application level.
GROW                                                                  IFORTH
( +n -- )
Enlarge the dictionary space available to the system. GROW only works under certain conditions: ALLOCATE must not have been used yet, there may be no user definitions, and multitasking should be off. This limits GROW's use to invocation just after booting the iForth executable. If you need more dictionary space (available to ALLOT) it might be better to ask your distributor for extra executables with the specified amount of free space compiled into it. Note that invoking GROW means the header array of iForth is moved up in memory, making all header addresses compiled into words illegal. The base system as distributed can be GROWn without problem, but this may not be the case after a SAVE-SYSTEM , depending on the code added.
GSCREEN>            "graphics-screen-from"                            IFORTH
( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy u consecutive characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2. Equivalent to CMOVE , CMOVE> or MOVE if c-addr1 is not in graphics memory. Only use GSCREEN> to do block moves from the screen to normal memory. Block moves across screen memory are not supported. They will hang the machine.
See also: >GSCREEN
H.                  "h-dot"                                           IFORTH
( x -- )
Display x as an unsigned hexadecimal number. The current number base is not changed. The format is '$dddddddd' with d an hexadecimal digit. For 16 bit models the format is '$dddd'.
HAND                                                                  IFORTH
( -- )
Initialize the contents of I/O to contain the execution tokens of the routines that are used for the standard interactive environment.
HEAD'                                                                 IFORTH
( "name" -- dea )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. If name can be found using the current search order, leave its dictionary entry address, else generate an error condition.
See also: '
HEAD>               "head-from"                                       IFORTH
( dea -- addr )
addr is the address where the execution token of the dictionary entry corresponding to dea can be found.
HEAD>FLAGS                                                            IFORTH
( dea -- ffa )
ffa is the flag field address of the dictionary entry identified by dea. It is considered as an array of flags denoting properties of the dictionary entry. It can be manipulated using bit-masks. For example: the phrase flags =ANSI AND =ANSI = leaves true if flags are the flags from an ANS standard word.
HEAD>FORGET         "head-to-forget"                                  IFORTH
( dea -- ffa )
ffa is the forget field address of the dictionary entry identified by dea.
HEAD>HASH                                                             IFORTH
( dea -- hfa )
hfa is the hash field address of dictionary entry identified by dea.
HEAD>LINK                                                             IFORTH
( dea -- lfa )
lfa is the link field address of the dictionary entry identified by dea. It contains the dea of the next entry in the dictionary.
HEAD>LOCATE         "head-to-locate"                                  IFORTH
( dea -- locfa )
locfa is the locate field address of the dictionary entry identified by dea. It contains the "locate datum" of the next entry in the dictionary. The locate datum is a special number composed of a file identifier and the one-based line number in this file. For kernel definitions the locate datum is 0 as no source files are provided. The locate datum is processed by the xt in ADD-LOCATE ( dea -- locate_datum ), which computes the locate datum given the dea currently being constructed. The default xt in ADD-LOCATE passes the dea unmodified. This means that when the ./include/locate.frt utility is not active, HEAD' name ( -- dea ) HEAD>LOCATE @ returns either name's dea or zero.
See also: ADD-LOCATE
HEAD>NAME           "head-to-name"                                    IFORTH
( dea -- nfa )
nfa is the name field address of the dictionary entry identified by dea. It contains a character string with the name of the dictionary entry.
HEAD>comp           "head-to-compile-field"                           IFORTH
( dea -- cf )
cf is the compile field address of the dictionary entry identified by dea. The compile field is used in compile state and makes it unnecessary that such a word is IMMEDIATE . Not every word has this field.
See also: HEAD>exec
HEAD>exec           "head-to-execute-field"                           IFORTH
( dea -- ef )
ef is the execution field address of the dictionary entry identified by dea. The execution field is used in execution state and makes it unnecessary that such a word is IMMEDIATE . TOKENIZEd words have this field.
See also: HEAD>exec
HELP                                                                  IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space ignoring leading delimiters. Find an entry in the glossary help file forth.hlp and list that entry to the screen. HELP is not part of the kernel system but can be loaded by including the file help.frt. By default the file forth.hlp contains a copy of the glossary of Forth words from your manual. Thus HELP provides an online manual for Forth words. Note that any typesetting that is in the manual is removed so only ASCII text is left. The text in the help file is automatically generated from the original glossary documents, so there are no textual differences between the printed and the online version of the manual.
HERE                                                                  CORE
( -- addr )
addr is the address of the next available data space location.
HEX                                                                   CORE EXT
( -- )
Set contents of BASE to sixteen.
HI-PRIO                                                               IFORTH
( -- 0 )
Place the number denoting a high priority process on the stack. This number is the constant zero.
HIDE                                                                  IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space ignoring leading delimiters. If name can not be found using the current search order generate an error condition. Otherwise clear the visibility bit in name's header. This action will make name unaccessible to iForth's compiler and interpreter.
HLD                                                                   IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of HLD . HLD contains the pointer to the first character in the numeric conversion buffer. This variable is reset by <# and it is updated by HOLD .
HOLD                                                                  CORE
( char -- )
Add char to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string. Typically used between <# and #> .
HWORDS:                                                               IFORTH
( "substring" -- count )
List those word names in the first word list of the search order that partly match name, a blank-delimited string that must be parsed off the current input stream. The format of the display is implementation-dependent, see WORDS . The string name is matched when it encompasses the substring. The search is case-insensitive. The variable WORDS-DELAY controls scrolling speed. This is a factor of WORDS: . It returns the number of words successfully printed. The trailing CR (that WORDS: has) is suppressed.
I                                                           C         CORE
( -- n|u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
n|u is a copy of the current (innermost) loop index. The loop control parameters must be available. Because an ANS system must support both LOOP and +LOOP , it is impossible for a one-pass compiler to generate optimal code for both DO ... LOOP and DO ... +LOOP type loops. Especially, access to the loop control parameter I is relatively slow. For time-critical applications it is recommended to use FOR ... NEXT type loops.
I'                                                          C         IFORTH
( -- u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
u is a copy of the current (innermost) loop limit of any DO or FOR loop. The loop control parameters must be available.
See also: DO LOOP FOR NEXT I I'' J J' J'' K
I''                                                         C         IFORTH
( -- u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
u is a copy of the third loop parameter of any DO or FOR loop. The loop control parameters must be available.
See also: DO LOOP FOR NEXT I I' J J' J'' K
I//O-DEVICE                                                           IFORTH
( -- addr )
A user variable that holds the current device-control-block.
I/O                                                                   IFORTH
( -- )
Undocumented experimental word.
I@                                                          C         IFORTH
( -- u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
u is a copy of the current (innermost) loop counter of a FOR ... NEXT loop. The loop control parameters must be available. The loop counter counts down to zero.
See also: FOR NEXT
ID$                 "i-d-string"                                      IFORTH
( dea -- #spaces c-addr u )
Leave the name of the word whose name field address is dea, ready to be used by TYPE , followed by enough (#spaces) spaces to fill a field of n*20 positions (n is arbitrary). If the name is 'smudged', u is 0 and #spaces is 20.
See also: .ID =VISIBLE
IDLITERAL           "i-d-literal"                                     IFORTH
( d -- ) or ( d -- d )
When the contents of the variable STATE is not zero, perform the function of SWAP 2LITERAL . Otherwise leave d on the stack. IDLITERAL is an immediate command.
( n -- addr )
Calculates the address of the USER area of the thread 'n'. 0 <= n < #THREADS .
IEEE-FP                                                               IEEE-FLOAT
IEEE-FP is an environment query.
IEEE-FP-ENV                                                           IEEE-FLOAT
IEEE-FP-ENV is an environment query.
IEEE-FP-FORMAT                                                        IEEE-FLOAT
IEEE-FP-FORMAT is an environment query.
IF                                                          C         CORE
Compilation: ( -- orig )
Put the location of a new unresolved forward reference orig onto the control flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition. The semantics are incomplete until orig is resolved (e.g., by THEN ).

Execution: ( x -- )

If all bits of x are zero, continue execution at the location specified by the resolution of orig.
See also: ELSE THEN
IF,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- addr )
Place the value of the current code space pointer on the data stack. Assemble a conditional forward branch that is to be resolved by either else, or then, .

Execution: ( -- )

If flag is true, take the branch. Otherwise do not take the branch.
IFF!                "internal-f-f-send"                               IFORTH
( -- )
All server commands are introduced on the link by a byte with the value $FF, all other bytes are interpreted as bytes to be send to the screen by the server. IFF! sends a command to the server which instructs the server to write the byte with the value $FF to the screen. The command consists of 2 bytes $FF, the first one introduces a command and the second is the command number.
IFORTH                                                                IFORTH
IFORTH is an environment query.
ILITERAL            "i-literal"                                       IFORTH
( n -- ) or ( n -- n )
When the contents of the variable STATE is not zero, perform the function of LITERAL . Otherwise leave n on the stack. ILITERAL is an immediate command.
IMMEDIATE                                                             CORE
( -- )
Mark the most recently created dictionary entry as an immediate word.
IN/OUT                                                                IFORTH
( #in #out -- )
Used in inline macro's to optimize parameter access. #in is the number of integer items expected in registers on entry. Presently #in can only be 0, 1 or 2. If it is 1, the top of stack is expected in the EBX/RBX register, if it is 2, TOS and NOS are expected in EBX/RBX and ECX/RCX respectively (newer versions of iForth allow more registers). #out is the number of parameters held in registers on exit of the macro. Presently #out can only be 0, 1 or 2. If it is 1, EBX/RBX holds the current top of stack, if it is 2 EBX/RBX holds TOS and ECX/RCX holds NOS. The word ADJUST-STACK must be used together with IN/OUT to flush registers to the real data stack after a macro (or set of macro's) has finished. IN/OUT and ADJUST-STACK work closely together in order to remove superfluous data stack traffic at macro boundaries. Example:
    : add      1 1 IN/OUT
POSTPONE ASM{ rax pop, rax -> rbx add, }ASM
: 3add add add ;

The generated code for 3add is:
      : 3add
pop rbx
pop rax
add rbx, rax
pop rax
add rbx, rax
push rbx ;

Please note:
    : 3add2 + + ;

Which generates tokens
    FORTH> see 3add2
: 3add2 + + ; ok

Or ( ' 3add2 idis ) this code when nothing is known about the parameters:
    : [trashed]
pop rbx
pop rdi
pop rax
lea rdi, [rdi rbx*1] qword
lea rbx, [rax rdi*1] qword
push rbx ;

INCLUDE                                                               IFORTH
( i*x "file" -- j*x )
Parse file delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Open the file for read-only. Execute all commands that are inside this file. Close the file.
INCLUDE-FILE                                                          FILE
( i*x fileid -- j*x )
Save the specification of the input stream, including the current value of SOURCE-FILE . Set the value returned by SOURCE-FILE to fileid. Store 0 in BLK . Repeat until end of file: Read a line from the file, fill the input stream from the contents of that line, and interpret the input stream. Interpretation begins at the file position where the next file read would occur. When the end of the file is reached, close the file and restore the specification of the input stream to its saved value. After an error occurs, all files that were being interpreted are closed. Note however that other implementations of the standard may leave these files open. An ambiguous condition exists if fileid is invalid, if there is an I/O error reading fileid, or if there is an I/O error closing fileid.
INCLUDED                                                              FILE
( i*x c-addr u -- j*x )
Save the specification of the input stream, including the current value of SOURCE-FILE . Open the file specified by c-addr and u and change the value of SOURCE-FILE to the file's fileid. Store zero in BLK . Repeat until end of file: Read a line from the file, fill the input stream from the contents of that line, and interpret the input stream. Interpretation begins at the file position where the next file read would occur. When the end of the file is reached, close the file and restore the specification of the input stream to its saved value. An ambiguous condition exists if the named file can not be opened, if an I/O error occurs reading the file, or if an I/O error occurs while closing the file. When an ambiguous condition exists, the status (open or closed) of any files that were being interpreted is implementation-defined. File input (as with INCLUDE-FILE ), block input (as with LOAD ), and string input (as with EVALUATE ) may be nested in any order.
INIT-MEM                                                              IFORTH
( -- )
Initialize the memory manager. All allocated blocks are freed. Indiscriminate use of INIT-MEM will crash the system if any processes are still running. The memory manager handles all memory between the end of the default terminal input buffer and MEMSTART @ . Put a new value into MEMSIZE and execute COLD when the amount of memory available is not equal to the 1 Mbyte expected by the standard binaries. Changing MEMSIZE can be used to lock iForth out of memory used by alien processor programs.
INSET?                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( x a-addr -- flag )
a-addr is a list of cells with the first cell containing the number of the cells in the list. flag is true when x is an element of this list. Otherwise flag is false.
INVERT                                                                CORE
( x1 -- x2 )
Invert all bits of x1, giving x2.
IO-SYSTEM           "i-o-system"                                      IFORTH
( -- xt )
Returns the xt of either OS-IO or FORTH-IO , depending on which set of I/O vectors is current.
IS-FORGET                                                             IFORTH
( xt "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by blanks. If name is not found, issue an error message, otherwise fill the forget field of name with the execution token xt. The data field address (dfa) of the word that is forgotten is put on the data stack for use by the definition that corresponds to the execution token xt. Consumption of this data field address is mandatory. Note that IS-FORGET can attach a forget field to words that have no data field, because they were not defined by CREATE or words that use CREATE , or that have no DOES> part. The only action allowed on such an invalid dfa is to drop it. Note that in order not to create difficult to find bugs, IS-FORGET code should be as straightforward as possible. For example, colon definitions that xt wants to execute might already have been forgotten by an earlier FORGET, or by executing MARKER. Code that uses only kernel words, or code that can be inlined completely, should be safe. Words are forgotten from higher addresses to lower, but not necessarily contiguously. Words that appear earlier in the source are compiled first. A common problem is to call words defined in other vocabularies or wordlists, or to call a DEFERred word.
See also: FORGET>
IS-LOCAL?                                                             IFORTH
( a -- xt dea | a FALSE )
Tests if the counted string at address a belongs to any type of LOCAL. If TRUE, return the xt and dea of this local, else the original string address and a FALSE.
J                                                           C         CORE EXT
( -- n|u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
n|u is a copy of the index of the next outer loop. Syntax: May only be used with a nested DO ... LOOP , DO ... +LOOP , ?DO ... LOOP , or ?DO ... +LOOP in the form, for example:
          : X ... DO ... DO ... J ... LOOP ... +LOOP ... ;

The loop control parameters of the next outer nested loop must be available.
See also: I K
J'                                                          C         IFORTH
( -- n|u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
n|u is a copy of the loop limit of the next outer loop. Syntax: May only be used with a nested DO ... LOOP , DO ... +LOOP , ?DO ... LOOP , or ?DO ... +LOOP in the form, for example:
          : X ... DO ... DO ... J' ... LOOP ... +LOOP ... ;

The loop control parameters of the next outer nested loop must be available.
See also: I I' I'' J J'' K
J''                                                         C         IFORTH
( -- n|u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
n|u is a copy of the third parameter of the next outer loop. Syntax: May only be used with a nested DO ... LOOP , DO ... +LOOP , ?DO ... LOOP , or ?DO ... +LOOP in the form, for example:
          : X ... DO ... DO ... J'' ... LOOP ... +LOOP ... ;

The loop control parameters of the next outer nested loop must be available.
See also: I I' I'' J J' K
JUMP                                                                  IFORTH
( addr -- )
Effectively "jumps" to addr . In contrast to EXECUTE , this word will not save a return address.
K                                                           C         IFORTH
( -- n|u ) ( R: sys -- sys )
n|u is a copy of the index of the second outer loop. Syntax: May only be used with a double nested DO ... LOOP , DO ... +LOOP , ?DO ... LOOP , ?DO ... +LOOP in the form, for example:
          : X ... DO ... DO ... DO ... K ... LOOP ... +LOOP ... LOOP ;

The loop control parameters of the second outer loop must be available.
See also: I J
KEY                                                                   CORE
( -- char )
Receive one character char, a member of the 8-bit ASCII character set. Keyboard events that do not correspond to such characters are discarded until a valid character is received, and those events are subsequently unavailable. All standard characters can be received. Characters received by KEY are not displayed. The ability to receive control characters is an environmental dependency, however this system returns the value of control characters correctly.
KEY-THREAD                                                            ( -- addr )                                               IFORTH
When writing applications with multiple threads or tasks there might be a conflict when more than one task wants to use KEY or KEY? . Executing GRAB-KEYBOARD ( "UP KEY-THREAD !" ) will deny other threads or tasks access to KEY, as KEY? will always be FALSE. RELEASE-KEYBOARD ("0 KEY-THREAD !", the default) allows all threads access.
KEY?                "key-question"                                    FACILITY EXT
( -- flag )
If a character is available, return true. Otherwise, return false. If non-character keyboard events are available before the first valid character, they are discarded, and are subsequently unavailable. After KEY? returns with a value of true, subsequent executions of KEY? prior to the execution of KEY or EKEY also return true, without discarding keyboard events. The next execution of KEY will return the character without indefinite delay.
LCMOVE>             "low-cmove-from"                                  IFORTH
( l-addr addr u -- )
Move u bytes from offset l-addr in the first physical Megabyte of memory to addr. MS-DOS only.
LEA-used!                                                             IFORTH
( bool -- )
Instructs the optimizer to use the LEA instruction as much as possible. Do not use lightly. Set up in the ~/include/iforth.prf preferences file.
See also: FPU-ovf! EDI-used! P6-used! LEA-used@
LEA-used@                                                             IFORTH
( -- bool )
Get the current state of LEA instruction handling.
See also: LEA-used!
LEAVE                                                       C         CORE
( -- ) ( R: sys -- )
Discard the current loop control parameters. The loop parameters must have been available. Continue execution immediately following the syntactically enclosing DO ... LOOP or DO ... +LOOP . Syntax: May only be used with a DO ... LOOP , DO ... +LOOP , ?DO ... LOOP , or ?DO ... +LOOP in the form, for example:
          DO ... IF ... LEAVE THEN ... LOOP

See also: +LOOP LOOP
LEAVEtk                                                     C         CORE
( -- ) ( R: sys -- )
This helps in implementing the Crenshaw code in /examples/crenshaw/mchapter17/forthcode.frt . It behaves exactly the same as LEAVE but will generate invalid code.
LINK>HEAD           "link-to-head"                                    IFORTH
( lfa -- dea )
dea is the dictionary entry address of the word for which lfa is the link field address.
LINUX?                                                                IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Linux.
LIST                                                                  BLOCK EXT
( u -- )
Display block u in an implementation-defined format. Store u in SCR . iForth lists blocks with 16 lines of 64 characters. For an example see the output below. The screen and line numbers are always printed in decimal.
See also: BLOCK
0 ( Eratosthenes sieve benchmark program )
6 0 SIZE 0
8 IF I 2* 3 + DUP I +
13 LOOP ( . ." Primes " ) DROP ;
15 : T 0 DO BENCHMARK LOOP CR ." 1899 primes." 7 EMIT ;

LITERAL                                                     C         CORE
Compilation: ( x -- )
Compile x as a literal. in iForth LITERAL is immediate and compile-only. To 'comma' a value interpretively, use LITERAL, .

Execution: ( -- x )

Place x on the stack.
LITERAL,                                                              IFORTH
Compile x as a literal. This is only useful when in compile state.

Execution: ( -- x )

Place x on the stack.
LN2                 "l-n-two"                                         IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- ln(2) )
Place the constant value ln(2) (0.69314718056...) on the floating-point stack.
LO-PRIO                                                               IFORTH
( -- 1 )
Place the number denoting a low priority process on the stack. This number is the constant one.
LOAD                                                                  BLOCK EXT
( i*x u -- j*x )
Save the current input stream specification. Make block u the current input stream and interpret the contents. When the input stream is exhausted, restore the prior input stream specification. An ambiguous condition exists if u is not a valid block number. If it is zero nothing happens, but for other standard implementations this may be an ambiguous condition. If the contents of OFFSET plus u point to a block that is not in the block file an end-of-file message is printed and the system aborts.
LOCAL                                                       D         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. LOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> .

Execution: ( x -- )

Associate the stack value x with name.

Execution: ( "name" -- x )

Place x on the stack.
LOCALS                                                                IFORTH
LOCALS is an environment query.
LOCALS-EXT                                                            IFORTH
LOCALS-EXT is an environment query.
LOCALS|                                                     C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. LOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight.

Execution: ( "name" -- x )

Place x on the stack. The value of x is unspecified until the phrase x TO name is executed, causing x to be associated with name.
LOCKED+!                                                              IFORTH
( n1 addr -- n2 )
Add n to the content at the location addr and return the former content. This is using a locked instruction of the cpu so it is safe to use in a multithreading environment.
LOOKUP-COLOR                                                          IFORTH
( $rrggbb | ix -- ix )
Search for the closest terminal color in the terminal's 16-color lut. If $rrbbgg is below 16, no search is done and $rrggbb is returned. Use this word to setup a terminal color when only an RGB value is at hand.
LOOP                                                        C         CORE
Compilation: ( dodest -- )
Resolve the destination of all unresolved occurrences of LEAVE between the location given by dodest and the next location for a transfer of control, to execute the words following the LOOP. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: sys1 -- | sys2 )

Loop control parameters must be available. Add one to the loop index. If the loop index is then equal to the loop limit, discard the loop parameters and continue execution immediately following the loop. Otherwise continue execution at the beginning of the loop.
See also: DO I LEAVE
LOOPe               "loop-e"                                C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( dodest -- )

Execution: ( n -- ) ( R: sys -- | sys2 )

Like LOOP , but does not "wrap around." Use with DO .
See also: dDO uDO +LOOPu +LOOP LOOPe
LSHIFT                                                                CORE
( u1 u -- u2 )
Perform a logical shift of u bit-places on u1, giving u2. Shift the bits n places toward the most significant bit. Put zero into the places "uncovered" by the shift. When u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell, u2 wraps around.
LSP!                "l-s-p-store"                                     IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Set the local stack pointer to a-addr.
LSP0                "l-s-p-zero"                                      IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of LSP0 . LSP0 contains the pointer to the base of the locals stack. The phrase LSP0 @ LSP! removes all elements from the locals stack.
LSP@                "l-s-p-fetch"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Get the local stack pointer. Note that iForth uses stacks that grow towards lower addresses. The top element of the local stack is at LSP@ , however you should never access stacks in this way.
M*                  "m-star"                                          CORE
( n1 n2 -- d )
d is the signed product of n1 times n2.
M*/                 "m-star-slash"                                    DOUBLE
( d1 n1 +n2 -- d2 )
Multiply d1 by n1 producing the triple-cell intermediate result t. Divide t by +n2 giving the double-cell quotient d2. An ambiguous condition exists if +n2 is zero, or the quotient lies outside of the range of a double-precision signed integer.
M+                  "m-plus"                                          DOUBLE
( d1|ud1 n -- d2|ud2 )
Add n to d1|ud1, giving the sum d2|ud2.
M-                  "m-minus"                                         IFORTH
( d1|ud1 n -- d2|ud2 )
Subtract n from u1|ud1, giving the result d2|ud2.
M/                  "m-slash"                                         IFORTH
( d1|ud1 n -- quot )
Equivalent to UM/MOD NIP .
MANY                                                                  IFORTH
In the interpreter, execute the current line again until the user breaks the action by pressing a key.

MAP-FILE                                                              IFORTH
( file-id -- c-addr u1 ior )
Return the internal buffer address connected to file-id. The buffer contains all the data in the file. Only OPEN-FILEd file-ids can be mapped, and only in the case that the file is R/O or R/O BIN .
MARKER                                                      D         CORE EXT
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below.

Execution: ( "name" -- )

Restore all dictionary allocation and search order pointers to the state they had just prior to the definition of name. Remove name and all subsequent word definitions. Restoration of any structures still existing that may refer to deleted definitions or deallocated data space is not provided. The forget fields can be used for this. No other contextual information such as numeric base is affected.
See also: FORGET> AtForget
MAX                                                                   CORE
( n1 n2 -- n3 )
n3 is the greater of n1 and n2.
MAX-CHAR                                                              ENVIRONMENT
MAX-CHAR is an environment query.
MAX-D                                                                 ENVIRONMENT
MAX-D is an environment query.
MAX-FLOAT                                                             ENVIRONMENT
MAX-FLOAT is an environment query.
MAX-FLOAT-DIGITS                                                      ENVIRONMENT
MAX-FLOAT is an environment query. When there, this returns the largest number of usable digits available from REPRESENT.
MAX-N                                                                 ENVIRONMENT
MAX-N is an environment query.
MAX-U                                                                 ENVIRONMENT
MAX-U is an environment query.
MAX-UD              "max-u-d"                                         ENVIRONMENT
MAX-UD is an environment query.
MAXINT              "max-int"                                         ENVIRONMENT
( -- maxint )
MAXINT places the value maxint on the data stack. maxint is the largest representable integer for the current architecture, e.g. it has the value $7FFF.FFFF on Intel 32-bit architectures.
MEMORY-ALLOC                                                          ENVIRONMENT
MEMORY-ALLOC is an environment query.
MEMORY-ALLOC-EXT                                                      ENVIRONMENT
MEMORY-ALLOC-EXT is an environment query.
MEMSIZE             "mem-size"                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of MEMSIZE . MEMSIZE @ returns the maximum amount of available memory, i.e. the iForth memory manager will control all memory between MEMSTART @ and MEMSTART @ MEMSIZE @ + . You should change the value of MEMSIZE and execute INIT-MEM if the default amount of memory is not needed by iForth or if that memory should not be managed by iForth.
MEMSTART            "mem-start"                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of MEMSTART . MEMSTART delimits available memory, i.e. the iForth memory manager will control all memory between MEMSTART @ and MEMSTART @ MEMSIZE @ + . You should change the value of MEMSIZE and execute INIT-MEM if the default amount of memory is not needed by iForth or if that memory should not be managed by iForth.
See also: INIT-MEM
MIN                                                                   CORE
( n1 n2 -- n3 )
n3 is the lesser of n1 and n2.
MININT              "min-int"                                         IFORTH
( -- minint )
MININT Places the value minint on the data stack. minint is the minimal representable integer for the current architecture. It has the value -$8000.0000 on Intel 32-bit architectures and the value -$8000 on Intel 16-bit architectures.
MIX-IODEVICES                                                         IFORTH
( in-dcb out-dcb dcb -- dcb )
Sometimes we have a situation where we want to mix the behaviour of 2 dcb based io-devices. The execution tokens in the dcb will be the ones from in-dcb for input routines, the out-dcb defines the output routines and inherits the state-variables. dcb can be used with SET-IODEVICE and must have a size of #DCB-SIZE. To make sure We have a working io-device in case of crashes, it will always switch to STANDARD-DEVICE in such a case.
MMURTL?                                                               IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for MMURTL.
MOD                                                                   CORE
( n1 n2 -- n3 )
Divide n1 by n2, giving the single-cell remainder n3. An ambiguous condition exists if n2 is zero. If n1 and n2 differ in sign, the result returned will be the same as the phrase >R S>D R> SM/MOD DROP . Note that other implementations of the standard may return the equivalent of >R S>D R> FM/MOD DROP .
MOVE                                                                  CORE
( addr1 addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy the contents of u consecutive address units at addr1 to the u consecutive address units at addr2. After MOVE completes, the u consecutive address units at addr2 contain exactly what the u consecutive address units at addr1 contained before the move.
MS                  "m-s"                                             FACILITY EXT
( u -- )
Wait at least u milliseconds. Note: The actual length and variability of the time period depends upon the implementation-defined resolution of the system clock. The system call used on the PC is not accurate enough to measure an interval of one millisecond accurate to one percent.
MS-DOS?                                                               IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for MS-DOS.
MS?                                                                   IFORTH
( -- u )
Fetches the elapsed time in milliseconds since the execution of TIMER-RESET TIMER-PRESET and others. Updates diff0 .
See also: (.T0) .MS n.ELAPSED diff0
MY-IFORTH                                                             IFORTH
( -- addr len flag )
If flag is TRUE addr and len reflect the validated iForth installation directory. If FALSE addr and len are undefined.
MYSIGNATURE                                                           IFORTH
( -- addr len )
A runtime calculated string that should be able to differ between iForth instances depending on os, cpu features and iForth path.
See also: MY-IFORTH
MT*                 "m-t-star"                                        IFORTH
( lo hi n -- tlo tmid thi )
Signed multiplication of a double hi:lo with n, returning a triple result.
See also: UT* UT/
NEAREST-HEAD                                                          IFORTH
( addr -- dea u )
Finds the Forth word whose code starts nearest to addr. If addr is outside the code space the returned dea is the dictionary entry address of the latest word defined. The offset of addr from the found word's xt is returned as u. The dea of the latest word defined is used when no suitable word is found. In that case u is a very large number.
See also: >HEAD
NEEDS                                                                 IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Specifies that the current module depends on the module with the specified (REVISION) name. Assumes the convention that the file name of a module can be found from the REVISION name by removing the leading '-' and extending it with '.frt'. Example:
     NEEDS -fred

This example tries to load fred.frt if -fred is not found in the dictionary. By convention, -fred is a MARKER type word that removes the module build by fred.frt when it is executed. Note: the extension is in lower case. The host system may use case sensitive file names.
See also: REVISION
NEGATE                                                                CORE
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the negation of n1.
NESTING                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of NESTING . NESTING contains the number of nested non-interactive interpreters.
NETWORK-INFO@                                                         IFORTH
( -- me total )
total is the total number of processors that are available in the current network. me is the number of the current processor. This number is always in the range { 0 .. total - 1 }.
NEXT                                                        C         IFORTH
( -- )
Compilation: ( dodest -- ) Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: sys1 -- | sys2 )

The loop control parameters must be available. If the loop index is equal to 0, discard the loop parameter and continue execution immediately following the loop. Otherwise subtract one from the loop index and continue execution at the beginning of the loop.
See also: FOR FOR?
NIP                                                                   CORE EXT
( x1 x2 -- x2 )
Drop the first item below the top of stack.
NOOP                                                                  IFORTH
( -- )
Does nothing, but is sure to be called because it is never optimized away.
NOT                                                                   IFORTH
( n1 -- n2 )
Equivalent to 0=
See also: 0= INVERT
NOT-IMMEDIATE                                                         IFORTH
( -- )
iForth will make CREATE-d words IMMEDIATE . However, in definitions CREATE does not do this so that CREATE .. DOES> works correctly. The mechanism to detect that we are in a definition may fail when using

instead of CREATE . The resulting words are immediate and behave not like intended. iForth should not make CREATEd words IMMEDIATE (this is done to be able to optimize the addresses compilation of variables and constants). Until this happens, NOT-IMMEDIATE can be used. It is used just like IMMEDIATE .
NP                  "n-p"                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of NP . NP contains a pointer to next byte to be allocated for the name table.
NUMBER?             "number-query"                                    IFORTH
( c-addr u -- c-addr u 0 | n 1 | d 2 ) or ( c-addr u -- 9 ) ( F: -- r )
c-addr and u is the start address of a counted string. An attempt is made to convert the string into a literal. First an attempt is made to convert the string to a single number, then an attempt is made to convert the string to a double number and finally it is attempted to convert the string to a floating point number. If all conversions fail, return c-addr u and the constant 0. Otherwise place the value of the conversion on the appropriate stack and push the constant 1, 2 or 9 for a single number, a double number or a floating point number. 'NUMBER contains the execution token of NUMBER? when a standard iForth system is booted. The system can be made to recognize additional number types by defining the new word XNUMBERS? . This word first calls the old NUMBER? and reacts on a ( c-addr u 0 ) with a special parsing routine. The iForth compiler will compile as many literals as NUMBER? tells it there are. So if XNUMBERS? returns ( c-addr u -- n1 n2 n3 3 ) the effect will be n1 LITERAL n2 LITERAL n3 LITERAL . The maximum number of LITERALs that can be compiled in this way is 8. This setup does not work for floating-point literals, so ( c-addr -- 10 ) ( F: -- r1 r2 ) will not result in r1 FLITERAL r2 FLITERAL , but generates an error condition instead.
OCTAL                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
Set the contents of BASE to eight.
OF                                                          C         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( case-sys1 -- case-sys2 of-sys )
The location of the new unresolved forward reference goes onto the control flow stack. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( x1 x1 -- ) or ( x1 x2 -- x1 )

If the two values on the stack are not equal, discard the top value and continue execution at the location specified by the consumer of orig (e.g., following the next ENDOF ). Otherwise, discard both values and continue execution in line.
OFF                                                                   IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Store false in the cell at address a-addr.
OFFSET                                                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of OFFSET . OFFSET contains an offset that is added to every block number passed to a word of the BLOCK and BLOCK EXT wordsets. This variable makes it possible to make programs unaware of their exact location in the block storage.
ON                                                                    IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Store true in the cell at address a-addr.
ONLY                                                                  SEARCH EXT
( -- )
Set the search order to the implementation-defined minimum search order. The minimum search order must include the ability to interpret the words FORTH-WORDLIST and SET-ORDER .
OPEN-FILE                                                             FILE
( c-addr u x1 -- x2 ior )
Open the file named in the character string specified by c-addr u, with file access method indicated by x1. The meaning of the values of x1 is implementation-defined. If the file is successfully opened, ior is zero, x2 is the fileid, and the file has been positioned to the start of the file. Otherwise ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code and x2 is an unspecified value. In ANS Forth, trying to open a file that does not exist is an ambiguous condition. iForth will *not* perform the equivalent of CREATE-FILE in such cases.
OPEN-LOG                                                              iFORTH
( -- )
Output written to the console or other devices by TYPE, EMIT or CR is also written to a file defined by the content of "logfile".
See also: CLOSE-LOG CRASHLOG logfile
OPERATING-SYSTEM                                                      IFORTH
OPERATING-SYSTEM is an environment query.
OR                                                                    CORE
( x1 x2 -- x3 )
x3 is the bit-by-bit inclusive-or of x1 with x2.
ORDER                                                                 SEARCH EXT
( -- )
Identify the word lists in the search order in their search order sequence, from first searched to last searched. Also identify the word list into which new definitions will be placed. The form of the identification is implementation-dependent.
OS-IO               "o-s-i-o"                                         IFORTH
( -- )
Sets the I/O vectors to special routines. These routines are the most general possible on the given platform. For the MS-DOS IFORTH the disadvantage of OS-IO is that it is very slow. The Linux and WIN95/NT implementations of OS-IO are equal to FORTH-IO but are quite fast. You should probably use SET-IODEVICE instead.
OVER                                                                  CORE
( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )
Place a copy of x1 on top of the stack.
P!                  "port-store"                                      IFORTH
( n port# -- )
Output the 16-bit number n to the 16-bit port with address port# .
P6-used!                                                              IFORTH
( bool -- )
Instructs the optimizer to use instructions that work only for the P6 CPU and above. Do not use lightly. Set up in the ~/include/iforth.prf preferences file.
See also: FPU-ovf! LEA-used! EDI-used! P6-used@
P6-used@                                                              IFORTH
( -- bool )
Get the current state of special instruction handling.
See also: P6-used!
P@                  "port-fetch"                                      IFORTH
( port# -- n )
Input the 16-bit number n from the 16-bit port with address port# .
PACK                                                                  IFORTH
( c-addr1 u c-addr2 -- c-addr2 )
Copy the string specified by c-addr1 u to a counted string at the character address c-addr2. Return c-addr2.
PAD                                                                   CORE EXT
( -- c-addr )
c-addr is the address of a transient region that can be used to hold data for intermediate processing. The area is safe for use in a multi-process environment.
PAGE                                                                  FACILITY EXT
( -- )
Move to another page for output. Actual function depends on the output device. On a terminal, PAGE clears the screen and resets the cursor position to the upper left corner. On a printer, PAGE performs a form feed.
PANIC                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
iForth is written in such a way that pressing ^C , ^BREAK, or causing a GO32 exception (MS-DOS) will eventually lead to the execution of iForth's ABORT . However, directly calling ABORT causes an infinite loop with errors that demolish CATCH frames on the Forth return stack. (GO32 exceptions can be that serious.) Therefore we call PANIC , not ABORT . PANIC is defined as

The default content of 'PANIC is the address of ABORT (so you get an occasional infinite loop). Don't worry, the word CALM is available: ' CALM 'PANIC ! . CALM waits for a keypress. If this is 'E' (uppercase E) iForth exits to the OS with errorlevel $FF. Any other key and ABORT will be executed instead. See CALM 's documentation on how to customize it. Note that 'PANIC is _not_ reset to ABORT when you do SAVE-SYSTEM . Also note that 'PANIC is (purposely) not a USER variable. With GO32 iForth's ^C and ^Break processing is erratic at times, in the sense that the DOS-extender doesn't seem to notice the break signal. You have to wait for the error message of the extender before pressing 'E' or some other key. A fix is to press the CTRL, ALT of SHIFT key once or twice (this generates an interrupt but doesn't send a real key message). Error messages of the extender can not be turned off, sorry.
See also: 'PANIC CALM
PARAMS|                                                     C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a string substitution for each name, mapping it on the set %a .. %f. . PARAMS| can only be used inside a definition, and only once. The names remain aliased with %a .. %f until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . This mechanism is many times faster than LOCALS| . iForth accepts only six names, and the 'OF operator is not supported. Do not use any form of LOCALS| (DLOCALS| FLOCALS| .. ) together with PARAMS| . Note that, in contrast to LOCALS| , names are associated left to right:
     : SUMMA  11 22 PARAMS| ape bear |  ape . bear . ;

SUMMA \ prints 11 22 ok

Execution: ( "name" -- x )

Place x on the stack. The value of x is unspecified until the phrase x TO name is executed, causing x to be associated with name.
See also: LOCALS| (1)PARAMS %a
PARSE                                                                 CORE EXT
( char "ccc<char>" -- c-addr u )
char is a single character delimiter. Parse characters ccc delimited by char, leading delimiters. c-addr is the address within the input stream and u is the length of the parsed string. If the current input stream was empty, the resulting string has a zero length.
PARSE-NAME                                                            CORE EXT
( <spaces>name<space> -- c-addr u )
Skip leading space delimiters. Parse name delimited by a space. c-addr is the address of the selected string within the input buffer and u is its length in characters. If the parse area is empty or contains only white space, the resulting string has length zero.
PASCAL-CALLBACK                                                       IFORTH
( addr #args "name" -- )
This is a CREATEing word that generates a word called name. (The stack diagram applies to CREATE time.) In use it is exactly the same as CALLBACK (see there). This word implements the calling convention of Visual Basic. See the Neural Net demo in ./examples/nn/nn51.frt for an example of use. Visual Basic assumes the callee (here Forth) cleans up the stack, but the order of the arguments is still the same as for "C" DLLs. The stack cleanup is an internal detail of the PASCAL-CALLBACK mechanism. For the Forth word at addr, a CALLBACK and PASCAL-CALLBACK have the same interface (when applied to external code that really expects this convention!)
PAUSE                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
deprecated. Give other processes a chance to run.
See also: FORTH-PROCESS STOP RUN ~MS Please note, the round robin scheduler has been removed from the default iForth kernels, in almost all cases you should use the threading module instead.
PC!                 "port-cstore"                                     IFORTH
( n port# -- )
Output the 8-bit number n to the 8-bit port with address port# .
PC@                 "port-cfetch"                                     IFORTH
( port# -- n )
Input the 8-bit number n from the 8-bit port with address port# .
PEEK-CHAR                                                             IFORTH
( -- char | -1 )
Gets next char from input stream without removing it. Returns -1 when the input stream is empty.
PERFORM                                                               IFORTH
( ?? a-addr -- ?? )
Fetch the execution token stored at a-addr. Execute the definition specified by the execution token unconditionally.
PI                                                                    IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- pi )
Place the constant value pi or pi (3.14159265358979323846264...) on the floating-point stack.
PI*2                "pi-star-two"                                     IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- pi*2 )
Place the constant value 2pi or pi*2 (6.2831...) on the floating-point stack.
PI/2                "pi-slash-two"                                    IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- pi/2 )
Place the constant value pi/2 or pi/2 (1.5707...) on the floating-point stack.
PI/4                "pi-slash-four"                                   IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: -- pi/4 )
Place the constant value pi/4 or pi/4 (0.7853...) on the floating-point stack.
PICK                                                                  CORE EXT
( x(u) ... x(1) x(0) u -- x(u) ... x(1) x(0) x(u) )
Remove u. Copy the uth item to the top of the stack. An ambiguous condition exists if there are less than u+2 items on the stack before PICK is executed.
PLACE+                                                                IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 -- )
Concatenate the string (c-addr1, u1) to the counted string at c-addr. Aborts if the final string size would become larger than 255 characters.
See also: PACK
POSTFIX                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of POSTFIX . POSTFIX contains a flag that when false causes ":" to determine the name for the new definition from a address/length pair left on the stack.
POSTPONE                                                    C         CORE
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Append the compilation semantics of name to the current definition. An ambiguous condition exists if name is not found.

Execution: ( -- )

Perform the compilation semantics of name.
PRECISION                                                             FLOAT
( -- u )
PRECISION returns the number of decimal places (digits to the right of the radix point) displayed by E. , FE. or FS. .
PREVIOUS                                                              SEARCH EXT
( -- )
Transform the search order consisting of wid1, ... widn-1, widn (where widn is searched first) into wid1, ... widn-1. In a standard system an ambiguous condition exists if the search order was empty before PREVIOUS was executed. In iForth one can never empty the search order completely.
PRIVATE                                                               IFORTH
( -- )
Marks the last definition in the current wordlist as a candidate for DEPRIVE . The word will become inaccessible when DEPRIVE is executed.
PRIVATES                                                              IFORTH
( -- )
Turn the last definition in the current wordlist into a sentinel for DEPRIVE . All yet to be defined words in the current wordlist followed by PRIVATE are made invisible when DEPRIVE is executed. For large source files in multi-programmer projects, this is far more convenient than HIDE name. The idea behind PRIVATES is to prevent name space clutter but encourage factoring. All this without burdening the programmer with the requirement of writing a lot of (external) documentation. PRIVATES ... DEPRIVE can be nested.
PUT-MESSAGE                                                           IFORTH
( c-addr u -- )
Forward a message to be printed by QUIT.
Penlift                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: Direction TurtColor TurtX TurtY
QUERY                                                                 CORE EXT
( -- )
Receive input into the text input buffer whose address is given by TIB , replacing its previous contents if any, and make the result the current input stream.
QUIT                                                                  CORE
( -- ) ( R: i*x -- )
Empty the return stack, enter interpretation state, accept new input from the current input device, and begin text interpretation. Do not display a message. When the input stream has been exhausted, all processing has been completed and no ambiguous condition exists, the implementation-defined system prompt is displayed. The interpreter then waits for further input.
See also: AtQuit
R!                                                                    IFORTH
( n -- )
Overwrites the value on top of the return stack with n. Equivalent to R> DROP >R .
See also: S!
R+!                                                                   IFORTH
( n -- )
Adds n to the value on top of the return stack. Equivalent to R> + >R .
See also: S+!
R/O                 "r-o"                                             FILE
( -- x )
x is the implementation-dependent value for selecting the "read only" file access method.
R/W                 "r-w"                                             FILE
( -- x )
x is the implementation-dependent value for selecting the "read/write" file access method.
R>                  "r-from"                                C         CORE
( -- x ) ( R: x -- )
Move x from the return stack to the data stack.
R@                  "r-fetch"                               C         CORE
( -- x ) ( R: x -- x )
Copy x from the return stack to the data stack.
RDEPTH                                                                CORE
( -- +n )
+n is the number of one cell values currently on the return stack.
READ-FILE                                                             FILE
( c-addr u1 fileid -- u2 ior )
Read u1 consecutive characters to c-addr from the current position of the file identified by fileid. If u1 characters are read without error, ior is zero and u2 is equal to u1. If the end of the file is reached before u1 characters are read, ior is zero and u2 is the number of characters actually read. If the operation is initiated when the value returned by FILE-POSITION is equal to the value returned by FILE-SIZE for the file identified by fileid, ior is zero and u2 is zero. If an error occurs, ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code and u2 is the number of characters transferred to c-addr without error. If the operation is initiated when the value returned by FILE-POSITION is greater than the value returned by FILE-SIZE for the file identified by fileid the operation will read 0 bytes. If the requested operation attempts to read portions of the file not written then garbage will be read. Note that other ANS systems may react different on these conditions. At the conclusion of the operation, FILE-POSITION returns a value past the characters consumed by the operation.
READ-LINE                                                             FILE
( c-addr u1 fileid -- u2 flag ior )
Read the next line from the file specified by fileid into memory at the address c-addr. At most u1 characters are read. The implementation-dependent line terminator, if any, may be read into memory at the end of the line, but its length is not included in the count u2. The line buffer provided by c-addr should be at least u1+2 characters long. If the operation succeeded, flag is true and ior is zero. If a line terminator was received before u1 characters were read, then u2 is the number of characters, not including the line terminator, actually read (0 <= u2 <= u1). When u1 = u2 the line terminator has yet to be reached. If the operation is initiated when the value returned by FILE-POSITION is equal to the value returned by FILE-SIZE for the file identified by fileid, flag is false, ior is zero, and u2 is zero. If ior is non-zero, an error occurred during the operation and ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code. If the operation is initiated when the value returned by FILE-POSITION is greater than the value returned by FILE-SIZE for the file identified by fileid the operation will read 0 bytes. If the requested operation attempts to read portions of the file not written then garbage will be read. Note that other ANS systems may react different on these conditions. At the conclusion of the operation, FILE-POSITION returns a value past the characters consumed by the operation. The iForth server will translate any OS-dependent end of line sequence to an internal format of a single $0A (line feed). See also $CR . Note that the Standard requires us to disclose this fact. You will need the end of line sequence when using READ-FILE and WRITE-FILE for text. We do not recommend this practice.
RECURSE                                                     C         CORE
Compilation: ( -- )
Append the execution semantics of the current definition to the current definition.
RECURSIVE                                                   C         IFORTH
( -- )
Makes the current definition available to the system. Normally this happens automatically when executing ; . When the current word is available to the system a reference to its name produces a recursive call to the definition. If RECURSIVE is not executed a reference to that name will result in calling a previous definition with the same name, if one exists.
See also: ;
REDUCE.2PI                                                            IFORTH
( r1 -- r2 )
r2 is calculated by taking the value of r1 modulo 2pi. r2 lies in the range { -pi .. pi }. This operation is not trivial.
REDUCE.PI                                                             IFORTH
( r1 -- r2 )
r2 is calculated by taking the value of r1 modulo pi. r2 lies in the range { -pi/2 .. pi/2 }. This operation is not trivial.
REFILL                                                                CORE EXT, BLOCK EXT, FILE EXT
( -- flag )
Attempt to fill the current input stream, returning a true flag if successful. The action depends on the source of the current input stream. If the input-stream source is a string from EVALUATE , REFILL returns false and performs no other action. Otherwise, REFILL attempts to receive input into the text-input buffer whose address is given by TIB , making the result the current input stream and returning a true flag if successful. Receipt of a line containing no characters is considered successful. A false flag is returned only when there is no input available from the current input-stream source. If the input-stream source is a block, REFILL makes the next block the current input stream by adding one to the value of BLK and setting >IN to zero. True is returned if the new value of BLK is a valid block number, false otherwise. If the input-stream source is a text file, REFILL attempts to read the next line from the text-input file, making the result the current input stream and returning true if the read succeeded, and returning false otherwise.
REGISTER                                                              IFORTH
( u "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. The high speed variable with an offset of u cells into the high speed variable area is associated with name. No more than sixteen of such variables can be used. Note that an important drawback of using these high speed variables is that they are global, and different names can be made to refer to the same physical location. The iForth system and utilities never use registers. name is referred to as a "register".

Execution: ( "name" -- x )

Place x on the stack. The value of x is unspecified until the phrase x TO name is executed, causing x to be associated with name.
See also: to-concept (?)
RELEASE-KEYBOARD                                                      IFORTH
Exclusive access to KEY and KEY? is given up. Every task can execute
this word, even if it doesn't "own" the keyboard.
RENAME-FILE                                                           FILE EXT
( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- ior )
Rename the file named by the first character string specified by c-addr1 u1 to the name in the second character string. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code.
REPEAT                                                      C         CORE
Compilation: ( orig dest -- )
Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition, resolving the backward reference dest. Resolve the forward reference orig using the location following the appended execution semantics.

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution at the location given by dest.
REPEAT,             "repeat-comma"                                    IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( addr1 addr2 -- )
Assemble a backward branch to the memory location addr1 as generated by BEGIN, . Resolve the conditional forward branch at addr2 as generated by WHILE, .

Execution: ( -- )

Take the branch.
See also: BEGIN, WHILE,
REPEATED                                                    C         IFORTH
Assembling: ( n*orgs dest -- )
Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition, resolving the backward reference dest. Resolve the n forward referenced orgs using the location following the appended execution semantics. REPEATED aborts with an error message if SECURE is OFF . This word allows the standard ANS phrase

to be written as

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution at the location given by dest.
REPOSITION-FILE                                                       FILE
( ud fileid -- ior )
Reposition the file identified by fileid to ud. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code. If the file is positioned outside the file boundaries any read there will return a count of 0 bytes. If the file is (also) open for writing, it is made larger as soon as a write operation is attempted. The contents of the file between the previous end of file and the file pointer before the write are garbage. Note that other ANS systems may react different to this condition. At the conclusion of the operation, FILE-POSITION returns the value ud.
REPRESENT                                                             FLOAT
( c-addr u -- n flag1 flag2 ) ( F: r -- )
Place a character-string representation of the significand of the floating-point number r at c-addr, return the decimal-base exponent as n, the sign as flag1 and 'valid result' as flag2. The character string consists of the u most signifant digits of the significand represented as a decimal fraction with the implied decimal point to the left of the first digit, and the first digit zero only if all digits are zero. The significand is rounded to u digits following the round to nearest rule; n is adjusted, if necessary, to correspond to the rounded magnitude of the significand. If flag2 is true then r was in the implementation-defined range of floating-point numbers. If flag1 is true then r is negative. The ANS Forth standard specifies an ambiguous condition if the value of BASE is not decimal ten. When flag2 is false, n and flag1 are implementation defined, but the string at c-addr is printable and conveys some information about r.
See also: (E.) (F.) (FE.) E. F. FE. FS. (E.R) (F.R) (FE.R) E.R F.R FE.R
RESIZE                                                                MEMORY
( a-addr1 u -- a-addr2 ior )
Change the allocation of the contiguous data space starting at the address a-addr1 allocated by ALLOCATE or RESIZE to u address units. u may be either larger or smaller than the current size of the region. The address of the next available data space location is unaffected by this operation. If the operation succeeds, a-addr2 is the aligned starting address of u address units of allocated memory and ior is zero. a-addr2 may or may not be the same as a-addr1. If they are not the same, the values contained in the region at a-addr1 are copied to a-addr2, up to the minimum size of either of the two regions. If they are the same, the values contained in the region are preserved to the minimum of u or the original size. If a-addr2 is not the same as a-addr1, the region of memory at a-addr1 is returned to the system according to the operation of FREE . If the operation fails, a-addr2 does not represent a valid address and ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code.
RESIZE-FILE                                                           FILE
( ud fileid -- ior )
Set the size of the file identified by fileid to ud. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code. If the resultant file is larger than the file before the operation, the portion of the file added as a result of the operation may not have been written. At the conclusion of the operation, FILE-SIZE returns the value ud and FILE-POSITION returns an unspecified value. Note that this word performs an operation that may not be supported directly by all operating systems.
RESIZE-MEMORY                                                         IFORTH
( u -- )
Resizes the total amount of dynamic memory available to iForth to u bytes. This word should not be executed when dynamic memory is in use already. iForth handles all memory allocations by itself, using a single contiguous block requested from the OS at boot-up. The default size of this block is 100 KBytes.
RESTORE-FFORMAT                                                       IFORTH
( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -- )
Place the values x1 ... x6 in the 6 variables that control the appearance of a floating-point number when printing that number. The values x1 ... x6 should be in the same order as the routine SAVE-FFORMAT has placed them on the stack.
RESTORE-INPUT                                                         FILE EXT
( x1 x2 ... xn n -- flag )
Attempt to restore the current input stream to the position described by x1 ... xn. flag is true if the input stream cannot be positioned to the place described by x1 ... xn. For iForth n is five. The ANS Forth standard does not require to specify exactly what x1 ... xn mean, nor does it prescribe the number of parameters. It follows that a standard program may not use the fact that iForth returns five parameters.
See also: SAVE-INPUT
RETURN-STACK-CELLS                                                    IFORTH
RETURN-STACK-CELLS is an environment query.
RETURNCODE                                                            IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
The word at a-addr contains an implementation-defined result code, valid directly after executing the SYSTEM command.
REVISION                                                    D         IFORTH
( "name" ""explanation"" -- )
Parse name delimited with a space, ignoring leading delimiters. If name exists in the current search order, execute that word (in effect forgetting it). Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Parse explanation surrounded by " (double quote). Add the resulting text to the definition of name. Display the text 'Creating: explanation'. It is advised that the contents of explanation is the name of the current software package and a version number. name is referred to as a "revision control word".

Execution: ( "name" -- )

Display the text 'Removing: explanation'. Remove name and all definitions that were defined after name.
See also: NEEDS
ROL                                                                   IFORTH
( u1 u -- u3 )
Rotate u1 over u bits to the left, giving the result u3. Bits shifted out at the left end will be inserted at the right end. When u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell, u3 == u1.
ROLL                                                                  CORE EXT
( x(u) x(u-1) ... x(0) u -- x(u-1) ... x(0) x(u) )
Remove u. Rotate u+1 items on the top of the stack. An ambiguous condition exists if there are less than u+2 entries on the stack before ROLL is executed.
ROOM                                                                  IFORTH
( -- addr )
A user variable that returns the offset above PAD that is guaranteed safe for use by a user buffer. In an ANS Forth ROOM @ PAD + returns the address of the first byte after the PAD ( PAD /PAD + ). The idea is that every program that needs a floating multi-programming resistant buffer manipulates ROOM as in the following example:
     \ Concatenate two strings at PAD2 , using PAD3 .
\ Note: Both strings can be (somewhere) at pad2, no problem.

: PAD$ CREATE ROOM @ , $100 ROOM +!
DOES> @ PAD + ;


See also: PAD
ROR                                                                   IFORTH
( u1 u -- u3 )
Rotate u1 over u bits to the right, giving the result u3. Bits shifted out at the right end will be inserted at the left end. When u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell, u3 == u1.
ROT                 "rote"                                            CORE
( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 )
Rotate the top three stack entries.
RP!                 "r-p-store"                             C         IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Set the return stack pointer to a-addr.
RP0                 "r-p-zero"                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of RP0 . RP0 contains the pointer to the base of the return stack. The phrase RP0 @ RP! removes all elements from the return stack.
RP@                 "r-p-fetch"                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Get the return stack pointer. Note that iForth uses stacks that grow towards lower addresses. The top element of the return stack is at RP@ , however you should never access stacks in this way.
RSHIFT                                                                CORE
( u1 u -- u2 )
Perform a logical shift of u bit-places on u1, giving u2. Shift toward the least significant bits. Put zero into the places "uncovered" by the shift. When u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell, u2 wraps around.
RUN                                                                   IFORTH
( xt -- xt' )
deprecated. Convert execution token to something that a FORTH-PROCESS can understand. Please note, new iForth kernels don't include the round robin sheduler.
S                                                                     IFORTH
( -- x ) ( S: x -- x )
Copy x from the system stack to the data stack.
S!                                                                    IFORTH
( n -- )
Overwrites the value on top of the system stack with n. Equivalent to S> DROP >S .
See also: R!
S"                  "s-quote"                                         CORE, FILE
Compilation: ( "ccc<">" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by " (double quote). Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- c-addr u )

Return c-addr and u that describe a string consisting of the characters ccc.

Interpretation: ( "ccc<">" -- c-addr u )

Parse characters ccc delimited by " (double quote). Store the resulting string at a temporary location described by c-addr and u. The maximum length of the temporary buffer is 255 characters but other implementations of the standard may limit this to 80 characters. iForth allows for the creation of 4 such strings before new strings start to overwrite the string buffer. Note that other implementations of the standard may limit this to just one string. A standard program may not alter the returned string. For systems that do not implement the FILE wordset S" may be a compile only (C) word.
S+!                                                                   IFORTH
( n -- )
Adds n to the value on top of the system stack. Equivalent to S> + >S .
See also: R+!
S>                  "from-s"                                          IFORTH
( -- x ) ( S: x -- )
Move x from the system stack to the data stack.
S>D                 "s-to-d"                                          DOUBLE
( n -- d )
d is the equivalent of n.
S>F                 "s-to-f"                                          IFORTH
( x -- ) ( F: -- r )
r is the floating-point equivalent of x. An ambiguous situation exists if x cannot be precisely represented as a floating-point number.
SAVE-BUFFERS                                                          BLOCK, FILE
( -- )
Transfer the contents of each UPDATE -d block buffer to mass storage. Mark all buffers as unmodified. An UPDATE -d block that came from a file must be transferred back to the same file when the block buffer is needed for another block.
SAVE-FFORMAT                                                          IFORTH
( -- x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 )
Stack the values of the 6 variables that control the appearance of a floating-point number when printing that number. This appearance is restored by calling RESTORE-FFORMAT with the values x1 ... x6 on the stack.
SAVE-INPUT                                                            FILE EXT
( -- x1 x2 ... xn n )
x1 ... xn describe the current position in the input stream or text input file for later use by RESTORE-INPUT . The common trick: { >IN @ ... >IN ! } can only be used within the current input line and may not be sufficient for other ANS Forth systems. For iForth n is five. The ANS Forth standard does not require to specify exactly what x1 ... xn mean, nor does it prescribe the number of parameters. It follows that a standard program may not use the fact that iForth returns five parameters.
SAVE-SYSTEM                                                           IFORTH
( "fn" -- )
SAVE-SYSTEM myforth.img Save the current iForth to myforth.img You must make this image findable to the "C" server by copying it to the bin directory and/or setting the environment variable IFORTHBIN64.
See also: "About turnkeys" in the README file
SAXPY_sse2                                                            IFORTH
( a1 a2 n -- ) ( F: r -- )
Simplified BLAS SAXPY routine, where the addresses a1 and a2 point to the first elements of vectors of type IEEE single. SSE2 code is used. The code will be faster than the GotoBLAS when the vectors are small. For very small vectors (<16) a simple loop might still be faster. The address a1 and a2 need to be ALIGNED16 (default).
See also: DAXPY_sse2
SCAN                                                                  IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 delimiter -- c-addr2 u2 )
Scan the string identified by c-addr1 u1 for delimiter. If this character is found, leave its address in c-addr2 and the count remaining in u2, otherwise c-addr2 points after the string and u2 is 0. When the delimiter is not a <tab>, <lf> or <cr>, all three of these characters are considered equivalent to a space. This means BL SCAN is a special case.
See also: SKIP
SCAN-$              "scan-string"                                     IFORTH
( c-addr u -- )
Read a blank delimited word from the input stream and compare it to the string described by c-addr u. If these are not equal, keep reading until the input stream is exhausted or until a matching word is found. In this case the input stream points after the space at the end of the matching word. SCAN-$ invokes REFILL automatically. This word treats the characters <cr>, <lf> and <tab> as equivalent to a blank.
SCAN-ANY                                                              IFORTH
( "name" -- xt ) or ( "name" -- 0 ) or ( "name" -- -1 )
Read a blank delimited word from the input stream and look it up using the current search order. Returns -1 if the input stream is exhausted. If the word cannot be found, return 0, otherwise return the execution token. This word executes REFILL internally. This word treats the characters <cr>, <lf> and <tab> as equivalent to a blank.
SCAN-CHAR                                                             IFORTH
( delimiter -- )
Read characters of the input stream until the first one not equal to delimiter, or until the input stream is exhausted. If found, the input stream points just after the delimiter. (Note that this is different from how SCAN works). REFILL is invoked automatically. This word treats the characters BL, <cr>, <lf> and <tab> in the way of SCAN .
See also: SCAN-ANY SCAN-$
SCR                 "s-c-r"                                           BLOCK EXT
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of SCR . SCR contains the block number of the block most recently LISTed. ( SCR stands for screen).
SDEPTH              "s-depth"                                         IFORTH
( -- +n ) ( S: -- )
+n is the number of one cell values contained on the system stack.
SDOT_sse2                                                             IFORTH
( a1 a2 n -- ) ( F: -- r )
Simplified BLAS SDOT routine, where the addresses a1 and a2 point to the first elements of vectors of type IEEE single. SSE2 code is used. The code will be faster than the GotoBLAS when the vectors are small. For very small vectors (<16) a simple loop might still be faster. The address a1 and a2 need to be ALIGNED16 (default).
See also: DDOT_sse2
SEARCH                                                                STRING
( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr3 u3 flag )
Search the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 for the string specified by c-addr2 and u2. If flag is true, a match was found at c-addr3 with u3 characters remaining. If flag is false there was no match and c-addr3 is c-addr1 and u3 is u1.
SEARCH-ENV$                                                           IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 flag )
Search the string specified by the tag c-addr1 and u1 in the OS environment string space. When the tag is found, return the accompanying data identified by c-addr2 and u2. If flag is true, the tag was found and c-addr2 with u2 defines a valid string. If flag is false the tag was not found and the null string is returned.
SEARCH-NC                                                             IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr3 u3 flag )
Search, case-insensitively, the string specified by c-addr1 and u1 for the string specified by c-addr2 and u2. If flag is true, a match was found at c-addr3 with u3 characters remaining. If flag is false there was no match and c-addr3 is c-addr1 and u3 is u1.
SEARCH-ORDER                                                          IFORTH
SEARCH-ORDER is an environment query.
SEARCH-ORDER-EXT                                                      IFORTH
SEARCH-ORDER-EXT is an environment query.
SEARCH-WORDLIST                                                       SEARCH
( c-addr u wid -- 0 ) if not found, ( c-addr u wid -- xt 1 ) if immediate
found or ( c-addr u wid -- xt -1 ) if non-immediate found Find the Forth word identified by the string c-addr u in the word list identified by wid. If the word is not found, return zero. If the word is found, return its execution token xt and 1 if the word is immediate, -1 otherwise.
SECURE                                                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of SECURE . SECURE contains a flag that determines whether flow control words are checked for correct nesting. When this variable is set to true, it is an error not to nest flow control words properly.
SEE                                                                   TOOLKIT EXT
( "name" -- )
Display a human-readable representation of the named word's definition. The particular form of the display is implementation-dependent. Since iForth compiles definitions to native processor assembler code, this word cannot do much more than provide a disassembly of the word. Therefore not much of the original structure is left. Where possible, addresses in the listing are changed to alphanumeric labels. Code generated by some macros is recognized and the original label name is listed instead of the code fragment. Due to the size of this word this word is available only after loading the file see.frt. To do this, just type INCLUDE see.frt at the Forth prompt.
SEEK-FILE                                                             IFORTH
( doffs begin|current|end fid -- dpos ior )
Seek the file identified by fid to the (double-precision) position doffs, relative to file begin (-1), current position (0), or file end (1). The actual file pointer position, relative to file start, is returned as the double precision number dpos. ior is the OS-dependent IO error code.
SEMIT               "s-emit"                                          IFORTH
( char -- )
If char is a printable ASCII character in the range { 32 .. 126 }, use EMIT to print this character. Otherwise use EMIT to display a '.' (full stop).
See also: EMIT
SERVER                                                                IFORTH
SERVER is an environment query.
SET-CURRENT                                                           SEARCH
( wid -- )
Set the compilation word list to the word list identified by wid.
SET-DEFAULT-DEVICE                                                    IFORTH
( -- )
Switch to the device found in STANDARD-DEVICE or to STD-I//O
SET-FSTATUS                                                           IEEE-FLOAT
( fflags fmask -- )
Set the values of the fp status flags selected by fmask to the values of the corresponding bits in fflags. It is an ambiguous condition if fmask is not the OR of an implemented subset of the five named masks.
SET-IODEVICE                                                          IFORTH
( dcb -- )
dcb points to an array of functions that define an input/output device. SET-IODEVICE switches to that device, after which all console words use the new functions. Details about device-control-blocks ( dcb ) can be found in ifdocs/dcb.txt SET-IODEVICE always updates (C/L) The iForth kernel has STD-I//O and FILE-I//O built in.
SET-IODEVICE-LOGGING                                                  IFORTH
( flag dcb -- )
Every I//O device using the dcb sheme can write it's data to the log file after OPEN-LOG. By default only STD-I//O and the graphics console do so. You can switch this feature on with a flag<>0 for a specific device.
SET-ORDER                                                             SEARCH
( wid1 ... widn n -- )
Set the search order to the word lists identified by wid1 ... widn. Subsequently, word list widn will be searched first, followed by word list widn-1, and so on, with word list wid1 searched last. If n is zero, empty the search order. If n is minus one, set the search order to the implementation-defined minimum search order. The minimum search order must include the ability to interpret the words FORTH-WORDLIST and SET-ORDER .
SET-PRECISION                                                         FLOAT
( u -- )
Set the number of decimal places (digits to the right of the radix point) displayed by E. and F. .
SETPRIORITY                                                           IFORTH
( 0|1 -- oldpri )
Sets the priority of a forth thread. Return the previous priority. 0 is high-priority, 1 is low-priority. The threads priority is passed to any child thread, you can do so whenever you like.
SF!                 "s-f-store"                                       IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- ) ( F: r -- )
Store the floating-point number r as a 32-bit IEEE single precision number at a-addr1. Note that in other implementations of the ANS standard r may have more digits of precision or may be too large for representation as a 32-bit IEEE number, so rounding or overflow might occur.
See also: SF! DF! XF!
SF!+                "s-f-store-plus"                                  IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: r -- )
Store the floating-point number r as a 32-bit IEEE single precision number at a-addr1, and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2. Note that in other implementations of the ANS standard r may have more digits of precision or may be too large for representation as a 32-bit IEEE number, so rounding or overflow might occur.
See also: SF! DF!+ XF!+
SF+!                "s-f-plus-store"                                  IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr -- )
Add the IEEE single r to the single at a-addr.
SF+!+               "s-f-plus-store-plus"                             IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the IEEE single r to the single at a-addr1 and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2.
See also: SF+! DF+!+ F+!+ XF+!+
SF,                 "s-f-comma"                                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Reserve the size of a single precision IEEE floating-point number in the data-space and store r in that space. An ambiguous condition exists if the address of the next available data space location is not aligned.
See also: F, DF,
SF-!                "s-f-minus-store"                                 IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr -- )
Subtracts the IEEE single 32-bit number r from the single at a-addr.
SF0!                "s-f-zero-store"                                  IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Store the single precision floating-point value 0E into the memory location starting at a-addr.
See also: F0! XF0! DF0!
SF@                 "s-f-fetch"                                       FLOAT EXT
( a-addr -- ) ( F: -- r )
Fetch the 32-bit IEEE single precision number stored at a-addr to the floating-point stack as r in the internal representation. If the IEEE single precision significand has more precision than the internal representation it will be rounded to the internal representation using the "round to nearest" rule.
SF@+                "s-f-fetch-plus"                                  IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: -- r )
Fetch the 32-bit IEEE number stored at a-addr1 to the floating-point stack as r in the internal representation. Also leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2.
See also: SF@
SFALIGN                                                               FLOAT
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned, reserve enough space to align it to a location which is suitable to hold a IEEE single precision floating point number.
SFALIGNED                                                             FLOAT
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first aligned address greater than or equal to addr and which is suitable to reference a IEEE single precision floating point number.
SFLOAT+             "s-float-plus"                                    FLOAT
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the size of an IEEE single precision floating point number, specified in address units, to a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
SFLOAT-             "s-float-min"                                     IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Subtract the size of an IEEE single precision floating point number, specified in address units, from a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
SFLOATS             "s-floats"                                        FLOAT
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the size, in address units, of n1 IEEE single precision floating point numbers.
SFLOAT[]                                                              IFORTH
( addr1 index -- addr2 )
Equivalent to SFLOATS + .
See also: []SFLOAT
SFVALUE             "s-f-value"                             D         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Like an SFVARIABLE, an SFVALUE has 23 bits of precision. name is referred to as a "s-f-value".

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- r )

Place r on the floating-point stack. The value of r is unspecified until the phrase r TO name is executed, causing r to be associated with name.
SFVARIABLE          "s-f-variable"                          D         FLOAT
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Reserve 1 SFLOATS address units of data space at an aligned address. name is referred to as an "s-f-variable."

Execution: ( "name" -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of the data space reserved by SFVARIABLE when it created name. The application is responsible for initializing the contents of the reserved space.
SIGN                                                                  CORE
( n -- )
If n is negative, add a minus sign to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string. Typically used between <# and #> .
SIZEOF              "size-of"                                         IFORTH
Usage: SIZEOF name ( -- u ) u is the size in bytes of the contents of the variable name. name must be created by VALUE or any other word that implements the to-concept.
SKIP                                                                  IFORTH
( c-addr1 u1 delimiter -- c-addr2 u2 )
Skip all leading delimiters in the string. Leave the address of the first non-delimiter character in c-addr2 and the count remaining in u2. If only delimiters are found, c-addr2 points directly after the string and u2 is 0. When the delimiter is not a <tab>, <lf> or <cr>, all three of these characters are considered equivalent to a space. This means BL SKIP is a special case that skips spaces, tabs, <lf>'s and <cr>'s.
See also: SCAN
SLITERAL                                                              STRING
Interpretation: undefined. Compilation: ( c-addr1 u -- ) Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

( -- c-addr2 u )

Return c-addr2 u describing a string consisting of the characters specified by c-addr1 u during compilation. A Standard program shall not alter the string. Example: : foo [ S" bar" ] SLITERAL TYPE ; foo<cr> bar ok
See also: LITERAL
SM/REM              "s-m-slash-remainder"                             CORE
( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 )
Divide d1 by n1, giving the symmetric quotient n3 and the remainder n2. Input and output stack arguments are signed. An ambiguous condition exists if n1 is zero or if the quotient lies outside the range of a single-cell signed integer.
SOURCE                                                                IFORTH
( -- c-addr u )
Return the location and number of valid characters in the input buffer. Example: when inputting from the terminal SOURCE returns TIB #TIB @ .
SOURCE-ID                                                             FILE
( -- 0 ) or ( -- -1 ) or ( -- fileid )
Identifies the source of the non-block input stream (i.e., when BLK is zero) as follows:
                SOURCE-ID       Input stream source
----------- -------------------
0 Keyboard
-1 String (via EVALUATE )
fileid Text file "fileid"

SOURCEFILENAME                                                        IFORTH
( -- caddr u )
Reports the full path connected to the currently active SOURCE-ID. Note that this word aborts for the SOURCE-ID's with values 0 and -1.
SOURCELINE#                                                           IFORTH
( -- u )
Reports the number of the line in the file currently being interpreted. Does not abort when SOURCE-ID is 0 and -1, but the result is questionable. Note that the numbering starts at zero and may need correction before being passed to source editors or crossreferencing utilities.
SP!                 "s-p-store"                                       IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Set the data stack pointer to a-addr.
SP0                 "s-p-zero"                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of SP0 . SP0 contains the pointer to the base of the data stack. The phrase SP0 @ SP! removes all elements from the data stack.
SP@                 "s-p-fetch"                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Get the data stack pointer. Note that iForth uses stacks that grow towards lower addresses. The top element of the data stack is at SP@ , however you should never access stacks in this way.
SPACE                                                                 CORE
( -- )
Display one space.
SPACES                                                                CORE
( n -- )
If n is greater than zero, display n spaces.
SPAN                                                                  CORE EXT
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of SPAN . SPAN contains the count of characters stored by the last execution of EXPECT . Note: This word is obsolescent and is included as a concession to existing implementations.
SPICK               "s-pick"                                          IFORTH
( u -- x(u) ) ( S: x(u) ... x(1) x(0) -- x(u) ... x(1) x(0) )
Remove u. Copy the uth item of the system stack to the data stack. An ambiguous condition exists if there are less than u+2 items on the system stack.
SSP!                "s-s-p-store"                                     IFORTH
( a-addr -- )
Set the system stack pointer to a-addr.
SSP0                "s-s-p-zero"                                      IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of SSP0 . SSP0 contains the pointer to the base of the system stack. The phrase SSP0 @ SSP! removes all elements from the system stack.
SSP@                "s-s-p-fetch"                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Get the system stack pointer. Note that iForth uses stacks that grow towards lower addresses. The top element of the system stack is at SSP@ , however you should never access stacks in this way.
SSPPTR              "s-s-p-pointer"                                   IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Get the memory address where the system stack pointer is kept. Note that iForth uses stacks that grow towards lower addresses. The top element of the system stack is at SSPPTR @ ( or SSP@ ) , however you should never access stacks in this way.
See also: SSP@
STACK-CELLS         "stack-cells"                                     IFORTH
STACK-CELLS is an environment query.
STACK-DUMP          "stack-dump"                                      IFORTH
( rp -- )
Symbolic dump of the return stack, starting from rp, using a special format. May be useful for debugging.
STATE                                                                 CORE, TOOLKIT EXT
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of STATE . STATE contains the compilation state flag. STATE @ is true when in compilation state, false otherwise. The true value in STATE is non-zero, but is otherwise implementation-defined. Only the following standard words alter the value in STATE : : (colon), ; (semicolon), ABORT , QUIT , :NONAME , [ (left-bracket), ] (right-bracket) and ;CODE . Note: A Standard Program may not directly alter the contents of STATE .
See also: : ; ;CODE ABORT QUIT [ ] :NONAME
STANDARD-DEVICE                                                       IFORTH
( -- addr )
When iForth starts it uses the console device. In case of a crash while using another device it is garanteed, the device is switched to the console so you can continue your work. Whenever you have an application using other devices (like in turnkeys) you might do: <yourdcb> STANDARD-DEVICE ! This ensures that when crashing the STANDARD-DEVICE is used instead of the console.
STD-I//O                                                              IFORTH
( -- dcb )
Returns the address of the console device control block.
STOP                                                                  IFORTH
( -- )
deprecated. Stops a FORTH-PROCESS. It stops to run, but process memory stays allocated.
See also: MS FORTH-PROCESS PAUSE STOP RUN Please note, the round robin scheduler has been removed from the default iForth kernels, in almost all cases you should use the threading module instead.
STRING                                                                IFORTH
STRING is an environment query.
STRING-EXT                                                            IFORTH
STRING-EXT is an environment query.
STYPE               "s-type"                                          IFORTH
( addr n -- )
Display the character string specified by addr n. Any character in the string that is not inside the range { 32 .. 126 } is printed as a '.' (full stop).
See also: TYPE
SUBROUTINE                                                  D         IFORTH
( "name" -- sys )
Like CODE, but doesn't pop the machine return address to put it on the Forth return stack.
SWAP                                                                  CORE
( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )
Exchange the top two stack items.
SXdiff                                                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: SYdiff SXoffs SYoffs
SXoffs                                                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: SXdiff SYdiff SYoffs
SYSCALL                                                               IFORTH
( n*{u} n #service -- result error )
Calls the statically linked "C" routine in the server which is located in jumptable slot #service. There are n unsigned arguments u. Prevents the OS from disrupting correct Forth operation by saving and restoring all Forth registers. The C (machine) and iForth (data) stacks are swapped for the duration of the call. This is essential as some C routines use enormous amounts of stack space. C sees the arguments in the same order as Forth (top Forth == last u in C's argument list). The pre-compiled Forth kernel assumes C returns function results in the AX/EAX/RAX register. This is true for most compilers. The error is the contents of the C errno variable, it may be relevant depending on the specific service being called.
See also: FOREIGN
SYSTEM                                                                IFORTH
( addr n -- )
Send the character string specified by addr n to the host machine so that the string can be interpreted by a command interpreter running on the host. If n is 0 a system dependent command interpreter is called. By terminating the command interpreter, control is returned to iForth in the exact state in which it was left. In all currently supported OSes this is done by issuing the EXIT command on the shell command line.
SYSTEM-STACK-CELLS                                                    IFORTH
SYSTEM-STACK-CELLS is an environment query.
SYdiff                                                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: SXdiff SXoffs SYoffs
SYoffs                                                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: SXdiff SYdiff SXoffs
S\"                 "s-slash-quote"                                   CORE, EXT

Compilation: ( "ccc<quote>" -- )

Parse ccc delimited by " (double-quote), using the translation rules below. Append the run-time semantics given below to the current definition.

Interpretation: ( "ccc<">" -- c-addr u )

As S" , but using the translation rules below.

Translation rules:

Characters are processed one at a time and appended to the compiled string. If the character is a '\' character it is processed by parsing and substituting one or more characters as follows:
     \a   BEL (alert, ASCII 7)
\b BS (backspace, ASCII 8)
\e ESC (not in C99, ASCII 27)
\f FF (form feed, ASCII 12)
\l LF (ASCII 10)
\m CR/LF pair (ASCII 13, 10)
\n implementation dependent newline, e.g. CR/LF, LF, or LF/CR.
\q double-quote (ASCII 34)
\r CR (ASCII 13)
\t HT (tab, ASCII 9)
\v VT (ASCII 11)
\z NUL (ASCII 0)
\" "
The resulting character is the conversion of these two
hexadecimal digits. An ambiguous conditions exists if \x
is not followed by two hexadecimal characters.
\\ backslash itself
\ An ambiguous condition exists if a \ is placed before any
character, other than those defined in 6.2.xxxx S\".

In a basic iForth system S\" is only valid after loading miscutil.frt . An iForth system also has S\~ (see S~). Note that standard Forth isn't required to provide an S\" that works interpretively. In iForth S\" has more than one system string buffer, so multiple interpretive invocations of S\" are possible. Please note that with \xAB the hexadecimal characters A and B can be either lower or uppercase.

Run-time: ( -- c-addr u )

Return c-addr and u describing a string consisting of the translation of the characters ccc. A program shall not alter the returned string.
See also: C" S"
T                                                                     IFORTH
( -- x ) ( S: x y -- x y )
Copy the element that is second from the top of the system stack to the data stack.
TERMINATE                                                             IFORTH
( n -- )
Disconnect the server from the processor. Remove the server program on the host computer and let the server return the implementation defined error code n to the operating system.
See also: BYE
TEXTMODE?                                                             ( -- +n )                                            IFORTH
The lower byte of n reports 0 for graphics mode, 1 for a color text display and 2 for a monochrome text display. The higher byte is non-zero when this mode has a hardware cursor. Bits 24-31 tell the current TextBGColor, 16-23 the TextFGColor. Both are the short ANS form, the rgb value can be fetched with @COLOR
TFORTH?                                                               IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is tForth.
THEN                                                        C         CORE
Compilation: ( orig -- )
Resolve the forward reference orig using the location of the execution semantics.

Execution: ( -- )

Continue execution.
See also: ELSE IF
THEN,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( addr -- )
Resolve the forward branch as assembled by IF, or ELSE, . The forward branch is located at the memory location addr.

Execution: ( -- )

Do nothing.
THROW                                                                 ERROR
( k*x 0 -- k*x ) not thrown or ( k*x n -- i*x n ) thrown.
If the top of the stack is zero, THROW discards it. Otherwise, it pops the topmost error interception frame (see CATCH ) from the return stack, along with everything on the return stack above that error frame. THROW then adjusts the stack depth so that the depth is the same as the depth saved in the error frame (i is the same number as the i in the input arguments to the corresponding CATCH ), puts n on top of the stack, and transfers control to a point just after the CATCH that installed that error frame. If there is no error interception frame on the return stack, THROW performs the function of ABORT .
THRU                                                                  BLOCK EXT
( u1 u2 -- )
Sequentially LOAD the mass storage blocks numbered u1 through u2.
TIB                 "t-i-b"                                           CORE
( -- c-addr )
c-addr is the address of the text input buffer. Note: A Standard Program may not directly alter the contents of the text input buffer.
TID                                                                   IFORTH
( -- n )
Returns a number that is related to the processor the currently running binary is compiled for. i3FE5M__.EXE returns 386.
TIME                                                                  IFORTH
( -- +n1 +n2 +n3 )
Return the current time. +n1 is the second (0-59), +n2 is the minute (0-59), +n3 is the hour (0-23).
TIME&DATE           "time-and-date"                                   IFORTH
( -- +n1 +n2 +n3 +n4 +n5 +n6 )
Return the current time and date. +n1 is the second (0-59), +n2 is the minute (0-59), +n3 is the hour (0-23), +n4 is the day (1-31), +n5 is the month (1-12), and +n6 is the year (e.g., 1991).
TIMER-HOLD                                                            IFORTH
( -- )
Saves the time difference from the execution of TIMER-RESET TIMER-PRESET etc., in milliseconds, in diff0 and remembers the current time in timer-held . The idea is to use TIMER-HOLD and TIMER-RESTART to exclude some time that would normally part of a TIMER-RESET .ELAPSED sequence.
TIMER-PRESET                                                          IFORTH
( u -- )
Like TIMER-RESET but initializes diff0 to u instead of to 0.
TIMER-RESET                                                           IFORTH
( u -- )
This starts a timer, to be read out by .ELAPSED and similar words. Like TIMER-PRESET but initializes diff0 to 0 instead of to some value.
TIMER-RESTART                                                         IFORTH
( -- )
This restarts the timer that was stopped by TIMER-HOLD .
See also: TIMER-HOLD
TO                                                                    CORE EXT, LOCAL
Execution: ( x -- )
Store x in name. An ambiguous condition exists if name was not defined by VALUE or (LOCAL) .
See also: VALUE (LOCAL)
TOOLS                                                                 IFORTH
TOOLS is an environment query.
TOOLS-EXT                                                             IFORTH
TOOLS-EXT is an environment query.
TRUE                                                                  CORE EXT
( -- true )
Return a true flag.
TRUNC-MODE                                                            IFORTH
( -- )
Sets the current rounding mode to what FTRUNC does. Reset by the top-level ABORT. The default mode is EVEN-MODE .
TSCREEN>            "text-screen-from"                                STRING
( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy u consecutive characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2. Equivalent to CMOVE , CMOVE> or MOVE if c-addr1 is not in screen memory. Only use TSCREEN> to do block moves from the screen to normal memory. Block moves across screen memory are not supported. They will hang the machine.
See also: >TSCREEN
TUCK                                                                  CORE EXT
( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 )
Copy the first (top) stack item below the second stack item.
TYPE                                                                  CORE
( c-addr u -- )
If u is greater than zero, display the character string specified by c-addr and u.
TurtColor                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: Direction Penlift TurtX TurtY
TurtX                                                                 IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: Direction Penlift TurtColor TurtY
TurtY                                                                 IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context. Can be hidden.
See also: Direction Penlift TurtX TurtColor
U                                                                     IFORTH
( -- x ) ( S: x y z -- x y z )
Copy the element that is third from the top of the system stack to the data stack.
U+cy                "u-plus-carry"                                    IFORTH
( u1 u2 -- ud )
Add u2 to u1, giving the result ud. Alternatively, this can be thought of as ( u1 u2 -- u1+u2 carry ), with carry 0 or 1.
See also: UM+ UM- UD+c
U.                  "u-dot"                                           CORE
( u -- )
Display u in free field format.
U.R                 "u-dot-r"                                         CORE EXT
( u n -- )
Display u right aligned in a field n characters wide. If the number of characters required to display u is greater than n, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary.
U1                                                                    IFORTH
( -- x ) ( S: x y z u -- x y z u )
Copy the element that is fourth from the top of the system stack to the data stack.
U2                                                                    IFORTH
( -- x ) ( S: x y z u v -- x y z u v )
Copy the element that is fifth from the top of the system stack to the data stack.
U3                                                                    IFORTH
( -- x ) ( S: x y z u v w -- x y z u v w )
Copy the element that is sixth from the top of the system stack to the data stack.
U<                  "u-less-than"                                     CORE
( u1 u2 -- flag )
flag is true if u1 is less than u2.
U<=                 "unsigned-less-equal"                             IFORTH
( u1 u2 -- flag )
flag is true if u1 is unsigned less then, or equal to u2.
U>                  "u-greater-than"                                  CORE EXT
( u1 u2 -- flag )
flag is true if u1 is greater than u2.
U>=                 "unsigned-greater-equal"                          IFORTH
( u1 u2 -- flag )
flag is true if u1 is unsigned greater then, or equal to u2.
U>D                 "u-to-d"                                          IFORTH
( u -- ud )
ud is the double number equivalent to u.
UD+c                "u-d-plus-c"                                      IFORTH
( d1 d2 carry1 -- d3 carry2 )
Adds two doubles, taking into count a previous carry1. The carry2 is 1 when the result d3 overflows, 0 elseway. Allowed values for carry1 are 0 or a value with the LSB set.
UD.                 "u-d-dot"                                         IFORTH
( ud -- )
Display ud in free field format.
UD.R                "u-d-dot-r"                                       IFORTH
( ud n -- )
Display ud right aligned in a field |n| characters wide. If the number of characters required to display ud is greater than |n|, all digits are displayed with no leading spaces in a field as wide as necessary. (In UD.R , R stands for RIGHT). When n is negative the fill character will be '0', not BL .
UD/MOD              "u-d-slashmod"                                    IFORTH
( ud1 ud2 -- udrem udquot )
UD/MOD divides two unsigned double numbers, the dividend and the divisor, resulting in a double quotient and a double remainder.
See also: M*/ UT/
UDEC.               "u-dec-dot"                                       IFORTH
( x -- )
Print x as an unsigned decimal number. The current number base is not changed.
UDFLOCAL            "d-f-local"                             C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. UDFLOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( F: -- )

The value is not initialized.

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- x )

Place x on the floating-point stack.
UDLOCAL             "ud-local"                              C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defines below. UDLOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( "name" -- ) ( D: -- d )

Place the double number d on the floating-point stack. The value of d is unspecified until the phrase d TO name is executed, causing d to be associated with name.
UFLOCAL             "uf-local"                              C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. UFLOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( F: -- )

The value is not initialized.

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- x )

Place x on the floating-point stack.
ULOCAL                                                      D         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. LOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> .

Execution: ( -- )

The value of name is *not* initialized.

Execution: ( "name" -- x )

Place x on the stack.
ULOCALS|                                                    C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. ULOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight.

Execution: ( "name" -- x )

Place x on the stack. The value of x is unspecified until the phrase x TO name is executed, causing x to be associated with name.
UM*                 "u-m-star"                                        CORE
( u1 u2 -- ud )
Multiply u1 by u2, giving the unsigned double-cell product ud. All values and arithmetic are unsigned.
UM*/                "u-m-star-slash"                                  IFORTH
( ud1 u1 u2 -- ud2 )
Multiply ud1 by u1 producing the triple-cell intermediate result t. Divide t by u2 giving the double-cell quotient ud2. An ambiguous condition exists if u2 is zero, or the quotient lies outside of the range of a double-precision integer.
UM+                 "u-m-plus"                                        IFORTH
( ud1 u -- ud2 )
Add u to ud1, giving the result ud2.
See also: U+cy UM- UD+c
UM-                 "u-m-minus"                                       IFORTH
( borrow n1 n2 -- d )
Subtract n2 from n1, taking the borrow (when LSB set) into account. Alternatively, this can be thought of as ( borrow n1 n2 -- n1-n2 borrow ), with borrow 0 or -1.
See also: UM+ UD+c
UM/MOD              "u-m-slash-mod"                                   CORE
( ud u1 -- u2 u3 )
Divide ud by u1, giving the quotient u3 and the remainder u2. All values and arithmetic are unsigned. An ambiguous condition exists if u1 is zero or if the quotient lies outside the range of a single-cell unsigned integer.
UMAX                "u-max"                                           IFORTH
( u1 u2 -- u )
u is the unsigned maximum of the numbers u1 and u2.
UMIN                "u-min"                                           IFORTH
( u1 u2 -- u )
u is the unsigned minimum of the numbers u1 and u2.
UNBUFFERED                                                            IFORTH
( fam1 -- fam2 )
fam1 is a file access method such as R/W R/O or W/O BIN . fam2 is a file access method with the same properties as fam1 but for which all buffering is turned off. This is necessary when, e.g., reading from a pipe or socket.
UNDER+              "under-plus"                                      IFORTH
( a b c -- a+c b )
Add TOS to the third on stack. Equivalent to ROT + SWAP .
UNLOOP                                                      C         CORE
( -- ) ( R: sys -- )
Discard the loop control parameters. The loop control parameters must have been available.
See also: LEAVE
UNNEXT                                                      C         IFORTH
( -- )
Discard the loop control parameter of a FOR NEXT loop. The control parameter must have been available.
See also: UNLOOP
UNTIL                                                       C         CORE
Compilation: ( dest -- )
Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition, resolving the backward reference dest.

Execution: ( x -- )

If all bits of x are zero, continue execution at the location specified by dest.
See also: BEGIN
UNTIL,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( addr -- )
Assemble a backward conditional branch to memory location addr. addr is the location marked by BEGIN, .

Execution: ( -- )

If flag is false, take the branch. Otherwise do not take the branch.
See also: BEGIN,
UNUSED                                                                CORE EXT
( -- u )
u is the amount of space remaining in the region addressed by HERE , in address units.
UP                  "u-p"                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of the table of user (and internal) variables.
See also:
UPDATE                                                                BLOCK
( -- )
Mark the current block buffer as modified. UPDATE does not immediately cause I/O. If there is no current block buffer, UPDATE does nothing. Other standard implementations can have an ambiguous condition if there is no current block buffer.
USE                                                                   IFORTH
( "file" -- )
Parse file delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Open file. Use the open file as the storage for blocks by storing the file identifier in the variable BLOCK-FID . The current file is closed before opening a new one is attempted.
USE-BLOCKS                                                            IFORTH
( c-addr u -- )
Open the file identified by c-addr and u. Use the open file as the storage for blocks by storing the file identifier in the variable BLOCK-FID . The current file is closed before opening a new one is attempted.
USER                                                        D         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Reserve one cell of memory at an aligned address in the so-called "user-area". Variables in the user-area are inherited by sub-processes. Modifying a variable from the user-variable space does not change the corresponding variable for either the parent (or any ancestors) or children (or any siblings). The application is responsible for initializing the contents of the reserved cell. The total number of user variables per process is limited to 64. name is referred to as a "user-variable".

Execution: ( -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of the reserved cell.
UT*                 "u-t-star"                                        IFORTH
( ulo uhi u -- utlo utmid uthi )
Unsigned multiplication of a double uhi:ulo with u, returning a triple result.
See also: MT* UT/
UT/                 "u-t-slash"                                       IFORTH
( utlo utmid uthi u -- ud )
Unsigned division of a triple length uthi:utmid:utlo by u, returning a double length result ud. Overflow is ignored.
See also: MT* UT*
V>HASH              "v-to-hash"                                       IFORTH
( vfa -- hfa )
hfa is address of the hash table of the vocabulary whose associated descriptor table has start address vfa.
VALUE                                                       D         CORE EXT
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. name is referred to as a "value".

Execution: ("name" -- x )

Place x on the stack. The value of x is unspecified until the phrase x TO name is executed, causing x to be associated with name.
VARIABLE                                                    D         CORE
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Reserve one cell of data space at an aligned address. name is referred to as a "variable."

Execution: ("name" -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of the reserved cell. The application is responsible for initializing the contents of the reserved cell.
VER                                                                   IFORTH
VER is an environment query.
VERBOSE?                                                              IFORTH
( -- addr )
An iForth variable; it's used by the kernel and some tools to modify the verbosity of the system. You can set it at runtime. Please note, this is set AtCold by the environment variable IFORTH_VERBOSE
See also: ENV-VALUE?
VFOREIGN                                                              IFORTH
( n*{u} n 'service -- )
Calls a dynamically linked "C" library routine at address 'service, with n unsigned arguments u. There is no result.
VISIBLE                                                               IFORTH
( dea -- )
Make the dictionary entry identified by dea visible again.
VOCABULARY                                                            IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Create a new wordlist and store the wordlist identifier with the new word. name is referred to as a "vocabulary".

Execution: ( "name" -- )

Make the above created wordlist the current wordlist.
W-LINK              "w-link"                                          IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of W-LINK . W-LINK contains the address of the associated data structure of the most recently defined wordlist. Each of the associated data structures contain a similar pointer to their predecessor, thus forming a list of all available wordlists. Note that by traversing this list all wordlists are found, even those that are not currently available via the search order.
W/O                 "w-o"                                             FILE
( -- x )
x is the implementation-dependent value for selecting the "write only" file access method.
WAIT?                                                                 IFORTH
( -- flag )
Check whether a key has been pressed on the keyboard. If no key has been pressed return false. If the ESC key has been pressed read that key from the input stream and discard it, then return true. Otherwise wait for another key to be pressed. If the ESC key has been pressed return true, otherwise return false. The above sequence pauses a program when a key is pressed and the program continues when a second key is read. If any of the keys is the ESC key then return true. This word can be used in a loop as follows:
          : do-it 100000 0 DO ... WAIT? IF LEAVE THEN ... LOOP ;

See also: BREAK?
WARNING                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of WARNING . WARNING contains a flag that is checked whenever a redefinition message is to be printed. If the flag is false, the message is not printed, otherwise the message is printed.
WHERE-I-AM                                                            IFORTH
( -- c-addr u )
This tells the MS-DOS iForth where its bin directory is. In the result '/' has been converted back to '\' so that a 'cd ' or 'dir ' can be done with it. This string is actually the zero-th command line parameter, so 0 'PARAM returns the same string, without the '/' conversion. Only useful for MS-DOS.
See also: 'PARAM
WHILE                                                       C         CORE
Compilation: ( dest -- orig dest )
Put the location of a new unresolved forward reference orig onto the control flow stack, under the existing dest. Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition. The semantics are incomplete until orig and dest are resolved (e.g., by REPEAT ).

Execution: ( x -- )

If all bits of x are zero, continue execution at the location specified by the resolution of orig.
WHILE,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- addr )
Place the value of the current code space pointer on the data stack. Assemble a conditional forward branch. The forward branch is to be resolved by REPEAT, .

Execution: ( -- )

If flag is false, take the branch. Otherwise do not take the branch.
See also: BEGIN, REPEAT,
WIN2K?                                                                IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Windows.
WIN95?                                                                IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Windows.
WIN98?                                                                IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Windows.
WINDOWS?                                                              IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Windows (any version).
WINME?                                                                IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Windows.
WINNT?                                                                IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Windows.
WINXP?                                                                IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Windows.
WITHIN                                                                CORE EXT
( n1|u1 n2|u2 n3|u3 -- flag )
flag is true if n1|u1 is less than n3|u3 and not less than n2|u2. All comparisons are performed in a circular number space. An ambiguous condition exists if n1|u1, n2|u2, and n3|u3 are not all the same type. Equivalent to: OVER - >R - R> U<
WORD                                                                  CORE
( char "ccc<char>" -- c-addr )
char is a single character delimiter. Parse characters ccc delimited by char, ignoring leading delimiters. An ambiguous condition exists if the length of the parsed string is greater than the implementation-defined length of a counted string. c-addr is the address of a transient region containing the parsed word as a counted string. If the current input stream was empty or contained no characters other than the delimiter, the resulting string has a zero count. A space, not included in the count, follows the string. Note: The requirement to follow the string with a space is obsolescent and is included as a concession to existing programs that use CONVERT . A standard program may not depend on the existence of the space.
WORDLIST                                                              SEARCH
( -- wid )
Creates a new empty word list, returning its word list identifier wid. The new word list is dynamically allocated in data space. Note that other ANS systems may create the new word list in another place.
WORDLISTS                                                             CORE
WORDLISTS is an environment query.
WORDS                                                                 TOOLKIT EXT
( -- )
List the word names in the first word list of the search order. The format of the display is implementation-dependent. iForth prints all words in as many columns as will fit on the screen. The display can be halted and restarted with any key not equal to the ESC key. Pressing ESC at any time will abort WORDS . The variable WORDS-DELAY controls scrolling speed.
WORDS-DELAY                                                           IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Contains the number of milliseconds to wait per line of output in WORDS WORDS: and WORDS?
See also: WORDS WORDS: and WORDS?
WORDS:                                                                IFORTH
( "substring" -- )
List those word names in the first word list of the search order that partly match name, a blank-delimited string that must be parsed off the current input stream. The format of the display is implementation-dependent, see WORDS . The string name is matched when it encompasses the substring. The search is case-insensitive. The variable WORDS-DELAY controls scrolling speed.
WORDS?                                                                IFORTH
( "name" -- )
List those word names in the first word list of the search order that match name, a blank-delimited string that must be parsed off the current input stream. The format of the display is implementation-dependent, see WORDS . The string name is matched exactly unless it contains any of the characters '*' or '?'. The '?' matches any character, the '*' matches any character string. Because a lot of Forth words contain '?' or '*' characters, this is not an ideal solution. The variable WORDS-DELAY controls scrolling speed.
WRITE-FILE                                                            FILE
( c-addr u1 fileid -- ior )
Write u1 characters from c-addr to the file identified by fileid starting at its current position. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code. At the conclusion of the operation, FILE-POSITION returns a value past the characters written to the file and FILE-SIZE returns a value greater than or equal to the value returned by FILE-POSITION . REPOSITION-FILE will let you move the file pointer behind the end of file marker. This is no error. As soon as a write operation is attempted, the file is made larger. The contents of the file between the previous end of file and the file pointer before the write are garbage. There is a portability problem with the end-of-line sequence if this word is used to write text files.
WRITE-LINE                                                            FILE
( c-addr u1 fileid -- ior )
Write u1 characters from c-addr followed by the implementation-dependent line terminator to the file identified by fileid starting at its current position. ior is the implementation-defined I/O result code. The iForth server translates a line feed ($0A) to the OS-dependent end of line sequence. See also $CR . Note that the Standard requires us to disclose this fact. You will need to know the end of line sequence only when using READ-FILE and WRITE-FILE for text. We do not recommend this practice. At the conclusion of the operation, FILE-POSITION returns a value past the characters written to the file and FILE-SIZE returns a value greater than or equal to the value returned by FILE-POSITION .
X:deferred                                                            FACILITY EXT
( -- TRUE TRUE )
X:deferred is an environment query.
X:defined                                                             FACILITY EXT
( -- TRUE TRUE )
X:defined is an environment query.
X:ekeys                                                               FACILITY EXT
( -- TRUE TRUE )
X:ekeys is an environment query.
X:extension-query                                                     FACILITY EXT
( -- TRUE TRUE )
X:extension-query is an environment query.
X:number-prefix                                                       FACILITY EXT
( -- TRUE TRUE )
X:number-prefix is an environment query.
X:parse-name                                                          FACILITY EXT
( -- TRUE TRUE )
X:parse-name is an environment query.
XCALL-used!                                                           IFORTH
( bool -- )
Use TRUE when the code generator should use a special call. At present (2008) this call is faster than a standard assembler CALL opcode.
See also: XCALL-used@
XCALL-used@                                                           IFORTH
( -- bool )
True when a special call is used. At present (2008) this call is faster than a standard assembler CALL opcode.
See also: XCALL-used!
XEXIT                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
De-initialize the assembler, e.g. fixup labels. Normally handled behind the scene.
XF!                 "x-f-store"                                       IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- ) ( F: r -- )
Store the floating-point number r as an 80-bit float number at a-addr1. Note that in other implementations of the ANS standard r may have more digits of precision or may be too large for representation as a 80-bit IEEE number, so rounding or overflow might occur.
See also: F!
XF!+                "x-f-store-plus"                                  IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: r -- )
Store the floating-point number r as a 80-bit IEEE extended precision number at a-addr1, and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2. Note that in other implementations of the ANS standard r may have more digits of precision or may be too large for representation as a 80-bit IEEE number, so rounding or overflow might occur.
See also: F!+
XF+!                "x-f-plus-store"                                  IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr -- )
Add the IEEE extended r to the extended float at a-addr.
See also: F+! XF+! DF+! SF+!
XF+!+               "x-f-plus-store-plus"                             IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the IEEE extended float r to the IEEE extended float at a-addr1 and leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2.
See also: F+!+ DF+!+ SF+!+
XF,                 "x-f-comma"                                       IFORTH
( -- ) ( F: r -- )
Reserve the size of a extended precision IEEE floating-point number in the data-space and store r in that space. An ambiguous condition exists if the address of the next available data space location is not aligned.
See also: F, SF, DF,
XF-!                "x-f-minus-store"                                 IFORTH
( F: r -- ) ( a-addr -- )
Subtracts the IEEE extended float r from the extended float at a-addr.
See also: F-! SF-! DF-!
XF0!                "x-f-zero-store"                                  IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Store the extended floating-point value 0E into the memory location starting at a-addr.
See also: F0! SF0! DF0!
XF@                 "x-f-fetch"                                       FLOAT EXT
( a-addr -- ) ( F: -- r )
Fetch the 80-bit IEEE extended precision number stored at a-addr to the floating-point stack as r in the internal representation. If the IEEE extended precision significand has more precision than the internal representation it will be rounded to the internal representation using the "round to nearest" rule.
See also: F@
XF@+                "x-f-fetch-plus"                                  IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) ( F: -- r )
Fetch the 80-bit IEEE number stored at a-addr1 to the floating-point stack as r in the internal representation. Also leave the incremented pointer as a-addr2.
See also: F@+
XFALIGN                                                               IFORTH
( -- )
If the address of the next available data space location is not aligned, reserve enough space to align it to a location which is suitable to hold a IEEE extended precision floating point number.
XFALIGNED                                                             IFORTH
( addr -- a-addr )
a-addr is the first aligned address greater than or equal to addr and which is suitable to reference a IEEE extended precision floating point number.
XFLOAT+             "x-float-plus"                                    FLOAT
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Add the size of an IEEE extended precision floating point number, specified in address units, to a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
XFLOAT-             "x-float-min"                                     IFORTH
( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 )
Subtract the size of an IEEE extended precision floating point number, specified in address units, from a-addr1, giving a-addr2.
XFLOATS             "x-floats"                                        FLOAT
( n1 -- n2 )
n2 is the size, in address units, of n1 IEEE extended precision floating point numbers.
XFLOAT[]                                                              IFORTH
( addr1 index -- addr2 )
Equivalent to XFLOATS + .
See also: []XFLOAT
XFPUSHD             "x-f-push-d"                                      IFORTH
( -- ud ) ( F: r -- )
Move a 64-bit item from the float to the parameter stack, in Intel format. To use in Forth add SWAP or use FPUSHD instead.
XFVALUE             "x-f-value"                             D         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. An XFVALUE has 80 bits of precision, like an XFVARIABLE. name is referred to as an "x-f-value".

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- r )

Place r on the floating-point stack. The value of r is unspecified until the phrase r TO name is executed, causing r to be associated with name.
XFVARIABLE          "x-f-variable"                          D         IFORTH
( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Reserve 1 XFLOATS address units of data space at an aligned address (64 bits of precision). name is referred to as an "x-f-variable."

Execution: ( "name" -- a-addr )

a-addr is the address of the data space reserved by XFVARIABLE when it created name. The application is responsible for initializing the contents of the reserved space.
XINIT                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )
Initialize the assembler. Normally handled behind the scene.
XLINUX?                                                               IFORTH
( -- bool )
TRUE if this is iForth for Linux and is running under X.
XOR                 "x-or"                                            CORE
( x1 x2 -- x3 )
x3 is the bit-by-bit exclusive-or of x1 with x2.
Z"                  "z-quote"                                         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "ccc<">" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by " (double quote). Append the execution semantics given below to the current definition.

Execution: ( -- c-addr u )

Return c-addr and u that describe a string consisting of the characters ccc.

Interpretation: ( "ccc<">" -- c-addr u )

Parse characters ccc delimited by " (double quote). Store the resulting string at a temporary location described by c-addr and u. The maximum length of the temporary buffer is 255 characters but other implementations of the standard may limit this to 80 characters. A standard program may not alter the returned string. The difference with S" is that there is a 0 character appended to the returned string. The 0 is not included in the string count. These strings intention are unfortunately necessary to communicate with the WIN32 and X GUIs.
See also: S" S~
Z#LOCAL             "z-sharp-local"                         C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. Z#LOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( z#: r -- )

Initialize name with the floating-point value z# = r.

Execution: ( -- ) ( z#: -- r )

Place r on the arbitrary floating-point stack.
Z#LOCALS|           "z-sharp-locals"                        C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. Z#LOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight.

Execution: ( z#: -- z )

Place the complex number z on the arbitrary precision z-stack. The value of z is unspecified until the phrase z TO name is executed, causing z to be associated with name.
ZLOCAL              "z-local"                               C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Create a temporary dictionary entry for name with the execution semantics defined below. ZLOCAL can only be used inside a definition. name remains in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; DOES> or ;CODE .

Execution: ( F: r1 r2 -- )

Initialize name with the floating-point value z = (r1,r2).

Execution: ( -- ) ( F: -- r1 r2 )

Place z on the arbitrary precision z-stack.
ZLOCALS|                                                    C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "name"*n "|" -- )
Parse names delimited by a blank, ignoring leading delimiters. The list of names is terminated by a '|' (bar). Create a temporary dictionary entry for each name with the execution semantics defined below. ZLOCALS| can only be used inside a definition. The names remain in the dictionary until the current definition is finished with ; ;CODE or DOES> . iForth accepts an unlimited number of names. The ANS standard requires a minimum of eight.

Execution: ( F: -- r1 r2 )

Place the complex number z = (r1,r2) on the stack. The value of z is unspecified until the phrase z TO name is executed, causing z to be associated with name.
[                   "left-bracket"                          C         CORE
( -- )
Enter interpretation state. [ is an immediate word. Use of this word in interpret state is an error. Typical use: : X ... [ 4321 ] LITERAL ... ;
See also: ]
[']                 "bracket-tick"                          C         CORE
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Find name. Compile name's execution token as a literal. An ambiguous condition exists if name is not found in the search order or if name is a standard word with the C attribute.

Execution: ( -- xt )

Place name's execution token xt on the stack.
See also: '
[32]fil,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FILD dword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[32]fist,                                                             IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FISTP dword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[32]fld,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- a )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDP dword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[32]fst,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSTP word ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[64]fil,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FILD qword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[64]fist,                                                             IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FISTP qword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[64]fld,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- a )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDP dword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[64]fst,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSTP qword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[80]fld,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- a )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDP tword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[80]fst,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSTP tword ptr [EAX/RAX] opcode.
[CHAR]              "bracket-char"                          C         CORE
Compilation: ( "ccc< >" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Compile char, the integer value of the first character of ccc, as a literal.

Execution: ( -- char )

Place char on the stack.
[COMPILE]           "bracket-compile"                       C         CORE EXT
Compilation: ( "name" -- )
Parse name delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. If name has default compilation semantics, append the execution semantics of name to the current definition; otherwise append the compilation semantics of name. An ambiguous condition exists if name is not found.
[CTRL]                                                      C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( "ccc" -- )
Parse characters ccc delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. Compile char, the lower 5 bits of the integer value of the first character of ccc, as a literal. e.g. [CTRL] E gives 5 which is also ^E.

Execution: ( -- char )

Place char on the stack.
[DEFINED]                                                   I         IFORTH
( "ccc" -- bool )
Parse word ccc delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. When ccc is a valid Forth word, leave a TRUE on the data stack.
[ELSE]              "bracket-else"                                    TOOLKIT-EXT
( -- )
Parse and discard blank-delimited words from the input stream, ignoring leading delimiters, until the word [THEN] has been parsed and discarded. If the input stream is exhausted while parsing words, it is refilled as with REFILL . Nested occurrences of [IF] ... [THEN] or [IF] ... [ELSE] ... [THEN] are discarded. This word is immediate.
[IF]                "bracket-if"                                      TOOLKIT-EXT
( flag -- )
If the flag is true, do nothing. Otherwise parse and discard blank-delimited words from the input stream, ignoring leading delimiters, until either the word [ELSE] or the word [THEN] has been parsed and discarded. If the input stream is exhausted while parsing words, it is refilled as with REFILL . Nested occurrences of [IF] ... [THEN] or [IF] ... [ELSE] ... [THEN] are discarded. An ambiguous condition exists when [IF] is POSTPONEd, or if the end of the input stream is reached and cannot be refilled before the terminating [ELSE] or [THEN] is parsed. This word is immediate.
[THEN]              "bracket-then"                                    TOOLKIT-EXT
( -- )
Terminates an [IF] construction. This word itself does nothing. This word is immediate.
See also: [IF] [ELSE]
[UNDEFINED]                                                 I         IFORTH
( "ccc" -- bool )
Parse word ccc delimited by a space, ignoring leading delimiters. When ccc is not a valid Forth word, leave a TRUE on the data stack.
See also: [DEFINED] [VOID] [IF] [THEN] [ELSE]
[VOID]                                                      I         IFORTH
( -- FALSE )
Always leaves FALSE .
[XCOMPILE]                                                            IFORTH
( -- )
Undocumented experimental word.
See also: :FAST FAST; FI/FO I/O
[]CELL              "cell-array"                                      IFORTH
( u a-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
c-addr2 is the address that has an offset of u cells into the cell array at a-addr1.
[]DFLOAT            "dfloat-array"                                    IFORTH
( index addr1 -- addr2 )
Equivalent to SWAP DFLOATS + .
[]DOUBLE            "double-array"                                    IFORTH
( u a-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
c-addr2 is the address that has an offset of u double cells into the double cell array at a-addr1.
[]FLOAT             "float-array"                                     IFORTH
( u a-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
c-addr2 is the address that has an offset of u floating point number elements into the floating-point array at a-addr1.
[]SFLOAT            "sfloat-array"                                    IFORTH
( u a-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
c-addr2 is the address that has an offset of u floating point number elements into the single-precision floating-point array at a-addr1.
[]XFLOAT            "x-float-array"                                   IFORTH
( u a-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
c-addr2 is the address that has an offset of u floating point number elements into the extended-precision floating-point array at a-addr1.
\                   "backslash"                                       CORE EXT, BLOCK EXT, FILE EXT
( "ccc<eol>" -- )
Ignore the remainder of the current input stream. When BLK contains zero, ignore the remainder of the current input stream; otherwise ignore the portion of the current input stream corresponding to the remainder of the current line. When SOURCE-FILE contains zero, ignore the remainder of the current input stream; otherwise ignore the remainder of the current line.
]                   "right-bracket"                                   CORE
( -- )
Enter compilation state.
See also: [
]OF                                                         C         IFORTH
( -- )
Tests for a flag, derived from the selector, not merely for equality. If the branch is taken the selector is dropped. Example of use: CASE x 1 OF ." 1 " ENDOF DUP 9 19 WITHIN ]OF ." 9 .. 19 " ENDOF 3333 OF ." 3333 " ENDOF ." huh?" ENDCASE
^!                                                                    IFORTH
( n addr -- )
Xor n with the value at addr and store the result there.
See also: +! |! -!
_EMIT               "underscore-emit"                                 IFORTH
( char -- )
Send char to the host, using the boot link. The boot link is acquired first.
_EMIT?              "underscore-emit-query"                           IFORTH
( -- bool )
Test if a char can be sent to the host, using the boot link. The boot link is acquired first and released after the test.
_KEY                                                                  IFORTH
( -- c )
Read a character from the link. If a character is not available yet, the current process is suspended for a fraction of a second and the operation is repeated until a character is available. This is the primitive for EKEY .
_KEY?                                                                 IFORTH
( -- bool )
Test if a character is available on the link. If a character is not available yet, return false, else return true. This is the primitive for EKEY? .
_PenX                                                                 IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable ( 1 FLOATS wide) in graphics/text context. Typically overruled in miscutuil.frt
See also: _PenY
_PenY                                                                 IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable ( 1 FLOATS wide) in graphics/text context. Typically overruled in miscutuil.frt
See also: _PenX
_RX                                                                   IFORTH
( -- c )
Read a byte from the link. If a byte is not available yet, the current process is suspended for a fraction of a second and the operation is repeated until a byte is available.
_RX$                                                                  IFORTH
( c-addr u -- c-addr' u' )
Read a string from the link and place it in the buffer described by c-addr and u. This word assumes it owns the link, so it is not fit for use in a multi-process environment.
_RXW                                                                  IFORTH
( -- w )
Read a word from the link. This word assumes it owns the boot link, so it is not fit for use in a multi-process environment.
_TX                                                                   IFORTH
( b -- )
Write a byte to the link. This word assumes it owns the link, so it is not fit for use in a multi-process environment. Note that the server does not automatically know what to do with the item you sent it.
_TX$                                                                  IFORTH
( c-addr u -- )
Write a string from the buffer described by c-addr and u to the link. This word assumes it owns the link, so it is not fit for use in a multi-process environment. Note that the server does not automatically know what to do with the item you sent it.
_TXW                                                                  IFORTH
( w -- )
Write a word to the link. This word assumes it owns the link, so it is not fit for use in a multi-process environment. Note that the server does not automatically know what to do with the item you sent it.
_TYPE                                                                 IFORTH
( c-addr u -- )
Write a string to the link, with the intention to display it on the current output device. This word assumes it owns the link, so it is not fit for use in a multi-process environment.
__debug__                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
A variable to turn optimizer messages on and off. Normally off.
See also: __fpustack__ __verbose__ __listing__ .pstack __rstackdump__
__fpustack__                                                          IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
A variable that turns on the line listing and PC dump in case the optimizer finds that the FPU stack will become too deep. Normally on. iForth will not fix this problem and the user should examine and fix this problem by rewriting the expression(s).
See also: __verbose__ __debug__ .pstack __rstackdump__
__listing__                                                           IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
A variable that turns on the line listing and PC dump in case the optimizer runs out of registers. Normally off.
See also: __fpustack__ __verbose__ __debug__ .pstack __rstackdump__
__rstackdump__                                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
A variable to turn on the return stack dump in the top-level THROW. Normally ON.
See also: __fpustack__ __verbose__ __listing__ .pstack __debug__
__tokdmp__                                                            IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
A variable that controls the verbosity of the optimizer messages turned on with __verbose__. Normally off. When ON, the tokens of inlined words are dumped to the terminal output device.
See also: __fpustack__ __verbose__ __listing__ __rstackdump__ __debug__
__verbose__                                                           IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
A variable that controls the verbosity of the optimizer messages turned on with __debug__. Normally off.
See also: __fpustack__ __debug__ __listing__ .pstack
_align_                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
The address of an 8 byte table that controls the compiler's alignment use, depending also on the value in _calign_ . The shown alignment values are optimal for AMD Athlon class CPUs and might well be detrimental on other machines. On older Pentiums better alignment values might be 0 or 4. Byte #8, the alignment of colon definitions and CODE , is absolutely critical for some architectures. For AMD's Athlon a slowndown of a factor four is possible on selected code when this byte is set to 0 (An I/D cache consistency probem). The result of setting byte #5 to 16 are sometimes useful, sometimes not. Setting _align_ values only says what the alignment value should be, when it is selected. The selection process itself is controlled by setting bits in _calign_ . This array is normally adjusted in ./iforth.prf.
     Byte0: alignment for BEGIN , normally 16.
Byte1: alignment for ELSE , normally 16.
Byte2: alignment for ENDIF , normally 16.
Byte3: alignment for AHEAD , normally 0. Do NOT change.
Byte4: alignment for IF , normally 0.
Byte5: alignment for UNTIL , normally 0.
Byte6: alignment for AGAIN , normally 0.
Byte7: alignment of colon and CODE definitions, normally 4 (4*16=64 bytes).

See also: _calign_
_calign_                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
The address of a variable that controls the compiler's alignment usage, operating together with the values in the _align_ array. The variable holds a bit array to control which alignment is used for 7 flow control constructs. This variable is normally set in ./iforth.prf.
     Bit0: alignment for BEGIN , normally ON.
Bit1: alignment for ELSE , normally OFF.
Bit2: alignment for ENDIF , normally ON.
Bit3: alignment for AHEAD , OFF.
Bit4: alignment for IF , normally OFF.
Bit5: alignment for UNTIL , normally OFF.
Bit6: alignment for AGAIN , normally OFF.

See also: _align_
_fontix                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics/text context. Can be hidden.
See also: _fontptr
_fontptr                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics/text context. Can be hidden.
See also: _fontix
_pcolor                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics/text context. Can be hidden.
See also: _penstyle _penwidth _umode _upen
_penstyle                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics/text context. Can be hidden.
See also: _pcolor _penwidth _umode _upen
_penwidth                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics/text context. Can be hidden.
See also: _penstyle _pcolor _umode _upen
_umode                                                                IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics.frt. Can be hidden.
See also: _penstyle _penwidth _pcolor _upen
_upen                                                                 IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics.frt. Can be hidden.
See also: _penstyle _penwidth _umode _pcolor
cmd_F#LOCAL                                                           IFORTH
( -- addr )
The address of the code that processes F#LOCAL to-messages. Must be initialized by the mpfr library driver.
cmd_Z#LOCAL                                                           IFORTH
( -- addr )
The address of the code that processes Z#LOCAL to-messages. Must be initialized by the mpfr library driver.
currentfile$                                                          IFORTH
( -- addr )
The address of a counted string containing the name of the last top-level INCLUDED file. Note that INCLUDE uses INCLUDED . The name is exactly what the user specified and does not necessarily show a fully-qualified path. "top-level" means that the user specified name is only stored when FLEVEL is 0, e.g. when the terminal input device is not a file. This feature is used in several utilities from ./include/os.frt (EDIT IN). Note that currentfile$ complements whatname .
See also: INCLUDED whatname
cy,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that tells IF, UNTIL, et al to generate a conditional jump based on the processor carry flag being TRUE.
dDO                                                         C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( -- dodest )

Execution: ( n1 n2 -- ) ( R: -- sys )

Like DO , but for non-wrapping +LOOPd .
See also: +LOOPd
diff0                                                                 IFORTH
( -- addr )
This variable holds the time difference (in ms) between TIMER-RESET or TIMER-PRESET and the words like MS? and .ELAPSED .
doWORDS                                                               IFORTH
( xt -- count-of-matched-entries )
The wordlist traversing factor of WORDS WORDS: and WORDS? Supply the xt of a word that can filter ( addr -- bool ) where addr is the address of a counted string (name of the next word in the list). For example, to realize a clone of WORDS that only prints short words you can do: : SWORDS-XT ( addr -- bool ) C@ 3 < ; ' SWORDS-XT doWORDS DROP .
f2poprev,                                                             IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( F: -- ) ( internal F: a --- a c b )

Assembler macro to pop two numbers from the external FP stack to the FPU, in reversed order. Assumes the top of the FP stack is cached.
See also: f2pop,
fabs,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( F: -- ) ( internal F: a --- a' )

Assembler macro that generates the code for FABS .
fadd,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- c )

Assembler macro that generates code that will add the two numbers on the internal floating-point stack during run-time.
false,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that tells IF, UNTIL, et al to generate a conditional jump that will be never taken.
fchs,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- b )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FCHS instruction (change sign).
fcompp,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FCOMPP instruction (compare the top two numbers on the fp stack and remove them).
fcos,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- b )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FCOS instruction (cosine).
fdiv,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- c )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FDIV instruction (divide the top two numbers on the fp stack, c = a / b ).
fdivr,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- c )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FDIVR instruction (divide the top two numbers on the fp stack, c = b / a ).
fdropTOS,                                                             IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Assembler macro that generates code to drop the top number on the external fp stack. The internal FPU TOS is NOT reloaded. For use with external libraries, FOREIGN , CALLBACK etc.
finit,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: i*r --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FINIT instruction.
fkey1                                                                 IFORTH
( -- )

fld1,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- 1.0e )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLD1 instruction.
fldl2e,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- log_2(e) )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDL2E instruction.
fldl2t,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- log_2(10) )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDL2T instruction.
fldlg2,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- log_10(2) )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDLG2 instruction.
fldln2,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- log_e(2) )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDLN2 instruction.
fldpi,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- pi )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDPI instruction.
fldz,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- 0.0e )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FLDZ instruction.
fmul,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- c )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FMUL instruction (multiply the top two numbers on the fp stack, c = a * b ).
fnclex,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FNCLEX instruction (clear exception flags).
font.Pitch&Family                                                     IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Reserved.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.charset font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.charset                                                          IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Reserved.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.height font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.clipprecis                                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Reserved.
See also: font.charset font.escapement font.height font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.escapement                                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Sets text slant in 0.1 of a dregree (normally negative).
See also: font.clipprecis font.charset font.height font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.height                                                           IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Sets font height in pixels.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.italic?                                                          IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Sets italics.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.charset font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.name                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Contains pointer to font name.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.charset font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.namelen                                                          IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Contains length of font name in CHARs.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.charset font.orientation font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.orientation                                                      IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Reserved.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.charset font.outprecis font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.outprecis                                                        IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Reserved.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.charset font.Pitch&Family font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.quality                                                          IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Reserved.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.charset font.charset font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.strikeout?                                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Produces strike-out effect.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.charset font.quality font.charset font.underline? font.weight font.width
font.underline?                                                       IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Produces underlined characters.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.charset font.quality font.strikeout? font.charset font.weight font.width
font.weight                                                           IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Sets font boldness (400 is normal, 700 is bold).
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.charset font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.charset font.width
font.width                                                            IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable for graphics context font rendering. Sets width of font in pixels.
See also: font.clipprecis font.escapement font.charset font.italic? font.name font.namelen font.orientation font.outprecis font.charset font.quality font.strikeout? font.underline? font.weight font.charset
fpatan,                                                               IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- c )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FPATAN instruction (c = arctangent(a) / b).
fpop,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( external F: b --- ) ( internal F: a --- b a )

Assembler macro that generates code that will pop the topmost number from the external floating-point stack and push it on the internal fp-stack. Assumes FTOS cached.
See also: fget,
fpopTOS,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Assembler macro that generates code to pop the external FPU stack to the internal FPU TOS. Although iForth caches the FPU TOS the old TOS is not saved (it is assumed invalid). For use with external libraries, FOREIGN , CALLBACK etc.
fpopswap,                                                             IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( external F: b --- ) ( internal F: a --- a b )

Assembler macro that generates code that will pop the topmost number from the external floating-point stack and push it on the internal fp-stack. Reverses the order. Assumes the top of the FP stack cached.
See also: fget, fpop,
fptan,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- tan(a) 1.0e )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FPTAN instruction.
fpush,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( external F: --- a ) ( internal F: a --- )

Assembler macro that generates code that will pop the topmost number from the internal floating-point stack and push it on the external fp-stack.
See also: fput,
fpushTOS,                                                             IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Assembler macro that generates code to push the internal FPU stack to the external FPU stack. Although iForth caches the FPU TOS the FPU TOS is not adjusted. For use with external libraries, FOREIGN , CALLBACK etc.
frndint,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- b )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FRNDINT instruction.
fsin,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- b )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSIN instruction (sine).
fsincos,                                                              IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- b c )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSINCOS instruction (simultaneous sine and cosine generation).
fsqr,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- a^2 )

Assembler macro to square FPU TOS.
fsqrt,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- b )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSQRT instruction.
fsub,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- c )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSUB instruction ( c = a - b ).
fsubr,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a b --- c )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FSUBR instruction ( c = b - a ).
ftst,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: a --- a )

Assembler macro that generates code for the FTST instruction ( compare top of stack to 0.0e0 ).
gbase                                                                 IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in text context. Reserved.
See also: ?shadow oldcolors
logfile                                                               IFORTH
( -- c-addr )
Returns the address of a counted string buffer. The string at this address is the name of iForth's log file. The default name used is "forth.log". Change this with S" foobar.log" logfile PACK DROP . The buffer has room for 127 characters and a count.
lpop,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Add a small code sequence to the code space which has the execution semantics defined below.

Execution: ( -- ) ( L: aa -- )

Pop a value from the locals stack and place the value in the EBX/RBX register.
lpush,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Add a small code sequence to the code space which has the execution semantics defined below.

Execution: ( -- ) ( L: -- a )

Push the value of the EBX/RBX register onto the locals stack.
n.ELAPSED                                                             IFORTH
( u -- )
Assumes u is an elapsed time in milliseconds and prints the corresponding string followed by " seconds elapsed". There is no final colon.
See also: (.T0) .MS n.ELAPSED
ncy,                                                                  IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that tells IF, UNTIL, et al to generate a conditional jump based on the processor carry flag being FALSE.
nov,                                                                  IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that tells IF, UNTIL, et al to generate a conditional jump based on the processor flags indicating no integer overflow.
oldcolors                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in text context. Reserved.
See also: gbase ?shadow
ov,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that tells IF, UNTIL, et al to generate a conditional jump based on the processor flags indicating integer overflow.
parse-hook                                                            IFORTH
( -- )
A user-variable that contains the address of a routine that is executed by PARSE with a stack-diagram ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ). The hook is intended to be used to implement a macro facility, see ./include/subst.frt .
See also: PARSE
pe,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that tells IF, UNTIL, et al to generate a conditional jump based on the processor flags indicating that the byte in the AL register has even parity.
po,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )

Execution: ( internal F: --- )

Assembler macro that tells IF, UNTIL, et al to generate a conditional jump based on the processor flags indicating that the byte in the AL register has odd parity.
pr0                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the user area of the first scratch register.
pr1                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the user area of the second scratch register.
pr2                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the user area of the third scratch register.
pr3                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
( -- offset )
offset is the offset in the user area of the fourth scratch register.
resetwhat                                                             IFORTH
Set FALSE before calling INCLUDED or INCLUDE-FILE . If it is true afterwards, a user THROW routine may consult the string at whatname for the name of the file that caused the exception (note that files can be nested, so this is not necessarily the name of the file passed to INCLUDE)
rpop,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Add a small code sequence to the code space which has the execution semantics defined below.

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: aa -- )

Pop a value from the return stack and place the value into the EBX/RBX register.
rpush,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Add a small code sequence to the code space which has the execution semantics defined below.

Execution: ( -- ) ( R: -- a )

Push the value of the EBX/RBX register onto the return stack.
spop,                                                                 IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Add a small code sequence to the code space which has the execution semantics defined below.

Execution: ( -- ) ( S: aa -- )

Pop a value from the system stack and place the value into the EBX/RBX register.
spush,                                                                IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Add a small code sequence to the code space which has the execution semantics defined below.

Execution: ( -- ) ( S: -- a )

Push the value of the EBX/RBX register onto the system stack.
task#size                                                             IFORTH
( -- u )
A constant describing the size of a thread data area. The needed size is 2^task#size bytes.
text.bg                                                               IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
a-addr is the address of a variable that holds the text background color and/or attribute used when scrolling or clearing the screen. The default value stored here is 7. Storing arbitrary values in text.bg may result in an invisible cursor.
ticks/ms                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
On some operating systems, a-addr is the address of a variable that holds a special value after the execution of ?MS .
See also: useconds
timer0                                                                IFORTH
( -- addr )
This variable holds the time (in ms) that TIMER-RESET was executed last.
timer0-held                                                           IFORTH
( -- addr )
This variable holds the time (in ms) that TIMER-HOLD was executed last.
u<,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "U<" result.
u<=,                                                                  IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "U<=" result.
u>,                                                                   IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "U>" result.
u>=,                                                                  IFORTH-ASSEMBLER
Assembling: ( -- )
Signals a following conditional jump mechanism like IF, or UNTIL, that the processor flags should be inspected for "U>=" result.
uDO                                                         C         IFORTH
Compilation: ( -- dodest )

Execution: ( n1 n2 -- ) ( R: -- sys )

Like DO , but for non-wrapping, up counting, +LOOPu .
See also: +LOOPu
useconds                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
On some operating systems, a-addr is the address of a variable that holds a special value after the execution of ?MS .
See also: ticks/ms
whatline#                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
If iForth encounters an error when interpreting a source file, the line number where the error occurred is stored in a-addr. This is for the convenience of editing utilities.
See also: whatname whatpos#
whatname                                                              IFORTH
( -- c-addr )
If iForth encounters an error when interpreting a source file, the name of the disk file causing the problem is stored as a counted string at c-addr. This is for the convenience of editing utilities.
See also: whatline# whatpos#
whatpos#                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
If iForth encounters an error when interpreting a source file, the offset into the line that caused the trouble is stored in a-addr. This is for the convenience of editing utilities.
See also: whatname whatline#
win.xdif                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics context. Reserved.
See also: win.xleft win.xright win.ybot win.ydif win.ytop
win.xleft                                                             IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics context. Reserved.
See also: win.xdif win.xright win.ybot win.ydif win.ytop
win.xright                                                            IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics context. Reserved.
See also: win.xdif win.xleft win.ybot win.ydif win.ytop
win.ybot                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics context. Reserved.
See also: win.xleft win.xright win.xdif win.ydif win.ytop
win.ydif                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics context. Reserved.
See also: win.xleft win.xright win.ybot win.xdif win.ytop
win.ytop                                                              IFORTH
( -- a-addr )
Internal USER variable in graphics context. Reserved.
See also: win.xleft win.xright win.ybot win.ydif win.xdif
|!                                                                    IFORTH
( n addr -- )
Or n with the value at addr and store the result there.
See also: +! ^! -!
|>                                                                    IFORTH
( -- )
Unlock the console using the device specific semaphore defined in the device control block.
See also: SET-IODEVICE |>
}ASM                                                                  IFORTH
( -- )
Switch back from the ASSEMBLER vocabulary, in interpretative mode, to the regular Forth compiler. By default the compiler assumes empty stacks when the word }ASM executes. You can use IN/OUT and ADJUST-STACK to modify this. See the entry of Saturday, December 30, 2000, 12:52 AM in the ./bugs.txt file for more information.
~MS                                                                   IFORTH
( u -- )
Wait u milliseconds. This word executes PAUSE to give other processes a chance to run. Therefore it can be (very) inaccurate.
See also: MS FORTH-PROCESS PAUSE STOP RUN Please note, the round robin scheduler has been removed from the default iForth kernels, in almost all cases you should use the threading module instead.